The big difference is where the anger is directed- I think a lot of people find the 1st and 6th Doctor's anger horrible because a lot of the time it's directed at their companions, which is a no no. As is always stated the companion is the window for the viewer, so having the Doctor be an asshole to them feels somehow personal.
Have Capaldi come into a room, shout down all the idiots, beat up the bad guy and then give Clara a hug and you're pretty much fine.
The Marco Polo rumour is going as strong as ever and the latest date for release being suggested is at Missing Believed Wiped on December 21 alongside The Massacre, yet favour seems to be swinging toward a single announcement only at the moment.
The forthcoming releases will be Marco Polo and The Massacre followed by The Daleks Masterplan, The Celestial Toymaker, Power of the Daleks, The Macra Terror, Evil of the Daleks and The Abominable Snowmen, not necessarily in the order according to Outpost Skao.
Web of Fear 3 really wasnt found, it wont be in the DVD.
There are two varying pieces of information on a potential overall announcement, some feeling everything will be announced at MBW while others believe Easter. Given that other major announcements are to be made at MBW, we favour the latter, Marco Polo still heavily tipped to be announced some time before Christmas however.
Chatter surrounding The Daleks Masterplan has increased somewhat over the past week or so with a claim that a former TV engineer made a bootleg copy of Masterplan, it has been recovered in its entirety. There are however alternative rumors
One were taking with a pinch of salt for now, the old rumour of William Hartnell being given The Feast of Steven was true and its been recovered from his estate. This rumour is as old as the hills but has suddenly made a resurgence, maybe it was true all along? Or maybe there was never anything in it. It did seem to have been debunked a long time ago. There is also rumour that Feast of Steven has been recovered from a private collector which maybe based on the same rumour or even the TV engineer one above. The fan-recorded tapes rumour also persists.
The recovery of eleven and twelve has reared its head again alongside the claims the prints are stuck together. This one persists.
Both Outpost Skaro and a source of our own has suggested The Power of the Daleks has audio problems.
As weve reported previously Dads Army Series 2, Adam Adamant, colour Steptoe and more are amongst the finds. Expect information and rumours in this aspect to increase as MBW approaches.
Ian Levine is insistent Phil Morris has handed nothing else back. This could indeed be the case if Marco Polo has come from another source as The Mirror has suggested, meaning that all are correct.
A claim has been made that Steven Moffat and Cardiff are being obstructive in the efforts to receive more missing episodes from Phil Morris, possibly a result of a personality clash, financial implications, the sharing of promotion and marketing or simple misunderstanding. More on those claims tomorrow.
As ever all rumours come from a variety of sources and may be true, true in part or completely false, they should not be repeated as fact nor taken as anything other than the rumours they are until there is confirmation from official sources.
No. Fucking. Way. I really shouldn't get my hopes up but... Holy crap.The Daleks Master Plan
That's my concern![]()
I was watching the first ever episodes for the first time today (picked up the "Beginnings" boxset for the 50th), and I must say that I'd like a bit of the anger the 1st shows in Capaldi. Not quite as dickish and bordering on horrible, but a bit of pissed of old man would be nice.
When was that ever assumed?Why wouldthe Silents be helping the Doctor? Don't they want him dead too?
When was that ever assumed?
I always got the impression the Silence were there to not kill the Doctor, but to ensure he never reaches the stage where the question that can never be answered will be asked, as explained by Dorian (I think) in TWoRS.
This would also be awesome.From that brief brow shot, my impression is that "passionately driven" will be a good way to describe his attitude. His entire mission in life has changed now from "be sad after murdering billions of children" to "find and save billions no matter the cost!".
Didn't the Doctor try to commit mass genocide on them earlier? Guess it wasm't too much of a biggy.
Is that The First Doctor's cane?
Hasn't the whole question thing already happen, and was fixed by Clara. Maybe now that's over the Silence don't want to kill him? I don't know, I stopped trying to find sense in all this.
Hasn't the whole question thing already happen, and was fixed by Clara. Maybe now that's over the Silence don't want to kill him? I don't know, I stopped trying to find sense in all this.
So either moffat was just incredibly sloppy with the conclusion, or the prophecy has not yet come to pass.
I dream of having Capaldi travel with a new Romana when the timelords inevitably comeback and Clara departs. Non-Terran companions are cool.
Didn't the Doctor try to commit mass genocide on them earlier? Guess it wasm't too much of a biggy.
I don't think holds a lot of weight, they tend to just post rumors and gossip. they put up a post about missing episodes, take with a quarry of salt:
Masterplan is at the top of my wish list, would love to see that.
I hope the Doctor uses his bare hands to subdue opponents like in the past, which I believe there's a video compilation of.
I hope they use the music they used in the first 50th Trailer at some point. Because I really like it and want a clean version.
I think I know the video you're talking about but I can no longer find it.
In my search I found this gem though. The Doctor is one pimp ass mofo.
Why wouldthe Silents be helping the Doctor? Don't they want him dead too?
If you really want to know,the whole reason Kovarian and the Silence were trying to kill the Doctor was to prevent the war on Trenzalore. That's where the Silence come from. When all the Doctor's enemies show up and create the stalemate, the resulting war lasts decades and ravages the planet. The Silence's "endless bitter war" was never against the Doctor, they were waging war alongside the Doctor and wanted to avert the whole thing. No Doctor, no war. But they failed, and now it all comes down to this. And no, the prophecy has not been fulfilled yet.
One interesting possible match up I would like to see: Weeping Angels vs. The Silence
The big difference is where the anger is directed- I think a lot of people find the 1st and 6th Doctor's anger horrible because a lot of the time it's directed at their companions, which is a no no. As is always stated the companion is the window for the viewer, so having the Doctor be an asshole to them feels somehow personal.
Have Capaldi come into a room, shout down all the idiots, beat up the bad guy and then give Clara a hug and you're pretty much fine.
So what your saying is we should expect to see Capadli rock up in a Patchwork multi coloured coat?With the whole Doctor revisiting past faces thing, perhaps all these clothing and accessories nods are related to that.
I think I know the video you're talking about but I can no longer find it.
In my search I found this gem though. The Doctor is one pimp ass mofo.
That's the video I was talking about.
1963They said it couldn't be done, but I did it. I caught up on Doctor Who. Now, what year is it?
If you really want to know,the whole reason Kovarian and the Silence were trying to kill the Doctor was to prevent the war on Trenzalore. That's where the Silence come from. When all the Doctor's enemies show up and create the stalemate, the resulting war lasts decades and ravages the planet. The Silence's "endless bitter war" was never against the Doctor, they were waging war alongside the Doctor and wanted to avert the whole thing. No Doctor, no war. But they failed, and now it all comes down to this. And no, the prophecy has not been fulfilled yet.
One interesting possible match up I would like to see: Weeping Angels vs. The Silence
Never forget.The big difference is where the anger is directed- I think a lot of people find the 1st and 6th Doctor's anger horrible because a lot of the time it's directed at their companions, which is a no no. As is always stated the companion is the window for the viewer, so having the Doctor be an asshole to them feels somehow personal.
Have Capaldi come into a room, shout down all the idiots, beat up the bad guy and then give Clara a hug and you're pretty much fine.
hmm...So the Silents are residents of Trenzalore? And that's where the "silents will fall" prophecy comes from -- the Doctor's presence on Trenzalore and the subsequent war leads to the downfall of the Silents' race?
Ya know. For kids!
This just got posted on Dr. Who tumblr. Not sure if its fan art or not, its been tagged as such. Features Jenna Coleman and Peter Capaldi.
Shop. Check the border between the leftmost cabinets in the top right panel. Someone/something was clone brushed out.
Now that you mention it, I just realized that there hasn't been a non-human companion in the new series yet at all. Of course, the past "alien" companions of the old series had been human in appearance, but I'm sure that comes down to budgetary and practical reasons as opposed to creative ones.
It would be cool for for them to finally introduce a non-human/Earthling companion to the series, if only to mix things up a bit. I'm not expecting to to be completely alien in appearance for reasons I listed above, but having a companion that's not completely naive to there being other planets/time travel would be nice for a change.
I think I know the video you're talking about but I can no longer find it.
In my search I found this gem though. The Doctor is one pimp ass mofo.
Does anyone else remember the Masters Companion in Utopia? At the time I remember saying to a friend that I wished the Doctor would get a non-human companion sometime if only to shake things up. I quite liked... whatshername... the blue alien, for the episode she was there.
I wonder if we'll break the streak of young and pretty women anytime soon (well Donna wasn't traditionally pretty or young, but she was an exception to the current rule)/
after watching 3 years of Nu Who, I watch some Old Who footage.
Oh my. Not touching that with a 10 foot pole :lol:
Ive never seen epsiodes with Peri on it, but when somebody posts a scenes or something, I always think, damn, what a fine lady.
Chantho was great.
And don't forget about Vastra and Strax, who are both practically companions at this point.
They never let you forget it in episodes that she appears in, even during serious moments like regeneration scenes.Ive never seen epsiodes with Peri on it, but when somebody posts a scenes or something, I always think, damn, what a fine lady.