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Diablo III: Reaper of Souls |OT2| Enchantress: Look! More hidden loot!

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The Cowboy

I'm not even sure what this is about. Stuff like molten/plague/desecrator? I haven't noticed anything unusual lately. Arcane is still usually the only one that gets me occasionally.

When 2.05 came out certain ground effects hit a heck of a lot harder (almost as if you had no resisits/armour), as such a lot of us dropped like flies when hit with them (i had to go from T4 to T2), a couple of days later Blizzard posted about it and it was hotfixed and put back as it was (as it was an unintended change).
I'm not even sure what this is about. Stuff like molten/plague/desecrator? I haven't noticed anything unusual lately. Arcane is still usually the only one that gets me occasionally.

2.0.5 accidentally made enemy ground effects more powerful. Glass cannons like myself immediately noticed the difference. It is still not fixed.

When 2.05 came out certain ground effects hit a heck of a lot harder (almost as if you had no resisits/armour), as such a lot of us dropped like flies when hit with them (i had to go from T4 to T2), a couple of days later Blizzard posted about it and it was hotfixed and put back as it was (as it was an unintended change).

Do you have a source on that? I could have missed a blue post about it.


Plagued was the only one they determined needed toned back..

Link and it's on the hotfix notes here

Which is complete bullshit, as most hit way too hard now at moderate torment levels.

It's things like this that make me distrust them. "Oh no, they're all fine, what do you mean they hit harder? Oh, I guess only plagued was the bad one, yeah we fixed that" Meanwhile you log in after the fix to get knocked back 300 yards which never, ever happened before 2.05....


How many hours do you guys put into the game a day? Most of these things you guys are searching for 'better stats' on and have farmed multiples of, I've never even seen once. I see guys with mutiple multiple RoRG's/TFs/you name it's, and I'm quite literally lucky to see another pair of depth diggers or skywarden for the 50th time, in a typical play session.

I usually put in 3-4 hours a night into the game except on weekends where I can do more, and I'm starting to think I'm just a lightweight and I need to forget about getting anything decent.

I think I'm around 125 - 150 hours on my Witch Doctor, and I've found most of my best items over this weekend because I was basically spending all day playing. Hurray for not having obligations on the weekend.
I just need Marauder boots to complete the 6 set, and in the past 2K shards Kadala has given me FIVE Natalaya boots, 6 Blackthornes, and 2 Firewalkers. Hurry up and put out!

The Cowboy

It's things like this that make me distrust them. "Oh no, they're all fine, what do you mean they hit harder? Oh, I guess only plagued was the bad one, yeah we fixed that" Meanwhile you log in after the fix to get knocked back 300 yards which never, ever happened before 2.05....
Whilst I'm not noticing other ground effects hitting me harder (i do have really high resisits now though), this is something i do notice a lot - knockbacks are easily (and very noticeably) much higher than pre 2.05.
Plagued was the only one they determined needed toned back..

Link and it's on the hotfix notes here

Which is complete bullshit, as most hit way too hard now at moderate torment levels.

It's things like this that make me distrust them. "Oh no, they're all fine, what do you mean they hit harder? Oh, I guess only plagued was the bad one, yeah we fixed that" Meanwhile you log in after the fix to get knocked back 300 yards which never, ever happened before 2.05....
Thanks, I missed that...meanwhile the mere smell of an arcane sentry and I'm dead.


How many hours do you guys put into the game a day? Most of these things you guys are searching for 'better stats' on and have farmed multiples of, I've never even seen once. I see guys with mutiple multiple RoRG's/TFs/you name it's, and I'm quite literally lucky to see another pair of depth diggers or skywarden for the 50th time, in a typical play session.

I usually put in 3-4 hours a night into the game except on weekends where I can do more, and I'm starting to think I'm just a lightweight and I need to forget about getting anything decent.

3-4 hours at night is tops for me, usually less. I did play a bunch this weekend since I was sick, but didn't find much other than my Shard of Hate. My T5 capable Crusader is wearing 6 crafted items, so you don't necessarily need mad drops to do alright.


How many hours do you guys put into the game a day? Most of these things you guys are searching for 'better stats' on and have farmed multiples of, I've never even seen once. I see guys with mutiple multiple RoRG's/TFs/you name it's, and I'm quite literally lucky to see another pair of depth diggers or skywarden for the 50th time, in a typical play session.

I usually put in 3-4 hours a night into the game except on weekends where I can do more, and I'm starting to think I'm just a lightweight and I need to forget about getting anything decent.

About 3 hours or so when I do play. Not every evening, though I've been more active during the anniversary event. Currently run T5 rifts when playing with friends, otherwise just running RIF or Mat Farming communities when solo. I could solo T4/5, but I prefer grouping when actually clearing content (feels less repetitive), so I do the more solo-friendly stuff like RIF when I solo.

Are you:
- Running higher Torments? (improved drop rates)
- Running in groups? (improved MF% and trading)
- Running rifts? (100% bonus compared to outside of rifts)

Kadala is total RNG, so it's really a large numbers game. The more shards you throw at her, the more likely you will see what you are looking for. But you can't expect any specific item, it just has to be the best slot to chase for you... and then chase it.
I just need Marauder boots to complete the 6 set, and in the past 2K shards Kadala has given me FIVE Natalaya boots, 6 Blackthornes, and 2 Firewalkers. Hurry up and put out!

2K is nothing :p

In my last 6K shards, Kadala has only given me bottom of the barrel stuff. Blackthorns, firewalkers, crudest, irontoe, etc etc. No Nats. No Mara. At least 4 times I went 500 shards without a leg. That can leave you feeling pretty deflated.


I've found 5 of those so far! Thankfully I did finally get one with strength, then rolled a socket first try. I get those things all the time, wish I could find the Axe of Senkis though.
Lol.. I'm the opposite. I find the burning axe all the time (have 4) and yet haven't found a Thunderfury. I did find 2 Odyn Son's though.. 1 with the crappiest rolls ever.


About 3 hours or so when I do play. Not every evening, though I've been more active during the anniversary event. Currently run T5 rifts when playing with friends, otherwise just running RIF or Mat Farming communities when solo. I could solo T4/5, but I prefer grouping when actually clearing content (feels less repetitive), so I do the more solo-friendly stuff like RIF when I solo.

Are you:
- Running higher Torments? (improved drop rates)
- Running in groups? (improved MF% and trading)
- Running rifts? (100% bonus compared to outside of rifts)

Kadala is total RNG, so it's really a large numbers game. The more shards you throw at her, the more likely you will see what you are looking for. But you can't expect any specific item, it just has to be the best slot to chase for you... and then chase it.

Oh yeah, yes to all 3 on those. Wow after seeing everyone saying they're basically playing the same amount I feel even worse lol. I shouldn't be surprised though, I feel like a broken record, but everyone I play with (have a group of 4 that I play with most of the time) typically gets legendaries at a rate of 7+:1 compared to me. I just have really, really bad luck. Even my clanmates who are rl friends are amazed by how bad it is.

It's literally to the point where my clan mates will store up their legendaries to ID them when I'm offline because they feel bad that I'm not getting anything. Hits me right in the feels...


About 3 hours or so when I do play. Not every evening, though I've been more active during the anniversary event. Currently run T5 rifts when playing with friends, otherwise just running RIF or Mat Farming communities when solo. I could solo T4/5, but I prefer grouping when actually clearing content (feels less repetitive), so I do the more solo-friendly stuff like RIF when I solo.

Are you:
- Running higher Torments? (improved drop rates)
- Running in groups? (improved MF% and trading)- Running rifts? (100% bonus compared to outside of rifts)

Kadala is total RNG, so it's really a large numbers game. The more shards you throw at her, the more likely you will see what you are looking for. But you can't expect any specific item, it just has to be the best slot to chase for you... and then chase it.

This is really huge. Can't recommend it enough, especially with fellow GAF members. I can't really even play solo anymore. People are super generous if it's a good drop they don't have a use for; I just got a sweet 2 missile Mirrorball from I believe RunningRiot last night. I didn't find crap on my own, but that made up for it. It's more fun in general and goes much faster to boot.


Oh yeah, yes to all 3 on those. Wow after seeing everyone saying they're basically playing the same amount I feel even worse lol. I shouldn't be surprised though, I feel like a broken record, but everyone I play with (have a group of 4 that I play with most of the time) typically gets legendaries at a rate of 7+:1 compared to me. I just have really, really bad luck. Even my clanmates who are rl friends are amazed by how bad it is.

It's literally to the point where my clan mates will store up their legendaries to ID them when I'm offline because they feel bad that I'm not getting anything. Hits me right in the feels...
I feel your pain and I've been there. For instance, I've been solo'ing for an hour getting steady loot during the anniversary buff then a couple friends decide to join me. Next thing you know, the ratio becomes around 4:1 in terms of their loot to mine. They call me their good luck charm so now I've turned my auto-join off and made it invite only to ward off such anomalies. Not that it makes much of a difference considering I end up letting them join me once they send the request. Gah.. I'm such a tool.


I feel like I've been a tiny bit squishier since 2.05, but it's hard to tell since I'm a tank build, but with my toughness LoH/Regen i've been able to face tank arcane sentries molten etc. If they do tone it down, that'd be nice though cause I'm on Torment 3, and I don't think I could go any higher.


So that was funny.. actually found 2 Marauder helms today :p

One was gambled from Kadala, and when I was testing my Garwulf + Marauder combo, the rift boss decided to drop another.. Found it sort of funny. Luckily the second one was better too!

Anyway, Garwulf wasn't such a huge improvement on the build as I had hoped. The wolves are still doing a lot damage, but the sentries, well, they're just doing a LOT more. Ultimately I feel like the Marauder set benefits most from the Bombadier's Rucksack, +spender damage and +sentry damage. And Tasker & Theo obviously, but I feel that might be out of my reach :p

Also found a Calamity that rolled like shit, but it's a good offhand for the times I don't need Bombadier's (doing bounties at T2 for example) where 2 sentries is enough - your CAs or Multishots will just spread the mark on everyone and it's pretty darn nice with the sentries pumping out the same spenders.


Still riding high after finding my second piece of Akkhan over the weekend. Going for more tonight!

Edit: Woo! My name change went through. Thanks to Mumei for setting it up for me. Now you all will see me in game and on here as the same name :p


Can't really complain, having picked up Thunderfury, Witching Hour, Mask of Jezram (the good one) and the Jade Harvesters mask today...

I did do a double take when I realised I had spent 20 million gold trying to reforge crit onto the mask mind you and failing. At 2.5 million a reforge I think I'm better off hoping another one drops...

Edit: thunderfury is utterly insane by the way. Seems to proc extremely frequently with raid of toads, and the sparks have an insane range (they've shot across the entire screen before) and crit for over 3 million. It's difficult to understand how much extra damage your getting from the weapon but it seems to be huge...


The drops weren't nice tonight, but at the end this dropped:
My first piece of this set and it's not bad at all. Now who knows when I'll see another piece lol.
When 2.05 came out certain ground effects hit a heck of a lot harder (almost as if you had no resisits/armour), as such a lot of us dropped like flies when hit with them (i had to go from T4 to T2), a couple of days later Blizzard posted about it and it was hotfixed and put back as it was (as it was an unintended change).

There is no way ground effects are fixed
I'm melting like nothing on all my chars as soon as I walk over a ground effect
plagued still ticks for over 250k on t4 beams instamelt me etcetc and i'm getting knocked back huge distances by knockbacks

I've gone from really comfortably farming t4 for 2 weeks on my barb (maybe one death every 2 hours, while standing in shit for fury) and being fine in t6 group play, to dying over and over and over.
my wizard can't do t4 at all anymore because he just gets squished now.
This isn't some hunch or some placebo, I'm talking about playing for many (many many) hundreds of rifts on t4-6) before the patch.


I haven't got shit in the last 2 days.

It's ridiculous. If this is double drop rates, I'm not going to bother logging back on... :./ I was getting far better drops before the maintenance. Heck, I was getting far better drops before the alleged buff.


There is no way ground effects are fixed
I'm melting like nothing on all my chars as soon as I walk over a ground effect
plagued still ticks for over 250k on t4 beams instamelt me etcetc and i'm getting knocked back huge distances by knockbacks

I've gone from really comfortably farming t4 for 2 weeks on my barb (maybe one death every 2 hours, while standing in shit for fury) and being fine in t6 group play, to dying over and over and over.
my wizard can't do t4 at all anymore because he just gets squished now.
This isn't some hunch or some placebo, I'm talking about playing for many (many many) hundreds of rifts on t4-6) before the patch.

Also: This.

Everything Stephan said.
Yep it's going to be really hard finding the motivation to play after this buff ends, especially with ground effects murdering my wizard every 5 minutes.


Yeah so I'm sold on the DH sentry build. Just absolutely rolled a T3 rift. I want the rucksack quiver now. It's all about planting sentries along your path in front of you and just having a path of sentries. It's basically tower defense.

Used a Windforce with like 1700 avg dmg, switching to a hellrack with about 2350 avg damage. I assume that'll increase sentry damage by a buttload.


This is probably just the conspiracy theorist in me but with all the comments regarding the lack of loot as of late, do you think it's possible that Blizzard has begun to trickle down the leg bonus buff so players won't notice such a huge disparity in the magic find once the buff is over? I know there are many factors into RNG but it's just a thought.

*EDIT* Literally 1 minute after posting this, a Mirrorball and a Skorn dropped within seconds. Conspiracy debunked,


This is probably just the conspiracy theorist in me but with all the comments regarding the lack of loot as of late, do you think it's possible that Blizzard has begun to trickle down the leg bonus buff so players won't notice such a huge disparity in the magic find once the buff is over? I know there are many factors into RNG but it's just a thought.

*EDIT* Literally 1 minute after posting this, a Mirrorball and a Skorn dropped within seconds. Conspiracy debunked,

Blues said this isn't going on. Plus I just got 5 legs from a rift.


Try and get groups on EU Gaf get no look , I know I''ll look for a WD drifting community, join Said community, ask in community chat for a group and I get in a T2 group and then get told to leave because my dps and items arnt good anuff........ , then I start my own group and a guy joins and then leaves and broadcast s in chat not to join my group because I'm trying to leech even though when he joined I told him I'm at the boss and when we get one more we 'll kill it.

Note I can solo T6 rifts using unity in 10-15 mins


Upcoming hotfixes:

The Tall Man's Finger: Legendary affix will now only apply to Witch Doctor Zombie Dogs.*
Inna's Mantra: 4-Piece Set bonus will now only apply to Monks.*

The dream is dead, etc.

Honestly I hope that they keep the buff. Since the buff when active I have played quite a bit (about 40 hours) and not gotten a single upgrade from drops on my DH or Monk except for one baller as hell amulet. Both of the characters are in decent shape but hardly lacking for possible upgrades, but the frequency of the drops is encouraging and keeps me playing. When the leg pool is so large now I think it makes sense. Additionally unless they plan on having pretty long ladders seasons or different drop rates in ladders then outside of ladders I would think they'd want relatively good leg drop rates.

That said, I've gotten 2 upgrades and a couple of sidegrades from Kadala now. Her buff to provide torment-only items actually has done way, way more for me personally at least then the community buff. Gambling for weapons and jewelry from her is a total shitshow odds-wise, but for armor slots I think most people will be able to gamble their way to what they need for the most part.


Did they nerf the bonus already? 3 hours, and not a single Leg. Screw this shite.

5th rift run in a row, one legendary. An effing goldwrap. I mean honestly, it's getting easier and easier to not play. When this buff drops off I'll be lucky to get one leg a day.


Try and get groups on EU Gaf get no look , I know I''ll look for a WD drifting community, join Said community, ask in community chat for a group and I get in a T2 group and then get told to leave because my dps and items arnt good anuff........ , then I start my own group and a guy joins and then leaves and broadcast s in chat not to join my group because I'm trying to leech even though when he joined I told him I'm at the boss and when we get one more we 'll kill it.

Note I can solo T6 rifts using unity in 10-15 mins

To be fair the opposite is also extremely annoying - characters with 250 to 300K damage really struggle in tier 3 and 4 rifts. I've had boss fights go on for 5 minutes and as far as I could tell I was out damage the other 3 players combined. I don't want the game to end up like an MMO with gear checks, but at the same time it is annoying when people are basically relying on others to carry them through stuff.


Having all the pieces (4pc invoker, hack, vo'toyias spiker, sanguinary etc.), I would tell you to turn back. But good luck! Part of the fun is building new builds and and seeing if they work.

Is it that bad? lol - I mean a thorns build seems more along the line of solo play. It hasn't been too bad with a group but we're rolling T4.
This probably doesn't help but, sadly, Marauder and especially Nate's set has some really weird properties built in.. Like, I think all of the Nate's set armor pieces have +armor in it? Also, Marauder gloves have fixed CDR and IAS in them :(

Even if you get a piece, there's a high chance it's terrible. For example I wouldn't boast about my Mara gloves to anyone :p

Then again, the set is really nice once you happen to complete it. Just keep gambling, Kadala is your best bet for the set items nowadays.

I do have a pair of bad mara gloves that I don't wear so I'm hoping a second piece (plus the RRoG which refuses to drop) will make it worth while replacing the average yellow gloves I'm wearing now.

Upcoming hotfixes:

The dream is dead, etc.
Thought something was off when I joined T2 RIF with my 41 monk and I only received 26 shards and fuck all experience when the quest was handed in. Might actually have to play her properly again to get to 70 :(
I hope they keep the buffed droprate

They've buffed it before but it never felt like nearly enough.
Now after playing for a week with the current rate it finally feels allright.

Before the kadela buffs+kadela torment drops + first rift buff + current buff it was like being an ant standing at the foot of a mountain and not even being able to see the top through the clouds, now you can at least see the top.

I'd say I'm one of the more tenacious players by far (with 1400 rifts , everyone I started playing with has quit in the past 3 weeks and they never came close to trying the builds they wanted to try)
But taking one look at the loot tables before the buff made me lose hope to ever get the rarer items (like woh or krieder or starmetal etc) and made me not want to bother with alts as I knew I'd be stuck in t2-3 hitting a gear wall for another 500 rifts like on my barb.

Now being able to get setpieces from kadela and with a decent stream of legs (still 95 percent garbage of course), the pacing of trying new builds/items vs grinding for them is a lot closer to being reasonable without feeling completely demotivated after doing the numbers.

I still doubt I'll ever find a kriedershot, but hey one every 50 2h bows on average right? With a good chance of me ending up on the wrong side of the bell curve and not finding one in the first 100 it still seems eventually attainable at the current loot droprate.

Some perspective on the old droprate:
800 rifts exclusively on my barb and I only found better versions of items I already had for 3 slots (cindercoat, chalnik belt and rrog)
the concept of 'better rolls' for core build items didn't even come into play, it was about finding any roll at all, ever.

everyone I've been playing with this week has been having a much better time in the game and people have been more motivated to keep playing.


I'm having an odd issue. Any time I join a rift and try to teleport to a player my client crashes on the loading screen. Game plays fine any other time, even in my own solo rifts going back and forth through town. But whenever I'm in a multi game and try to teleport to a player from town the game goes to the loading screen and just hangs there.

On PC btw.


5th rift run in a row, one legendary. An effing goldwrap. I mean honestly, it's getting easier and easier to not play. When this buff drops off I'll be lucky to get one leg a day.

One day, you'll have 30 legs drop in a single rift.

Just not today.


One day, you'll have 30 legs drop in a single rift.

Just not today.

Dude.. I don't think so. I've played every day since launch and I've gotten more than 2 legendaries in a rift literally one time.

I got my second legendary (on crusader) after 5 more T3 clears. It was a Lidless wall! ...with +mana for WD, Int and +Poison %

:( :( :(


Dude.. I don't think so. I've played every day since launch and I've gotten more than 2 legendaries in a rift literally one time.

I got my second legendary (on crusader) after 5 more T3 clears. It was a Lidless wall! ...with +mana for WD, Int and +Poison %

:( :( :(

I hope you're not playing solo rifting.
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