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Diablo III: Reaper of Souls |OT2| Enchantress: Look! More hidden loot!

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Man, today was the first great day I've had with the game loot-wise in forever. Most of the day was spent still not getting any of the items I'm trying to get on my DH, but I did finally after a ton of tries get the + Damage % roll on my Kridershot to +10%. Then I decided to play on my Monk for a while to see if I could maybe get some endgame weapons or a lightning SoJ for her since those are the only major upgrades she needs (since most Monk slots are crafted usually). I didn't get any of that stuff, but I did get a lot of potentially good stuff. I got the lightning Monk set pants and chest both with potentially good rolls for later if that set is actually buffed properly, as well as a potentially good Innas chest. Then I got this baller Vaxo (still trying to get the lightning damage higher):


And while I didn't get a lightning SoJ, I did get a pretty good Holy one (but not with a good random primary, so I can't just re-roll the elemental) as well as a really really good Int Fire one. I have no why I got a Wizard Fire SoJ on my Monk, but that will be baller if I ever actually get a Mirrorball for her and go fire there. Then I was using the shards I was getting on my Monk to gamble for DH shoulders and finally got a halfway decent Mara Shoulders to replace the crap ones I got before:


Still not ideal (couldn't roll AR because of the secondary resist), but still way better than the ones I had before, so I'll take it. I also got a really well-rolled Shadow pants for if they do a good buff to those as well. Apparently my problem all along was I just need to play a different class and just gamble for shit on my main >_>. Going to keep at it tomorrow, if I can craft a better Aughild's chest for my Monk and get a lightning SoJ and/or a Shard of Hate/Odyn Son/Thunderfury I will be in a pretty good place with her.


So my WD dinged 70 today and is already clearing Torment I rifts solo with no problem. My partner helped me put together a cold build taking advantage of a cold SoJ and Reaper's Wraps. Built this way, you can throw down piranhas, spam Spirit Barrage and Haunt all day long without ever running out of mana. It's the most fun I've had in this game outside of lightning Monk and the damage is awesome.

Leg buff week has been great as I got to finish my Jade and Zuni sets. Seriously this should be the normal rate that legendaries drop at!
Found another Gyrfalcon but this time with a socket so I rolled the damage up. Pretty much the same damage as my other except I get 700-something vit which is handy.

Also got a nice lightning haunt of vaxo and a thundergod's vigor in the same map. Would have been sweet a few weeks ago with a shard of hate lol. Might try out a lightning crusader build with Darklight now


Found a Fate of the Fell AND a Blade's Prophecy. Still no Foote.

They're a bit above 2500. Should I switch? I believe the Condemn build is dead now, so that leaves FoH?
Conpleted Jade Harvester set :) still getting use to it because it demends lots of attention and certain sequance to maximize the damage.
Currently look doing lots of Act 1 Bounties to get a good RRoG, I'm wearing a strength one :/


Thunderfury is one of the best weapons in the game, period, regardless of build. The effect has a high proc rate and does a lot of damage that isn't reflected in the "weapon dps" stat. The move/attack slowdown is also extremely valuable. Take the Thunderfury you have and replace the resource reduction with 10% damage. The only arguably better weapon for Wizards is Wand of Woh, an extremely rare drop. There are a couple of other weapons with interesting effects, like the extra hydra wand, but we'll ignore them for now.

Thanks so much to all who responded. What's proc rate? I see people mentioning the term but I have no idea what proc means.


well just got my vyr boots. that all 4 pieces even w/o RROG. awww yiss.

Might be time to move on to a new guy for a bit. fuck if im ever seeing a wand of woh. though i still need a soj which apparently wont drop for me at all.
Well thats me done until Thursday. Going away for work.

Unfortunately didn't get any of the 5 items on my current DH wishlist but got a rather nice Dawn bow(which won't roll a socket for me), my first Marauder piece(helm) and the Quiver that allows 2 extra sentries. Not using any of them at this stage but nice to add to the stash.



Thanks :)

I have done a lot of testing with the Sever and basically compared the damage with every other weapon I have found so far including the Thunderfury and I still do a lot less damage with anything else. I don't see what makes the Thunderfury so good. It simply just doesn't do as much damage for my wizard. I have been stuck with the Sever for an eternity now. Why is that?
Sever isn't actually doing more damage. On a killing blow it makes it look like a critical hit x1000

Unless of course your Sever DPS is higher than everything else you've used.


Sever isn't actually doing more damage. On a killing blow it makes it look like a critical hit x1000

Unless of course your Sever DPS is higher than everything else you've used.

I have staves that have more DPS than my Sever but when I test them they still do less damage.


So been away from the game for about a month, from what i see the major changes are

- Class updates, nothing too game changing cept for the crusader

- T2 is now the most viable for rift farming, normal still for keystones

- Kadala doesnt suck as much

Did i miss anything??


Played my crusader some yesterday. I thought my lighting build was going to suck now but I was still mowing down t1 no problem. Of course when I ran out of resource it slowed down to a crawl. Going to have to swap out my law for shield glare or something I think.

Surprisingly I left all my passives alone and still liked them.


Sever isn't actually doing more damage. On a killing blow it makes it look like a critical hit x1000

Unless of course your Sever DPS is higher than everything else you've used.

Question, does Sever work in harmony with Aera damage? I would guess it doesn't which makes it prety much useless but hey, you never know (I have a 2450 dps Sever stocked somewhere)

Also I'm forever stuck in T3 hell. I'ts prety easy. I can do T4 but it's slow and I keep getting killed QQ
Question, does Sever work in harmony with Aera damage? I would guess it doesn't which makes it prety much useless but hey, you never know (I have a 2450 dps Sever stocked somewhere)

Also I'm forever stuck in T3 hell. I'ts prety easy. I can do T4 but it's slow and I keep getting killed QQ

Its completely superfluous

Well, after being jelly for like 3 days total I booted up the game for a quick public rift and I finally got a Fate of the Fell

Not top tier damage but it got cooldown reduction which is pretty sweet. No generator here build here I come


Now that I have a lvl 70 Crusader I can say that Monks are REALLY underpowered in this game. My recently 70 kills faster than the monk I played for a long time. Sad.
The drop rate has done nothing but increase intake of forgotten souls. Unfortunately since everything of mine always comes from Kadala, I'm not expecting to get much out of this.


So been away from the game for about a month, from what i see the major changes are

- Class updates, nothing too game changing cept for the crusader

- T2 is now the most viable for rift farming, normal still for keystones

- Kadala doesnt suck as much

Did i miss anything??
T2 is best for split bounty farming not for farming Rifts. You farm the Rift difficulty that you can do under 10 minutes on average.

Kadala has the same rates as before but now she gives Torment Legendaries and sets which allows you to get to end game quicker. The Legendaries that have a 1-2% drop chance are still hard as hell to find.

A lot more changes were made especially quality of life changes. You get more shards at high difficulties, unsocketing prices are much lower, you no longer need white items to craft and they freeze during opening inventory doesn't happen anymore.


I have done well with the drops for this. Would not mind it staying at this rate because that way I can likely get decent(T3) on all the classes in a reasonable amount of time.

My WD getting pretty ridic tho. My fetishes are bopping elites for 13M and the dog for 20-22M.


Found another Gyrfalcon but this time with a socket so I rolled the damage up. Pretty much the same damage as my other except I get 700-something vit which is handy.

Ah! kadala please give me one already.

I was gambling for 1H the other night and she gave me an Odyn Son with no socket or strength :(


Witch Doctor is no joke. Rolled one because my monk is stuck at T3 and let me tell ya. not even lvl 70 yet and I'm plowing down mobs and elites faster than I ever could with my monk. Granted, i'm not at torment level yet (running mostly yellows) but It's not far of. I'm not even doing a super specific build, just trying to have as many pets around as possible because I found a Mask of Jeram (lvl 51) with 75% pet damage.

So, what gear should I go hunt for next? I have a Scourge (32% chance to explode with demonic fury when attacking - is awesome) sword and the Jeram. I want to roll a pet build with my little freak.
Found a 2.5k hellrack
I noticed a lot of pet DHs are using this, is it because of the super low attack speed or what?

Should I be using it or my 2.7k k'mar tenclip (1.6 attack speed vs the 1.1 attack speed that hellrack has)

Also finally found a second danettas to complete the set, bounty runs are go.

Still no bombardier quiver from kadela though :(


Does anyone have tips on getting the lowest CDR for my archon build?
I can get my archon down to a 35 second CD once my archon finishes but because of my gear, my toughness takes a huge hit and I'm at 175khp. Sure I can do mass DMG every 30 seconds but I'm damn squishy. Would having diamond skin be a good idea?

I run an arcane AT/Archon build. I don't think you need to go to extreme lengths to get that CDR. My AT does a ton of damage on its own and I only pop Archon during elite fights and I find that with just 45% CDR, it is up almost whenever I need it to be.

Basically, you definitely want CDR from Evocation passive (20%), Paragon points (10%), Helm (12.5%) and Shoulders (8%). Everywhere else you can get CDR is just a bonus, IMO, and usually not worth it just to shave that few extra seconds off the Archon CD especially since the CDR stat suffers from massive diminishing returns.

The Cowboy

Does anyone have tips on getting the lowest CDR for my archon build?
I can get my archon down to a 35 second CD once my archon finishes but because of my gear, my toughness takes a huge hit and I'm at 175khp. Sure I can do mass DMG every 30 seconds but I'm damn squishy. Would having diamond skin be a good idea?
See this thread, this person has a coodldown of 1 second - it takes some effort but the thread also has a lot of info on getting as much CDR as possible for Archon.


The thread has a couple of vid of the build running in T6 as well.


Found a 2.5k hellrack
I noticed a lot of pet DHs are using this, is it because of the super low attack speed or what?

Should I be using it or my 2.7k k'mar tenclip (1.6 attack speed vs the 1.1 attack speed that hellrack has)

Also finally found a second danettas to complete the set, bounty runs are go.

Still no bombardier quiver from kadela though :(
Attack speed is irrelevant for most DH builds. Hellrack is good because it's probably giving more damage per attack than the other weapon. Also the root effect is useful for a DH.

End game DH arrow is a Kridershot when they fix the bugs with Sentry. Then people will be using Frost Arrow, Chakram and Cluster Arrow for TRIPLE Hatred spender build!


I run an arcane AT/Archon build. I don't think you need to go to extreme lengths to get that CDR. My AT does a ton of damage on its own and I only pop Archon during elite fights and I find that with just 45% CDR, it is up almost whenever I need it to be.

Basically, you definitely want CDR from Evocation passive (20%), Paragon points (10%), Helm (12.5%) and Shoulders (8%). Everywhere else you can get CDR is just a bonus, IMO, and usually not worth it just to shave that few extra seconds off the Archon CD especially since the CDR stat suffers from massive diminishing returns.

Eh, the most important part of Archon is keeping the uptime as high as you can. Nothing you're doing out of Archon is keeping up with it in terms of damage so you're really better off just being able to almost always be running around in Archon. Getting it on your gloves over Attack Speed and then your Weapon and Rings is ideal. I wouldn't drop something on an Amulet for it and you'd basically be forced into Empowered Shrines for the rest of it.

And it doesn't suffer from diminishing returns. 10% CDR at any point will always be a gain of 10% faster cooldowns.
Found a 2.5k hellrack
I noticed a lot of pet DHs are using this, is it because of the super low attack speed or what?

I wish I could bring myself to like the slow 2-handers. Just grabbed this last night. Threw a ruby into it for my follower.


I find my dmg output to be the same using 2x 1-handers because with a nat's slayer, I have 20 discipline from set bonuses + 20 from my 1-handers (11 + 9). With all that extra discipline, I can put out a lot of cluster arrows. Also allows me to use other discipline skills without killing my reserves for preparation too much.

If I found a 2-hander and quiver with max discipline, I'd try it out.

None of that matters though once I complete my marauder set because I won't be doing most of my dmg with spenders. But seeing as teh game will NOT give me marauder boots, that's probably a long ways off.


Eh, the most important part of Archon is keeping the uptime as high as you can. Nothing you're doing out of Archon is keeping up with it in terms of damage so you're really better off just being able to almost always be running around in Archon. Getting it on your gloves over Attack Speed and then your Weapon and Rings is ideal. I wouldn't drop something on an Amulet for it and you'd basically be forced into Empowered Shrines for the rest of it.

And it doesn't suffer from diminishing returns. 10% CDR at any point will always be a gain of 10% faster cooldowns.

That 10% gain will differ greatly in absolute terms the higher your existing CDR. If your CDR is already at 50% then adding another 10% to it only results in your CDR hitting 55%. So if Archon CD is 100 secs, the initial 10% CDR is worth 10 secs but at 50% CDR, an additional 10% CDR is worth only 5 secs. How is this not diminishing returns?

Theoretically, maintaining Archon uptime is the most ideal but given that 100% uptime is impossible without resorting to utterly absurd methods, such as hunting for a specific shrine, the whole equation changes. You will never be in Archon for more than 50-60% of your time so it only makes sense to time your Archon burst for an elite mob when the extra damage really matters. It's not about using Archon whenever it is off CD but judging when it is best to use it for efficiency. With that in mind, the extra 10 secs you shave off from Archon CD by moving from 45% CDR to 55% CDR is just not worth it considering the type of stats you need to sacrifice to get there.


That 10% gain will differ greatly in absolute terms the higher your existing CDR. If your CDR is already at 50% then adding another 10% to it only results in your CDR hitting 55%. So if Archon CD is 100 secs, the initial 10% CDR is worth 10 secs but at 50% CDR, an additional 10% CDR is worth only 5 secs. How is this not diminishing returns?

Because 10% of 50 seconds is 5s. It's still a gain of 10% CDR with respect to the step before it. There's never a point on the curve where adding more CDR will return less CDR than you gained, barring if you're only checking with respect to the base. If it was straight additive stacking, it would be more akin to exponential scaling since each %CDR would be better than the last; multiplicative keeps it linear.

But, in that case, you'd say the same thing about Armor/All Resist having Diminishing Returns, I suppose.

With that in mind, the extra 10 secs you shave off from Archon CD by moving from 45% CDR to 55% CDR is just not worth it considering the type of stats you need to sacrifice to get there.

The thing is that you're sacrificing mostly is Attack Speed and then excess CC/CHD at most. Getting to the point that you get to use Archon almost at all times is a far bigger deal than a net gain of 5-7% damage on your sheet elsewhere.

Basically, I'm saying there's no reason to skip it on Weapon/Source (Mirrorball even comes with it!), Rings, and Gloves. This applies at large to most end-game CDR builds. Sure, balance your stats still but you'll find you reach 50% CC / 400% CHD ranges even with these in place.
People always say they sacrifice <insert exaggeration here> amount of stats to get CDR. Well I must have broken the game or something because I'm currently sitting at 51% CDR with 80 +Fire, 899k damage, 1.66 AS and 10m toughness on my wizard.

I must be a wizard in real life!

Also for people aiming for a wand of Woh...45% CDR is going to leave you with a casting gap in your chain explosions, you want at least 52% CDR to cast EB constantly with no delay.
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