Digital Foundry: Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 - PS5/Xbox Series X|S/PC Tech Review - Is 60FPS Viable on Consoles?


Should they not start including GFN into these? I get that results will vary but you can see how I game will run if your connection is solid.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
One can't hold 60fps, one has stutter, and the other is for xbox. No winners here.

Question Mark What GIF by MOODMAN


Gold Member
I’m curious how this game will perform on the PS5 Pro. I’m certain my PC can’t run it very well at least.

As I really want to play it I have to decide Series X version now, or hold out that it’ll get Pro enhancements later (which likely isn’t a guarantee )
Probably marginally better on the frame rate side of things, if the CPU in the Pro shapes up to be what rumors have stated. The resolution and overall detail would be improved, however.
PS5 has ram advantages with non split ram so this doesn't work.

It's a must play game.

The Touryst 8K PS5 vs 6K XBSX

It's been brutal for them this generation so they gotta take the wins when they come.


It's a amazing game that deserves a purchase

It has HDR on PS5. You can simulate it on Win 11.

Pretty big

Which has HDR on PS5, Space Marines 2 or Darktide?


The stutters are either so minimal that they’re unnoticeable, or straight up nonexistent on PC, at least from my own experience, and I’m pretty sensitive to them.
Ya, there's nothing wrong with its performance on PC. There might be an odd shader stutter here and there but it's otherwise one of the smoothest games I've played in a while.

I could name any number of games that suffer from small microstutters but the frametime graph in this game is almost flat.
I don't know how some of you are managing to put up with stuff hitting 720p sub 45hz on oleds, modern displays are really compounding the image quality and performance issues this gen.

This is Alex sinking the boot in and people arn't even noticing, the narrative was consoles got more out of their cpu because of low level api's and no windows bloat so pc needs an 8 core cpu and more frequency to compete and here he is slipping in a 6 core none x cpu and it's oh yeh consoles performing as expected.

That's what Alex does with all his PC tp console comparisons- this is why he's rightfully hated around here


The game runs and works great but randomly crashes to desktop for me. Sometimes even trying to exit the game. Hopefully a big patch hits tomorrow.
Don't worry about it. Even my ancient 9900k + 2080Ti still handles it well above 60fps at 3440x1440.

The game is mostly GPU bound on PC if you aren't using some crappy old CPU. There's otherwise nothing wrong with its performance.
At max settings?
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What was the other game?
SW Outlaws, but of course then UBisoft game in a more "normal" situation in terms of differences (more stable framerate and average dinamic resolution DRS).
W40K is among the extreme cases in terms of performance differences and whose surprise is more that it happens at this point in the generation in one of the most technically demanding games and with a genuine engine.

I said "recently released". Alan Wake 2 has 1 year old.

To be the console that generally suffers from the fact that PS5 is the base console for development and optimization because, economically for the Studios, it makes more sense to prioritize. Which also has to share optimization time with XSS and with (It was said) worse APIs and is about to begin the fifth year of generation.... I guess it's significant and worth mentioning in a place where a significant number of people periodically try to convince you of how poorly designed XSX is, the number of bottlenecks it has and the uselessness of its particular hardware characteristics🤷🏻
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If I'm the one in charge of graphics settings in PC version of anygame It'll take me 5 minute to look at all the ultra settings and remove any settings that look pretty much the same but cost 10-20% more perf . And kick that high settings to ultra .

And then had a laugh watching gaming channel and journalist praise me for good optimization .

PC gamer had too much pride to turn down settings imo . :messenger_expressionless:


Moderated wildly
We desperately need a new console HW

What's sad is. We are saying this in the year where we are truly getting next gen games.

Basically we've been playing cross gen type games for four years and now we realise the current hardware can't handle true next gen bangers.

It's a shame.


Moderated wildly
SW Outlaws, but of course then UBisoft game in a more "normal" situation in terms of differences (more stable framerate and average dinamic resolution DRS).
W40K is among the extreme cases in terms of performance differences and whose surprise is more that it happens at this point in the generation in one of the most technically demanding games and with a genuine engine.

I said "recently released". Alan Wake 2 has 1 year old.

To be the console that generally suffers from the fact that PS5 is the base console for development and optimization because, economically for the Studios, it makes more sense to prioritize. Which also has to share optimization time with XSS and with (It was said) worse APIs and is about to begin the fifth year of generation.... I guess it's significant and worth mentioning in a place where a significant number of people periodically try to convince you of how poorly designed XSX is, the number of bottlenecks it has and the uselessness of its particular hardware characteristics🤷🏻

I think if you cherry pick the games we know are true next gen engines and games, the xboz always comes out on top.

It was too forward thinking and MS probably thought that we wouldn't be playing cross gen games for four years.

Next gen is where the series x shines and it shows how well designed the console is.

It's just the timings and industry didn't line up with how advanced it was. It's perfect for Sony as they can now bring out the pro that's closer in design to a series x than a ps5 and reap the benefit. The issue is those that can't afford a pro or are dedicated to the ps5 they bought thinking it would be a great next gen console. It is great but it struggles with true next gen engines and games.
But, but, I hear that we don't need a ps5 pro.. lmao
Unless the PS5 has a much better CPU, you're probably not going to see a huge improvement to games that are CPU bound. It'll likely be similar to the One X and PS4 Pro situation where the resolution and graphics are jacked up but target frame rates are the same for a lot of games. No amount of DLSS or Sonys in house upscaling solution can have that much of an impact on CPU bound games.


What's sad is. We are saying this in the year where we are truly getting next gen games.

Basically we've been playing cross gen type games for four years and now we realise the current hardware can't handle true next gen bangers.

It's a shame.
Although I believe that this gen arrived a year early and that wrong decisions were made in the hardware aspect for ML... I believe that the real problem is not the hardware capabilities of the consoles, the problem is that the evolution the hardware has long since ceased to coincide in time with the evolution of software and graphics engines.

AAA games take ~6 years of development and that's practically a full generation. When these are released, either it is a cross-gen game with the previous generation or it will be a game that will also come out in the next one. Therefore the hardware in the middle will always suffer in some way.

Crossgen games are here to stay, a generation change where software and hardware coincide will never exist again. That is why the solution to satisfy the most illiterate console users is either the PRo or midgen refresh consoles..... or breaking with the traditional hardware generation changes and adapting it to the evolution of the software. That is, continuous updating of the hardware and the software being the one that determines its support (in PC or mobile mode).


I think if you cherry pick the games we know are true next gen engines and games, the xboz always comes out on top.

It was too forward thinking and MS probably thought that we wouldn't be playing cross gen games for four years.

Next gen is where the series x shines and it shows how well designed the console is.

It's just the timings and industry didn't line up with how advanced it was. It's perfect for Sony as they can now bring out the pro that's closer in design to a series x than a ps5 and reap the benefit. The issue is those that can't afford a pro or are dedicated to the ps5 they bought thinking it would be a great next gen console. It is great but it struggles with true next gen engines and games.

I believe that we are in a time where the hardware/architecture and power is so similar that the most important point that determines any difference in games or the real differences in power is determined by the software (Apis, graphics engine, use of particular features ...) and especially the optimization time dedicated and the target result to be achieved.
In the end, any case, including this one with W40K, will always have an explanation in the software rather than in the hardware.

So, Sony has played its cards better with the hardware? It is partly that and also that MS has played badly by not having accompanied the very good XSX hardware with the software it needed and also with the marketing that competing with a Sony PS console requires (in fact, marketing has been non-existent for years). And this has consequences not only on the user base, but also on the Studios when deciding which console version to prioritize and therefore...


Oof I was going to pick this up on PS5 but I just can't excuse poor performance. Still haven't played DD2 for the same reason and likely never will unless the the PS5 Pro can brute force these games. Sad year for console owners.


I bought Geforce Now when it was on sale a couple of months ago and been playing a couple of games on it (Cyberpunk and Starfield mostly). Been really impressed, but this is the first time where I've used it and can really start to see the benefit. I've not exactly got a puny PC (3090), but more and more now I'm finding certain games are struggling with it (Cyberpunk with RT namely). The streaming service never breaks a sweat on any game and happily gives 80-100+fps in all games at absolute max settings. Thought I'd give this game a go after seeing some reviewers struggle with performance, but again maxed out in 4k with ultra settings and it's perfect. I really think I'm completely won over now to the point that I'll struggle to justify buying myself another beefy PC. Just pay £99 (£50 in sale) for 6 months and with a decent connection you've got something that can reliable max out even the latest games for as long as they keep providing it.
The Pro couldn't come in a better time, but man, the Steam Deck is spilling its guts with this one.
Why do people seem to think that a PS5 Pro will dramatically change things in every single case?

Based on the leak for the PS5 Pro, the CPU would get a boost to 3.85Ghz from 3.5Ghz but is still based on AMD Zen 2. Games that are more CPU heavy (like Space Marine 2) are unlikely to get massive FPS increases due to this. Even with Sony's in house upscaling technology, I can't see this having much of (if any) impact on the CPU performance. It would need a next generation APU based on recent AMD processors to hit north of 60fps.

PS5 Pro is much more likely to have graphics settings jacked right up and have much higher resolutions, much like we saw with PS4 Pro and Xbox One X.
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Really not much to read into the frame rate advantage as this is an outlier result.

Such an outlier that DF themselves are surprised by it.

As much as people wish there were “patterns” - the only pattern going on the last 4 years is PS5 and Series X being the closest competing consoles of all time when it comes to performance in games.

It comes down to the developers who can make either console the hero and then the fanboyz loose their minds…


Space Marine 2 doesn't have a 120hz mode to compare sadly.

If the performance was just linearly doubled from its 60hz mode, it'd be bigger than that ghostwire picture.
"Linearly doubled", yeah cause that's how it works.
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Need to do testing but running it on my 4080 laptop, it felt like it was well over 100fps on ultra 1440p. I only glanced at the fps a few times.


Is this cross buy? If I have it on PC can I also get the PS5 version for comparison? I'm guessing I'm forced to buy it twice in that case.
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Are you hitting VRAM limit?
I don't think so. I got 24 GB. It seems to be random. I'll be able to play for a few hours and then the game will suddenly hang while the background music will keep playing and then crash to desktop. It's not even during heavy scenes.
They did a garbage job on console while charging more $ than PC. Don't buy this and start sending a message to these PC focused Euro devs who always do this weak effort.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Alright, now that I'm playing the game myself, here are some tech thoughts and how they might align with DF:

- Performance mode with VRR is pretty decent. Doesn't feel any worse than most modern games with 60 FPS modes.
- The image quality is soft though, and you can feel it get softer in big enemy hordes, while it becomes notably sharper when you're indoors. The DRS is doing its job.
- However, the image is stable, no visible aliasing, stair stepping etc. It's just a matter of softness.
- The 30 FPS mode looks a lot sharper, but for some reason it also feels a lot more choppier than most other 30 FPS games (like Rebirth or FF16 for example), perhaps the fast paced nature of the game is what makes it so.
- I would definitely not trade performance for higher resolution in this games particular case. If this were a slower game, then it would be an actual choice.
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