The PS5 Pro is the best value in gaming and it's getting harder to argue against it.
First you have to look at Xbox. What a waste of money to buy a console that is dying. It isn't the best value in gaming and if you buy today you know you are buying the console that was the least popular but also had the least games. It just isn't a smart buy right now, correct?
Regular PS5. Have you seen monster hunter wilds on it? If you like to play indie games, get a Switch. PS5 is not something I could recommend to anyone when the Pro is so cheap and only a few dollars more.
PC. You have stutter and hitching on UE5 games with no real path to fix it. On top of that, the system has been a garbage dump for Japanese publisher who now make the best games. The quality of the ports and the performance on the system has been terrible. The port quality, ie MHWilds is terrible. Especially with older games, a few years ago all ports on PC were just bad dumps by jaded devs. That's not even the beginning of the issues, look what nvidia has done to the space. This isn't the EVGA era of PC anymore, things are not as good as they once were, even the most jaded PC gamer would agree with that. Consoles are getting mouse support and hopefully user mods. The next xbox is a PC and is trying to take over steam. PC could become Xbox. As MS relies more heavily on PC for gamepass, the landscape in PC gaming will change over the next few years. Change is scary. Not great to invest in unknown change.
Then there was one. PS5 Pro. The pinnacle of gaming. The future. The rock. It also will get GTAVI for a long time before it goes to PC. PC gamers will be expected to wait and buy old PS5 Pro games at full price. The elevator pitch is real. PS5 Pro is the only recommendable hardware until Switch 2 comes out.