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Diablo III: Reaper of Souls |OT2| Enchantress: Look! More hidden loot!

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There's no way in fucking hell they didn't already nerf the buff. My last 3 days were fucking awful with the buff and absolutely nowhere near the first few days with it. I know RNG gonna RNG but man it was like night and day difference.

It was this fact, this flat fact, that ultimately made my decision for me. I uninstalled, and I'm not looking back. It was a pleasure being a part of this thread with you guys. Peace out.


Don't confuse a waning interest in the game with changes in the random drop formulas.

Diablo is a finite experience. There is an end to the fun, regardless of how often legendaries drop. If you're done with it, be done with it. There's nothing wrong with that. You don't have to make easily refuted, overly dramatic claims.


Has Kadala gotten much worse or what? She is no longer trolling me with +1 Mirrorballs. I am just flat out getting no Legendaries.

Wasted ~700 Shards tonight. Ugh.

I haven't got much lately.

Though I can't actually complain. Literally 2 minutes into hitting 70 with my Wizard I got a +2 mirrorball on my first gambling of 70 shards yesterday.

Other than that stroke of luck I haven't got much from her in about a week or so.
Call me pessimistic, but give it another two weeks or so and you guys will be complaining about the drop rates again. The same thing happened when 2.0 hit before RoS. Everyone felt that the game was amazing then a few weeks afterwards the rewards are not enough again. It's all relative.

The real way to fix this would be to constantly up the drop rates periodically. Of course if people are used to that then people will still complain too.

I guess if people actually hits their own personal gear ceiling, then there's nothing left to complain anymore because there's no point in wanting more loot.

Here's the thing, no matter what Blizzard does with drop rates or legendaries themselves people will complain endlessly and make annoying as hell exaggerated claims to back up their incessant bitching. Hell look at people when the whole level 1 T6 thing went down, people were STILL complaining they couldn't get drops fast enough and Blizzard was evil incarnate as they sat there and gamed the system. Blizzard could employ a system that gives people the legs they want every 5 minutes and people would then just bitch...there is nothing else to do once they get everything they want. Or Blizzard could make a game like Path of Exiles in which there are a shitload of legs and they are all just amazeballs, then just like in Path people would simply bitch that they never change legs because it changes their build too much and they're stuck with X leg for Y number of days.

Blizzard could make Diablo 3 spawn 1 leg every chest open and people would just change from "not enough drops" to "Oh my gawd my drops suck! FU Blizzard!". Many people seemingly bought this game unaware of exactly what kind of game they were playing.

Personally I'm just tired of people complaining as if they're owed X weapon or Y gear piece. You're not owed shit, it's called random number generation for a reason. All these conspiracy theories about some people being selected to get more items than you or you're purposefully not getting X item or Y items are just stupid thoughts from delusions grandeur. It gets annoying have to wad though the whining on both the forums and the clan chat just to respond to people asking for help. We need a community channel in Diablo 3 called "Whine Zone" where people can cry until their face is blue that their entitlement has not been met.

Oh no you played for <insert single digit hours> over the course of the week and didn't get the leg you were aiming for. QQ, there are people who play for hours upon hours on end and don't get the legs they want. It could be worse, you could be playing vanilla D3 in which you rarely see legendaries period and when one finally does drop it's shit versus seeing a legendary a rift on average and it may or may not be good. If you want it to rain legs all day, group up with people and do T2-T3. Chances are high you might suck at the game and or that level but I'm sure the other people are well aware of your shortcomings. Just try not to be noticeable&#8230;and this is all directed at anyone who feels like the shoe fits.

My two cents, seriously some of you should just got back to playing Call of Duty and instant gratification shooter number 46139.


Playing HC, and at that, playing HC with a new class I never played before (Wizard) from square one with no gold and no paragon points, has really put things in perspective for me. Slowly grinding away the levels doing normal bounties.. saving up gold, Blood Shards, and Rift Keystone Fragments, and realizing that even on this fresh character, once I hit 70 I'll be so much better off than I ever was in vanilla Diablo III. The best I could ever hope for there was to farm enough gold to get a handful of decent rares off the AH, let alone interesting Legendaries.

This is just so many miles better.



ok guys i think my ep pull monk is ready for t6


Fuck my life.

I'm at 97% in this rift when I enter this floor, get a few rooms in, and the guardian spawns. He doesn't spawn on me (presumably because the space is too small) and I don't see an arrow on my mini-map, so I assume he just spawned in a larger room somewhere up ahead.

End up clearing the whole fucking floor. Turns out he spawned where my mouse cursor is placed in this screenshot:

Did get this off of him though :D



Fuck my life.

I'm at 97% in this rift when I enter this floor, get a few rooms in, and the guardian spawns. He doesn't spawn on me (presumably because the space is too small) and I don't see an arrow on my mini-map, so I assume he just spawned in a larger room somewhere up ahead.

End up clearing the whole fucking floor. Turns out he spawned where my mouse cursor is placed in this screenshot:

Did get this off of him though :D

Nice. I got two of the regen ones in the same rift tonight haha.

I had a RG spawn on the previous floor last night too. We hit 100% then cleared the whole floor and then went back up and there he was. Never seen that before..


2 hours of farming today has been great I guess

Grats! Just wondering about the thunderfury, Imho you should have rerolled the dmg since it is so low that 8-10% is much lower. I don't know the higher end max dmg for Thunderfury but isn't it 1490? What was the stat you rerolled? If it was a dps one I think you lost quite a bit of dps :/


Grats! Just wondering about the thunderfury, Imho you should have rerolled the dmg since it is so low that 8-10% is much lower. I don't know the higher end max dmg for Thunderfury but isn't it 1490? What was the stat you rerolled? If it was a dps one I think you lost quite a bit of dps :/

yeah the dmg rolled badly, I don't think rerolling it will save it though, so I just settled for 8%. I'm not using it anyway since i'm using a WD now. Maybe when I get another Tals on my Wiz I'll probably use it to proc lightning meteor.

Wished I found the TF and SoF on my barb. :/


Call me pessimistic, but give it another two weeks or so and you guys will be complaining about the drop rates again. The same thing happened when 2.0 hit before RoS. Everyone felt that the game was amazing then a few weeks afterwards the rewards are not enough again. It's all relative.

The real way to fix this would be to constantly up the drop rates periodically. Of course if people are used to that then people will still complain too.

I guess if people actually hits their own personal gear ceiling, then there's nothing left to complain anymore because there's no point in wanting more loot.

Yeah, the RNG and expectations of the RNG is messing with people's minds. It's kind of an awkward social experiment.

Just because you got 5 legs per rift yesterday doesn't mean you'll get the exact same result today. It's not regulated like that, nor are the rolls from the Mystic, Kadala or Blacksmith regulated in any sense of the word. Any deviation people think they see in the system is just a result of the system itself.

It can be annoying for sure, but I would stay the tin foil hats.. for now.


Just read the news about them keeping the legendary drop rate even after the anniversary buff ends tomorrow due to overwhelming demand.

Fucking fantastic.


got 2 unitys and with the barb I can farm t6 solo with little issues. I've beaten diablo 3.

Time to work on crus next then monk!

Tom Penny

Can anyone explain how a dev team can be so incompetent that 2handers are still more or less useless in a game yet drop all the time?


Found a Tall Man's finger last night and was hoping someone could post a sample build for the item.

I was thinking of trying to stack Fire Damage and pairing it up with a Wrathful Protector Garg and using the Uhkapian Serpent for survivability.


Can anyone explain how a dev team can be so incompetent that 2handers are still more or less useless in a game yet drop all the time?

Depends. 2-handers have higher average damage so they can hit the hardest. Certain builds benefit from 2-handers the most. At least from a DH perspective.


So I did some more Maurader 6 piece testing with the 1h xbow vs bow and the Nat's set bonus vs unity ring and recorded the results. Also messed around with some passives to see how that affected things.

Basically T4 Ghom. Hit Go on the stopwatch the instant I click OK to skip the cinematic. This time ONLY sentries and companions. Pop the companion buff and drop the sentry the instant I have control and spam sentries until it's dead. No attacking from me at all.

I did 2 runs of each weapon to make sure (this was in google docs, hard to format for forum).

Nat slayer + unity + archery passive
Run 1 - 32 Run 2 - 31.5
Bow + unity + archery passive
Run 1 - 30 Run 2 - 30
Nat Slayer + nat ring + archery passive
Run 1 - 32.5 Run 2 - 33.3

So again, wishing I had a 2h xbow to try that but basically it looks like the Bow + unity was the best combo. I was a little surprised how much slower the Nat set was. But basically all it's giving me that the unity by itself doesn't is an extra 1.5% crit chance and attack speed. The attack speed of course doing nothing for the sentries. I then thought that was because the nat's ring had no CHD. I've been trying to roll it for awhile and was using 8% CDR instead. So I tried again and FINALLY got CHD. 38% or something. So I tried it again.

nat slayer + nat ring + archery passive (CHD)
Run 1 - 33.6

:( Wow. I guess the CDR was more efficient than the extra crit damage at getting the sentries out faster and more dps overall. Ugh. Big waste of about 30mil.

So since the bow and unity was the best, I tried some different passives:

Bow + unity + steady aim passive
Run 1 - 28 Run 2 - 29
bow + unity + ambush
Run 1 - 30.3
bow + unity + singled out
Run 1 - 24.6

Obviously singled out was the clear winner but not that practical for every day killing. steady aim was very effective though. So I've been using that. It's not too tough to keep it up with the pets tanking and the sentries doing all the work. I think I'm going to use that for awhile. Unity with the 13% elite damage and the CC and CHD was the clear winner in rings too. That'll do until I get my stone of jordan.

I'll test more when I get a 2h xbow. I'm gambling for it with my shards. Hopefully something will pop.

edit: changed cull to steady aim. Duh.. morning brain pre-coffee.


Can anyone explain how a dev team can be so incompetent that 2handers are still more or less useless in a game yet drop all the time?

Depends. 2-handers have higher average damage so they can hit the hardest. Certain builds benefit from 2-handers the most. At least from a DH perspective.

They also have a lot of value for Crusaders now, especially with the removal of the speed reduction.

I remember reading that one of the things they are fighting with is the fact that it is hard to make a 2h better than a 1h when you consider things like sockets. With 2 1h, you can add 260% CHD, for example.


Bow + unity + cull passive
Run 1 - 28 Run 2 - 29
bow + unity + ambush
Run 1 - 30.3
bow + unity + singled out
Run 1 - 24.6

Cull apparently doesn't work with sentries, they don't get the benefit. Steady Aim or Ambush might be the best option for this type of passive.

Regarding CDR vs CC, some are arguing that CDR is more valuable now than CC. You need a good balance, and maxing CC isn't optimal anymore. I'm currently at 50% CC, 375 CHD, 36.5 CDR and it feels comfortable in rifts but I haven't done any major testing. As long as you can get the sentry cd down to about 4 seconds you're soild, so roughly 33% CDR. I get mine from shoulders, helm gem, paragon, and xbow.. probably can pull some off paragon for more cc/chd.

Nyan's thread on the official forum seems to reflect your results. The best option, while silly, is to mark with calamity then swap in an xbow. Good luck getting an xbow.


Found a Tall Man's finger last night and was hoping someone could post a sample build for the item.

I was thinking of trying to stack Fire Damage and pairing it up with a Wrathful Protector Garg and using the Uhkapian Serpent for survivability.


This is what I use right now, but it is a flexible build. You could replace the Explosive Toads rune with Addling Toads for more crowd control, or the Gargantuan for something like Mass Confusion. I also use the Zunimassa set so if you don't have that you might want to have the Fetish Sycophant passive. Grave Injustice can also be replaced by Zombie Handler if you want.



This is what I use right now, but it is a flexible build. You could replace the Explosive Toads rune with Addling Toads for more crowd control, or the Gargantuan for something like Mass Confusion. I also use the Zunimassa set so if you don't have that you might want to have the Fetish Sycophant passive. Grave Injustice can also be replaced by Zombie Handler if you want.

I have a RORG and the Zunimassa set as well. Gonna be a tough choice whether or not to roll with Zuni or use my Fire SOJ and Uhkapian Serpent though.
I feel that this is true. It's better than pre buff... but at the start of the buff, I got 5 legs in a single rift, then consistently 2-3 legs per rift.

Now I'm back to seeing 1 leg a rift on avg (some don't have legs). Lots more recipes though. And I'm counting those as legs too.

My last two days were maybe 1 leg per every 2-3 rifts... First night was like 1-3 legs per rift.

There's nothing anyone will say to convince me they didn't down tune the buff. Perhaps it was way too high the first night, I dunno. It definitely wasn't acting the same the last few nights though.
It was this fact, this flat fact, that ultimately made my decision for me. I uninstalled, and I'm not looking back. It was a pleasure being a part of this thread with you guys. Peace out.

So much superstition
rng is rng they could triple the droprate and you might still not get a leg for 10 runs if you win the bad rng lottery.

Been doing 30-40 rifts a day rushing through t4-t6 since the buff started (trying to make the most of it before it ended, thankfully it stays) with 3 other people and we've gotten on average 2 legs per run.
Sometimes I get 5-6 in a run, sometimes nothing for 3-6 runs, sometimes less than 1 leg per run for 10 rifts. sometimes 3-4 per run for 6 runs in a row...
That's just how probability works.

Call me pessimistic, but give it another two weeks or so and you guys will be complaining about the drop rates again. The same thing happened when 2.0 hit before RoS. Everyone felt that the game was amazing then a few weeks afterwards the rewards are not enough again. It's all relative.

The real way to fix this would be to constantly up the drop rates periodically. Of course if people are used to that then people will still complain too.

I guess if people actually hits their own personal gear ceiling, then there's nothing left to complain anymore because there's no point in wanting more loot.

the last buff immediately made everyone I know say 'this is still shit'
After a week of playing the current rate still feels right.
The problem was with the pacing of gearing up and getting to try new builds (new builds = variety) and gearing alts.
It was painfully slow and playing alts was not feasible even after the first 100 percent buff.
The first 100 percent buff just added 100 percent to base droprate btw, a rather misleading wording.
So you would get 100 percent base dropchance + 190 percent extra on t6 + 100 percent for being in a rift = 390 percent leg drops instead of 290 before.
It seems like the anniversary buff was just a flat out doubling of the amount of drops which makes a much larger difference. (could be wrong on this since I haven't seen data but it feels like a flat doubling in droprate)

Blizzard said that the buff is staying (though no more icon) and that the droprate is exactly the same as it was during the event, which is really unambiguous and means they didn't just add another +100 percent base drop after the event ended.

The only reason the previous buffs changed people's moods for a few days is because noone had played long enough to have a solid idea of the time it took to gear up a char and find the rarer items and build defining items and because the loot tables weren't out in the open yet (once you see that kriedershot you wanted is a 2 percent chance IF you find a leg 2h bow it hits home that you're likely never going to find it no matter for how long you play).
After a day or 2 people realised it's still garbage and complained again.
Now it's no longer garbage and I haven't seen any complaining from anyone ingame about wether or not the game is worth the time farming loot wise)

Has Kadala gotten much worse or what? She is no longer trolling me with +1 Mirrorballs. I am just flat out getting no Legendaries.

Wasted ~700 Shards tonight. Ugh.

700 shards with no leg is not abnormal, the average is somewhere between 300-500 shards per legendary.
I've gone 2000 shards without one a few times, it all evens out over time.


Cull apparently doesn't work with sentries, they don't get the benefit. Steady Aim or Ambush might be the best option for this type of passive.

Regarding CDR vs CC, some are arguing that CDR is more valuable now than CC. You need a good balance, and maxing CC isn't optimal anymore. I'm currently at 50% CC, 375 CHD, 36.5 CDR and it feels comfortable in rifts but I haven't done any major testing. As long as you can get the sentry cd down to about 4 seconds you're soild, so roughly 33% CDR. I get mine from shoulders, helm gem, paragon, and xbow.. probably can pull some off paragon for more cc/chd.

Nyan's thread on the official forum seems to reflect your results. The best option, while silly, is to mark with calamity then swap in an xbow. Good luck getting an xbow.

Ugh. Morning brain without coffee is a fail.

By cull I meant Steady Aim. sigh.

I've been trying to maintain 50% CC. I've fallen a little below with the maurader set (I think I'm at 48% give or take) but I always feel like I'm lacking in CHD. Still need more of that. I'm about to break 200 paragon so I can start getting some CDR from that too. I now wish my shoulders were CDR instead of resource reduction :( CA to Maurader build the priorities change.

The xbow hunt is on. As well as getting some more CDR into the build.

This is the nice part of the new drops. I see this as all achievable goals.


Cull apparently doesn't work with sentries, they don't get the benefit. Steady Aim or Ambush might be the best option for this type of passive.

Regarding that.. Popping the Companion buff with Mara 6pc actually procs a slow as well (that's from the spider companion), so that might be what's working here, but I was also under the impression that Cull the Weak didn't work with sentries.

But does this mean that it does, or is it just the other pets that are benefitting from the buff?

edit: Disregard :D
Ugh. Morning brain without coffee is a fail.

By cull I meant Steady Aim. sigh.

I've been trying to maintain 50% CC. I've fallen a little below with the maurader set (I think I'm at 48% give or take) but I always feel like I'm lacking in CHD. Still need more of that. I'm about to break 200 paragon so I can start getting some CDR from that too. I now wish my shoulders were CDR instead of resource reduction :( CA to Maurader build the priorities change.

The xbow hunt is on. As well as getting some more CDR into the build.

This is the nice part of the new drops. I see this as all achievable goals.

The bolded is why the new droprate is how it should have been since the start.
You feel like it's feasible to change your build and try different things.
Before it wasn't which sucked all the motivation out of people once they realised how hopeless it was.

No what? We're not even talking about the same patch.
You were just ignoring all the loot buffs in between, but ye I should adress 2.0
2.0 was done to make up for trade going away.
Suddenly the game shifted to self found.
The problem was that self found (with most of the core build items being ultra rare items + the diluted leg pool) made self found not feasible.
Smartloot and the higher droprate felt good for people because they could finally get some legendaries themselves, up until the point where they realised that without the AH they were no longer able to actually finish a set or get that build defining item even after banging their heads against the rng wall for weeks.
Before they could grind the gold (spend the real money) ,which was a horrible system shame on blizzard, to buy the items they needed.
Now there was no way to get them other than saying a prayer.

If you're making a game purely self found you need to make it actually doable to find your items.
Now they finally buffed droprates enough + made people able to target specific slot setpieces from kadela that self found has become doable (and I mean for EVERYONE who puts in the time, not the lucky few)
As player you feel more in control again instead of feeling like you helplessly played the slotmachines for several hundreds of hours with a real possibility of never getting the items required to make a build you wanted to try work.

people only started complaining about 2.0 after initially liking it because the flawed nature of it would take time to get exposed to the average player.
kadela fix+a decent droprate has made self found doable =the flaw (not being able to play different builds unless you're one of the few fortunate lottery winners) is fixed


Kadala gave up my IK belt, hopefully the life per fury spent helps with survivability. Somehow my gear ended up having 0 healing potential, so I've been completely reliant on health globes and potions. Might need to switch some skills around since I currently don't spend much fury.

Next up is the chest to have CotA out all the time!


You were just ignoring all the loot buffs in between, but ye I should adress 2.0

You're just saying a bunch of things that has nothing to do with my original comment. I could put your exact praise for this new buff into pre-RoS release and no one could tell the difference.
You're just saying a bunch of things that has nothing to do with my original comment. I could put your exact praise for this new buff into pre-RoS release and no one could tell the difference.

Try reading past the first line before replying.

edit: ohwell hopefully someone else won't feel too proud to adress the points I brought up.
But sure buddy, everyone complained just because they love to complain, you are right.


I have no comments on your comments because there's nothing really wrong with them but at the same time you are talking about different things that wasn't what I was initially commenting on. Sure now call out my character.
It was this fact, this flat fact, that ultimately made my decision for me. I uninstalled, and I'm not looking back. It was a pleasure being a part of this thread with you guys. Peace out.

Here I thought they would remove the buff after a week and people would stop playing. Instead people are going to stop playing because they THINK they removed the buff anyways and are just lying about it?



Here I thought they would remove the buff after a week and people would stop playing. Instead people are going to stop playing because they THINK they removed the buff anyways and are just lying about it?


lol. There are times that I feel like my drops are lower, but then my last t4 rift run last night I got 6 legendarys. At the end of the day as long as I'm finding a few useful items a day I am happy. I'm getting to the point where I'm really just collecting different element gear and looking for a Starmetal.


Can anyone explain how a dev team can be so incompetent that 2handers are still more or less useless in a game yet drop all the time?

Depends. 2-handers have higher average damage so they can hit the hardest. Certain builds benefit from 2-handers the most. At least from a DH perspective.

They also have a lot of value for Crusaders now, especially with the removal of the speed reduction.

I remember reading that one of the things they are fighting with is the fact that it is hard to make a 2h better than a 1h when you consider things like sockets. With 2 1h, you can add 260% CHD, for example.

2H are mostly lagging because of the additional massive CHD and potential additional Elemental % bonus. Even Wizard Off-Hands provide too much benefit to consider other 2H weapons, even their own Staves.

The only classes that can use 2H effectively without sacrificing too much are DH and Crusaders, because they can use 2H while still equipping something in the OH slot.

2H weapons would need additional affixes (up to 6) or something like 150% of the value of gem effects when socketed to be able to keep up with DW weapons (and the 15% IAS bonus) wherever possible for classes like Barbarian, Monk, and even Wizards.


I wonder if Blizzard will ever start adding new sets/legs via patches? They could go a long way in creating more diverse builds, as well as adding a lot of longevity to the game.

They've already added several really cool properties/effects to legendaries, and sure, I can see issues with them trying to balance things, etc. But I think it would be worth it.

I know in vanilla they added a couple items here and there, wonder what the plans are for RoS.


I wonder if Blizzard will ever start adding new sets/legs via patches? They could go a long way in creating more diverse builds, as well as adding a lot of longevity to the game.

They've already added several really cool properties/effects to legendaries, and sure, I can see issues with them trying to balance things, etc. But I think it would be worth it.

I know in vanilla they added a couple items here and there, wonder what the plans are for RoS.

The upcoming inaugural Ladder season will introduce new Ladder-only legendaries that will eventually make its way into the non-Ladder game once the season is over.

Doubt there will be more after that, unless there's a major (MAJOR) content patch or something.

In unrelated comments, as a beneficiary of Kadala for 2/5 of my set pieces, I'm still not sure if allowing Kadala to drop Torment-only items is a good thing. If it is, then there's not much point in keeping them Torment-only anymore, since the shards can be farmed on any difficulty anyway. Just make them non-Torment.

On the flip side, it will be easier to try to find the same pieces for better rolls.
I LOVE the battlefield of eternity rifts. With a harringtons belt and sentries I cleared one on T6 in 7 minutes (full-clear, 1 floor rift). Wish all maps had non-stop clickables.


Here I thought they would remove the buff after a week and people would stop playing. Instead people are going to stop playing because they THINK they removed the buff anyways and are just lying about it?


Welcome to the D3 and the tin foil brigade =D


I LOVE the battlefield of eternity rifts. With a harringtons belt and sentries I cleared one on T6 in 7 minutes (full-clear, 1 floor rift). Wish all maps had non-stop clickables.

Oh, does Harrngton's work on any clickable like an armor rack? I was thinking it was only specifically "chests". That's pretty sweet, I think my wife just found a pretty good one of those.
Oh, does Harrngton's work on any clickable like an armor rack? I was thinking it was only specifically "chests". That's pretty sweet, I think my wife just found a pretty good one of those.

Anything you click on that doesn't fire your weapon gives you the buff. Chests, armor racks, loose tiles on the floor, corpses, etc.

On maps with no clickables at all, I just pop on my Witching Hour.
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