There's been a couple of callbacks already to previous events (Fires of Pompeii, Day of the Doctor), so Who Nose?
I keep thinking he's tried and failed to pick his nose there.
There's been a couple of callbacks already to previous events (Fires of Pompeii, Day of the Doctor), so Who Nose?
I mean, what would a Dalek-Time Lord hybrid even be used for, exactly?
I mean, what would a Dalek-Time Lord hybrid even be used for, exactly?
Well they're told right beforehand that they can't trust what they'll see at the Church.
And then the "mum" appears.
And the commander woman is telling him "that's not your mum, it's the alien, you know, the one that we need to stop or the planet is fucked".
And he's like "well, what if it IS my mum?" And asks her a question, to which she doesn't answer.
Then he decides to ignore the commander woman.
And then everyone else follows in too? Why?
And they all die without firing a bullet.
It just seemed that everyone in UNIT suddenly turned into idiots.
Osgood is powerful in every one of the sparse scenes she is allotted. The principle of solidarity, which she and her sister colluded to invent in Day of the Doctor, is beautifully embodied in her refusal to say which one of her was killed by Missy.
This reminds me a little of the twin Culture spaceships in Iain Banks' Look to Windward. The hub mind of Masaq Orbital is a union of two of these talking spaceships, one originally created as an emergency backup of the other during the Idiran War. It is known that one of them was physically destroyed, but the two ships often shared mind backups and so were essentially identical. The hub mind refuses to say which of the twins survived, and which one died.
So the Kate investigating the ghost town has to be Zygon Kate right? Because why else would a high ranking member of UNIT just be going to a suspicious town with no backup at all. Seems a bit dumb and dangerous unless it's a decoy.
Clara is gone and will never return. I will not reveal any forecast about her fate. I can only say that what will happen will shock, terrify and surprise. Strictly in that order.
Or sheMoffat spoilers regarding Clara's future:
Definitely sounds like, but this is Moffat so who knows.she is going to die
Moffat spoilers regarding Clara's future:
Definitely sounds like, but this is Moffat so who knows.she is going to die
Eh, going by the NuWho companions:Gotta say I'm kinda getting sick of companion endings being nothing but death or tragedy.
Last time I'm using spoiler bars for now lolEh, going by the NuWho companions:
Rose: Had a happy ending with the Doctor clone and her family
Martha: Stopped adventuring, got married, joined Unit/Torchwood
Donna: Lost her memory of her travels but is still alive and well and living a normal life
Amy and Rory: Were separated from the Doctor and their normal lives, but managed to have a full and happy life together
None of those involvedeath or anything that tragic. No companions have died since the show returned
So the Kate investigating the ghost town has to be Zygon Kate right? Because why else would a high ranking member of UNIT just be going to a suspicious town with no backup at all. Seems a bit dumb and dangerous unless it's a decoy.
Donna's end was so good, that was some brutal shit
Don't forget that Donna also wins the lottery.
It really was Brutal. The first time I saw the episode where The Master was in charge of Earth and Donna started regaining lost memories, I wondered if she would die. Luckily, The Doctor left some safeguards in place to knock her out and make them go away again.
Didn't The Doctor go find out the winning numbers and then go back and buy the ticket himself and give it to her as a present?
I think it's rather depressing that all the Doctor could do for Donna in the end is give her some money.
Probably the latter if they want to continue with sunglasses and guitar rocker Doctor.If Clara does die, what happens to the Doctor? Do we think he'll revert a bit to his more severe self in an attempt to try and keep whoever follows her on the straight and narrow or will he go off the deep end with his newfound extravagance in an effort to try and outrun that pain?
Loved her, but Donna's exit was, is, and always will be horseshit.
Moffat spoilers regarding Clara's future:
Definitely sounds like, but this is Moffat so who knows.she is going to die
I never trust the Moffat.
While it's too bad she had to forget and give up adventuring with him, the point was made when she first came on the scene that her life was quite the dead end. "Some money" means she can stop temping and travel the world.
A hybrid is combining two different things.
This can mean only one thing.
The Return of Doctor Donna.
Finished season 6.
I still like River more than Rory and Amy. One nagging issue with the "twist".The Doctor was inside the Doctor machine/replica/suit/vehicle so how was it about to regenerate?
It can perfectly replicate any lifeform, you don't think it can shoot some orange lights out the arms?
But the whole point of her travelling and her arc is her learning that she's actually worth something - that she's not just some temp, she is/was 'the most important woman in all of creation'. She has a purpose and a positive effect on the universe. Giving her a lottery ticket in the hopes that she travels the world seems to ignore all that and just assume she was a bit bored.
Donna and Rose are proof that whatever happens to Clara, she should never, ever come back after she leaves.
For fans of reading scripts, and not just those leaked online haha how funny would that be, they've officially released Series 9 episode 1 and 2 scripts as part of Writers Room, so you can see what they're like:
For fans of reading scripts, and not just those leaked online haha how funny would that be, they've officially released Series 9 episode 1 and 2 scripts as part of Writers Room, so you can see what they're like:
Finished season 6.
I still like River more than Rory and Amy. One nagging issue with the "twist".The Doctor was inside the Doctor machine/replica/suit/vehicle so how was it about to regenerate?
It can perfectly replicate any lifeform, you don't think it can shoot some orange lights out the arms?
This was a fixed point so he couldn't erase the regeneration. Instead he rigged the Tesselector to fake the regeneration.
I really adore River. It's a beautifully written and beautifully played part and, with Amy, is an example of a writer fully exploiting the possibilities of a series about time travel. I hope I didn't give too much away there.
I didn't enjoy most of my time with lego DImensions (apart from Portal 2 levels) but this will suck me back in.,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/1503132420737852995.gif[IMG][/QUOTE]
That's fucking awesome.
The guy who made the intro must be happy as hell seeing his idea really take off.
On season 7...omg Jenna Coleman...hnnnng! :3
Bright, funny. The camera loves her, too. Not Scottish, but nobody's perfect.
I didn't enjoy most of my time with lego DImensions (apart from Portal 2 levels) but this will suck me back in.