I need some help. I have been reading a lot about statistics in this game but I still don't understand what makes a weapon better or anything other statistic for that matter.
I am building a fire wizard out of desperation of just needing a good character and I have been stuck just playing Torment 1 for weeks now. After much research I learned about the usual gear that all fire wizards get, Magefist, Reapers Wraps, Andariel's Visage, Cindercoat etc so it was my goal to spend bloodshards gambling for those items. I just can't handle any torment above Torment 1 and I don't understand what I need to do next. The thing is I see wizards tearing up Torments 4 - 6 easily and a lot of them do not carry the popular gear I read about. So I am confused as to what's good from what's bad?
I also do not understand why there are fire wizards using the Thunderfury sword when it's a lightning sword. What makes this sword so appealing as with any other sword that is not lighting. I have the three swords shown below and I do not understand which one is better. Should I choose the one that increases my fire damage or the one that increases my damage statistic. How do you determine if using a non elemental sword is better than using one that enhances fire damage or the elemental damage of your choice.
Also when re-rolling statistics at the Mystic, how do you determine which one is the worst for your character?
Any help with my wizard is most appreciated and also an explanation/help with what I asked above. I just don't get any of it when every else seems to know what they are doing and know exactly what they need to change on their character. I have 500 bloodshards right now and I have no idea what I should spend time gambling for. I am at a standstill right now. Please help. Thanks.
This is my character profile.