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Doctor Who Series 9 |OT| Let Zygons Be Zygons

I've resolved to rewatch Season 9 between now and the final ep. I started on the intro two parter which I remembered liking- possibly because it augered a good season but looking back It's hard not to feel, not disappointed, more meh with the season so far. Even with sleep no more, I don't think we've seen major missteps on the level of Kill the Moon/In the Forest, but i'm still waiting on a stand out like Flatline, Mummy on the Orient Express, Dark Water or Last Christmas. If this season were put on an oscilloscope to determine quality, it'd mostly be a flat line with a small dip for Zygon Invasion and a bigger one for Sleep No more, last year would have looked like someone having a heart attack.

Three episodes left for this year for the show to hit a six, Moff.

Big Nikus

It's short and non spoilery.

Really ? I'm on the fence... to watch or not watch.

Whatever people say, it's been years since I enjoyed a season as much as this one (and I loved the previous one too).
I'm just 100% into it, Capaldi is growing close to Tennant in my heart, and Jenna Coleman was definitely the companion for whom I cared the most since I discovered the show with Rose.
Reading the reactions on GAF is hard sometimes, but it has never diminished my hype for the episodes to come (and I wouldn't call people "disgusting" either...).
Yeah, it's been years since I was hyped this much for the show, Capaldi is gonna rock it in the next episodes.

Also, my theories still stand, I think, but now I've got another one even more fucked up...


I've resolved to rewatch Season 9 between now and the final ep. I started on the intro two parter which I remembered liking- possibly because it augered a good season but looking back It's hard not to feel, not disappointed, more meh with the season so far. Even with sleep no more, I don't think we've seen major missteps on the level of Kill the Moon/In the Forest, but i'm still waiting on a stand out like Flatline, Mummy on the Orient Express, Dark Water or Last Christmas. If this season were put on an oscilloscope to determine quality, it'd mostly be a flat line with a small dip for Zygon Invasion and a bigger one for Sleep No more, last year would have looked like someone having a heart attack.

Three episodes left for this year for the show to hit a six, Moff.

I have a feeling Heaven Sent will be a standout, considering Capaldi's (pretty much) on his own.

I've loved series 9 so far, I don't really have any problems like some people do. But I'm a die-hard fan who loves all Doctors though.


The Amiga Brotherhood
I've resolved to rewatch Season 9 between now and the final ep. I started on the intro two parter which I remembered liking- possibly because it augered a good season but looking back It's hard not to feel, not disappointed, more meh with the season so far. Even with sleep no more, I don't think we've seen major missteps on the level of Kill the Moon/In the Forest, but i'm still waiting on a stand out like Flatline, Mummy on the Orient Express, Dark Water or Last Christmas. If this season were put on an oscilloscope to determine quality, it'd mostly be a flat line with a small dip for Zygon Invasion and a bigger one for Sleep No more, last year would have looked like someone having a heart attack.

Three episodes left for this year for the show to hit a six, Moff.

Pretty much exactly how I've felt, even down to the opening seeming promising at the time.

For me Face The Raven was like taking paddles to the chest of the series and kicked it into life, very much looking forward to the last 2 now but the series has been a bit of a bust.


I'd like to think that Toby Whithouse is the Moffat to RTD for Moffat, but not quite as much of an impact as Moffat had in RTD's run.

He did School Reunion (RTD), The Vampires of Venice, The God Complex, A Town Called Mercy, and Under the Lake/Before the Flood so far.

Personally, these episodes were good to great. He hasn't written anything on Doctor Who that I consider bad.

Yeah, Whithouse might not be Moffat/RTD-tier, but I think he could be entrusted with the show and do a decent job.


Kills Photobucket
I've loved this season. I'd say it's the most consistently good season New Who has had by quite a margin. Only flop this season for me was the Sandman episode, and that was more just boring than bad.
Real shame Mathieson's episode this season (the Viking one) was kind of lame, at least in comparison to the excellent Orient Express & Flatline, because after those two I'd have wanted him to take over.

God Complex is a personal fav though.


Eh I blame the tight control over the story on the Viking one. Mathieson was let loose on Flatline/Mummy, so I'd like to see more of that.

Mathieson is great when he can flex his creativity and has great writing.
I've loved this season. I'd say it's the most consistently good season New Who has had by quite a margin. Only flop this season for me was the Sandman episode, and that was more just boring than bad.

Very much agree. I've found the mostly two-part format to work incredibly well and let them have stories that can breathe. I've found it much better than S8, and to some extent, S7.


Peter Capaldi was a Doctor Who event in New Zealand and confirmed that he will be filmed series 10 later then normal. The exact quote from the summary page:
He believes it’s important to do some none Who acting every now and again and come back and bring that back to the role. He has a later start with Who next year so may get to work on another project in the next few months.

With Peter confirming the later start date for filming it's pretty much 100% guaranteed we wont get any Who next year (besides probably the Christmas special). I believe one of the production designers said they wont start filming until April or May so it's probably going to be early 2017 for series 10.

Honestly the BBC should just hurry up and announce a gap year for next year, it's happening.
I've loved this season. I'd say it's the most consistently good season New Who has had by quite a margin. Only flop this season for me was the Sandman episode, and that was more just boring than bad.

Yep, this series will probably sit beside series 5 as my favourite in new Who. I've really enjoyed every episode with only Sleep No More being slightly below average for me (similar to Gatiss' episode in series 5 being my least favourite of that series too.)


Guys, the Doctor looks majorly pissed off in that clip. Like, really pissed off. I really can't help but feel we'll be seeing hints of The Valeyard in the finale.
S9 for me is right there with S3 and S4. We'll see if I still feel that way in a couple years.

I do think it's a little better than Series 8, and that was a very exciting year in itself.

As I hinted before, I find it difficult to compare Series 8 with the immediately preceding series of Moffat's later Eleventh Doctor. Beginning with the Impossible Astronaut and ending with Time of the Doctor, the show had what I consider to be something of a golden age. The challenge was to reinvent the show after Matt left, and I think Peter's extraordinarily confident start was aided by great writing. The great experiment in Series 9 has been to make multiple part episodes the norm. That's been a success, and I hope we'll see more of it.

Series 3 and Series 4 almost feel like a different show, and so they should. I couldn't even begin to compare.



For anyone who missed it, there's a trailer and a clip up for Big Finish's upcoming War Doctor box-set HERE.
I still can't quite get my head around the notion that Big Finish got John Hurt.

The guy was really excited to be a Doctor. I guess he didn't want it to end.

I can see him gathering a following much like the 8th if the audio dramas turn out well.


Seeing Big Finish doing all the Time War stuff with Eighth and War Doctors plus all the Tenth Doctor stories also coming, well, that just might make up for no tv episodes in 2016.

Whoa, I somehow missed Doom Coalition that came out last month. More Eighth Doctor is something I immediately pull the wallet out for and buy. Plus River Song in Doom Coalition 2, I really wonder how that will work.
Seeing Big Finish doing all the Time War stuff with Eighth and War Doctors plus all the Tenth Doctor stories also coming, well, that just might make up for no tv episodes in 2016.

Whoa, I somehow missed Doom Coalition that came out last month. More Eighth Doctor is something I immediately pull the wallet out for and buy. Plus River Song in Doom Coalition 2, I really wonder how that will work.

Yeah, I think next year will be a big Big Finish catchup. Just wish their iOS app wasn't shit. :(
Listened to Minuet in Hell yesterday. I actually thought it was quite good! It was totally batshit and altogether bold. The whole sex dungeon thing, demon worship and to top it off giving zero non-muddled airtime to the Doctor and Charley for the first 2 (3?) parts. It was confusing but engaging. I don't even have any fondness for the Brigadier since I've seen zero Three stories. I think I liked the weird format more than the story itself, but that's OK.

On the other hand, two parts into Invaders from Mars on the way into work this morning, and blech. Totally uninterested, especially by the twist at the end of part 2.

Finally, please BF no more American accents.

I think it was just that Minuet more than any other BIg Finish story I listened to felt like Audio fan-fic in the worst way. I know it was based off of another Audio Visual or some such, but MAN the bible belt sate of Malbolgia just made no sense. And the accents. Holy crap the accents. Brig was awesome in it at least. I think it would have been better set in the actual Hellfire club, as opposed to "near future".

I remember liking invaders from Mars, though it has been years since I listened to it.

Seeing Big Finish doing all the Time War stuff with Eighth and War Doctors plus all the Tenth Doctor stories also coming, well, that just might make up for no tv episodes in 2016.

Whoa, I somehow missed Doom Coalition that came out last month. More Eighth Doctor is something I immediately pull the wallet out for and buy. Plus River Song in Doom Coalition 2, I really wonder how that will work.

A lot of stuff to get the War Doctor stuff should be fun, I hope they do some cool stuff with it. My only complain is that the Eighth Doctor time war stuff isn't till 2017. I don't want to wait that long!

It looks like BF has all the major stuff I would want right now, the only thing I would wish for, as impossible as it seems, would be for Eccleston to come in. 9th Doctor + Sally Sparrow make it happen.


MAN the bible belt sate of Malbolgia just made no sense. And the accents. Holy crap the accents. Brig was awesome in it at least. I think it would have been better set in the actual Hellfire club, as opposed to "near future".

I remember liking invaders from Mars, though it has been years since I listened to it.

Can't argue about the hokiness of the initial premise in Minuet. Why did it even have to be a new state? And why with such a Eastern European name??

Haven't quite finished Invaders from Mars, but if it doesn't do something great in the last 15 minutes it's going to be my least favourite story thus far. :(
Can't argue about the hokiness of the initial premise in Minuet. Why did it even have to be a new state? And why with such a Eastern European name??

I don't know anything about the story, but I can tell you that Malebolge is Dante's name for the eighth circle of hell. There is also an obfuscated programming language called Malbolge after Dante's fictional locale. Note spellings.
I don't know anything about the story, but I can tell you that Malebolge is Dante's name for the eighth circle of hell. There is also an obfuscated programming language called Malbolge after Dante's fictional locale. Note spellings.

It was supposed to be that, or a reference to it. Hence why it seemed really strange that a new state in the Bible Belt would be named after the eighth circle of hell.

Can't argue about the hokiness of the initial premise in Minuet. Why did it even have to be a new state? And why with such a Eastern European name??

Haven't quite finished Invaders from Mars, but if it doesn't do something great in the last 15 minutes it's going to be my least favourite story thus far. :(

There was no reason, just a strange near future idea that was odd as hell. I get what they were going for, it just did not work for me.

Well, one of my favorites is coming up after that. So look forward to it.
Whats this?

They're predicting how long it'll take for fans to turn on Moffat's successor.

It really depends who it is; if it's Gatiss there'll be a civil war immediately between those who think Gatiss writes more traditional, old-style Doctor Who (and he does) and those who think many of his RTD/Moffat-era episodes are weak.

The fans are really mental in that period though. I remember during the run up to Series 5 people were absolutely joyous when RTD was leaving; the witch is dead etc - but then when the trailer dropped, people were suddenly furious. The Silurians looked nothing like the classic Silurians (the same kickback RTD faced about the Cybermen), and Matt Smith was seen both punching somebody AND brandishing a gun in that one two minute trailer, which combined with how young he was caused this groundswell of concern that Moffat was going to recast the Doctor as an action hero. People were going mental.

It was all fine, obviously. The bits of the series and Moffat's era that didn't stick were predictably things that the crybabies didn't have the foresight to whine about, same as with RTD.
They're predicting how long it'll take for fans to turn on Moffat's successor.

It really depends who it is; if it's Gatiss there'll be a civil war immediately between those who think Gatiss writes more traditional, old-style Doctor Who (and he does) and those who think many of his RTD/Moffat-era episodes are weak.

The fans are really mental in that period though. I remember during the run up to Series 5 people were absolutely joyous when RTD was leaving; the witch is dead etc - but then when the trailer dropped, people were suddenly furious. The Silurians looked nothing like the classic Silurians (the same kickback RTD faced about the Cybermen), and Matt Smith was seen both punching somebody AND brandishing a gun in that one two minute trailer, which combined with how young he was caused this groundswell of concern that Moffat was going to recast the Doctor as an action hero. People were going mental.

It was all fine, obviously. The bits of the series and Moffat's era that didn't stick were predictably things that the crybabies didn't have the foresight to whine about, same as with RTD.

Oh, ta.
I totally misread it and thought it was something to do this this weeks episode, lol
I hate that particular bit because he's not given anything to do while he's delivering that speech; he's holding the gun up with one hand, the walkie talkie up awkwardly with the other, and the line (which is really good) goes on for ages, so it just feels like everybody is standing still when he's ready to go just so he can grandstand even though half the episode has been talking about how deadly and fast the angels are. It's my least favourite bit of those two phenomenal episodes; not the script's fault as such,I just wish they'd shot it differently, given him something different to do other than hold that pose for the entire delivery of that line.

Graham Norton did inject some variety into the moment on first broadcast though eh
It was supposed to be that, or a reference to it. Hence why it seemed really strange that a new state in the Bible Belt would be named after the eighth circle of hell.

The following comment is with the caveat that I know no more of the plot than has been discussed here and a misinterpretation is highly likely.

As I understand it the new state turns out to be a pious front for a demonic plot. To my ears, this does chime fairly well with Dante's Malebolge, where the religious hypocrites and frauds go. The reference is presumably intended to be out of universe, a coded message to the reader.
The fans are really mental in that period though. I remember during the run up to Series 5 people were absolutely joyous when RTD was leaving; the witch is dead etc - but then when the trailer dropped, people were suddenly furious. The Silurians looked nothing like the classic Silurians (the same kickback RTD faced about the Cybermen), and Matt Smith was seen both punching somebody AND brandishing a gun in that one two minute trailer, which combined with how young he was caused this groundswell of concern that Moffat was going to recast the Doctor as an action hero. People were going mental.

I think my favourite bit of absolute craziness was the time when someone managed to get a microphone on to the recording of the Dalek episode, and Matt Smith deliberately said Dalek in the style of one and everyone decided he didn't know how to pronounce it and therefore shouldn't be the Doctor

That happened, right? I'm not just making this up?


I think my favourite bit of absolute craziness was the time when someone managed to get a microphone on to the recording of the Dalek episode, and Matt Smith deliberately said Dalek in the style of one and everyone decided he didn't know how to pronounce it and therefore shouldn't be the Doctor

That happened, right? I'm not just making this up?

Oh my god I remember this hahaha! Gallifrey Base was in uproar
I think my favourite bit of absolute craziness was the time when someone managed to get a microphone on to the recording of the Dalek episode, and Matt Smith deliberately said Dalek in the style of one and everyone decided he didn't know how to pronounce it and therefore shouldn't be the Doctor

That happened, right? I'm not just making this up?

Got a link to that? Really want to hear it.
I think my favourite bit of absolute craziness was the time when someone managed to get a microphone on to the recording of the Dalek episode, and Matt Smith deliberately said Dalek in the style of one and everyone decided he didn't know how to pronounce it and therefore shouldn't be the Doctor

That happened, right? I'm not just making this up?
That's right! Someone snuck into a service lift on location and recorded the sounds coming up the lift shaft, IIRC.
I think my favourite bit of absolute craziness was the time when someone managed to get a microphone on to the recording of the Dalek episode, and Matt Smith deliberately said Dalek in the style of one and everyone decided he didn't know how to pronounce it and therefore shouldn't be the Doctor

That happened, right? I'm not just making this up?

In the season 7 ep Hide, he did fuck up the pronunciation of a planet called Metebelis 3, which was referenced in several Pertwee stories (and was a location in two of them). In those Pertwee stories, everyone pronounced it as ME-teh-bee-lis 3. And Matt Smith twice called it Me-TEH-Belis 3.


How dare she wear the Sacred Orange Spacesuit.
Think about it though. If Clara didn't try to play Doctor:

Ashildr never ends up on the ship
Ashildr never declares war on the Mire
Ashildr never dies
Ashildr never founds the alien society
Clara never dies
In the season 7 ep Hide, he did fuck up the pronunciation of a planet called Metebelis 3, which was referenced in several Pertwee stories (and was a location in two of them). In those Pertwee stories, everyone pronounced it as ME-teh-bee-lis 3. And Matt Smith twice called it Me-TEH-Belis 3.

Bastard. I'm burning my DVDs in protest.
That's some dedication, especially to get a recording of a line that completely changed intonation on half the words in ADR
Some of the Doctor Who set reporters are bloody scary. As RTD said, if you had turned half that effort in teaching people down towards the Middle East, bin Laden would have been found in half an hour.
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