- The pre titles stuff is basically Clara teaching at Coal Hill School, and getting a message saying her doctor has called. She races out on her motorbike and then meets The Doctor. They get picked up by a helicopter and taken to Trafalgar Square, where Kate Stewart and UNIT greet them, and The Doctor is given a letter from Elizabeth I. They all go into the National Gallery, and Kate shows The Doctor why he's been summoned. She brings them to a large white room, full of paintings. The paintings are 3D - and I mean 3D for us, the viewer, and for the characters. It's "Time Lord art", created by taking a snapshot of an event. One of the paintings is called 'Gallifrey Falls'. In the painting, is John Hurt's Doctor, identified by the Eleventh Doctor to Clara and UNIT. There are also two figures on either side of him, that the Doctor doesn't recognise. But it's him, in his current and previous incarnation (i.e. Smith and Tennant), but he hasn't been there as those two yet. The two of them later go there to join Hurt's Doctor on Arcadia. Why he doesn't remember being there as Ten, I don't know. Clara asks The Doctor why his face has dropped upon seeing the painting - and he replies that the painting represents the final day of the Time War, the day he killed his own people. Cue title sequence.
- Rose can summon projections by waving her hands, and also see into the future, which is used to alert Hurt's Doctor to his destiny; to use The Moment and end the Time War
- Clara refers to the three Doctors, Hurt, Tennant, and Smith, as "The warrior, the hero, and the Doctor"
- Clara has a hard time coming to terms with the fact the Doctor wiped his own people out - Tennant's Doctor assures her it was the only way. She pleads with her Doctor, and what he says next shocks the other two Doctors - he's changed his mind, and he wants to change time, and not destroy the Daleks and Time Lords. Because now the Doctor has something he didn't have then, another two versions of himself, so maybe they can collectively come up with another way after all. The other two come around, grin, and get on with changing history.