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Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze: Review Thread

  • Thread starter Deleted member 125677
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Ok, since when do we refer to sequels as level packs, people???

The same junk happened in the 3D World threads and now it's happening again?

Its funny because I always see this shit with platformers. Tropical Freeze and 3D World are level packs but Call of Duty 15 and Assassins Creed 10 are brand new games.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
Ok, since when do we refer to sequels as level packs, people???

The same junk happened in the 3D World threads and now it's happening again?

TF is closer to Returns than 3D World is to 3D Land, also I chose these words to differentiate different kinds of sequels. DKCR also was a sequel to DKC3, but mechanically it totally reinvented the series, whereas TF really is a direct continuation of Returns, reusing the base gameplay almost unchanged.
Its funny because I always see this shit with platformers. Tropical Freeze and 3D World are level packs but Call of Duty 15 and Assassins Creed 10 are brand new games.
It's really funny that you are discussing this as a response on something that I said, because I am a really big platformer fan and would gladly take 10 level packs to DKCR over 10 absolutely unique first person shooters. Also, I would call CoD-sequels level packs, too.


TF is closer to Returns than 3D World is to 3D Land, also I chose these words to differentiate different kinds of sequels. DKCR also was a sequel to DKC3, but mechanically it totally reinvented the series, whereas TF really is a direct continuation of Returns, reusing the base gameplay almost unchanged.

Doesn't matter. It's a sequel.

We need to get away from this attitude that if sequel isn't Majora's Mask levels of different then we refer to it as a level pack.


I'm going to have to agree with the Gamespot review. DK just doesn't land with the firm-footedness I've come to expect from Nintendo mascots.
what does that even mean?
Anyways, I think there are some legitimate complaints that could be used to take some points off: load times are too long, multiplayer isn't that great (if you include it, make sure it's good), perhaps too conservative a sequel despite the fact DKCR was its only predecessor and that game was amazing.

But, I think it's also getting the Wii U/Nintendo referendum treatment from some places.
I've watched a lot of footage now, and I gotta say that the levels really don't seem too varied artistically. While there some different islands with different looks, it all looks more or less the same.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
Doesn't matter. It's a sequel.

We need to get away from this attitude that if sequel isn't Majora's Mask levels of different then we refer to it as a level pack.

And exactly why do we need to do that? Is there some huge dishonor in being a set of fantastic new levels to a great game with well-designed mechanics? My two most wanted games going into 2014 were DKCTF and Yoshi's Island 3. Two games I'd describe as sequels of the "level pack" type.


In other words, it's a great game – exactly what we expect from Nintendo. But in a way, that's also its problem: anyone with a Wii U would be a fool not to buy it, but so few people have committed to the Wii U, and in order to rectify that, Nintendo needs to woo the unconverted with all-new gaming experiences. And the gaming experience that Tropical Freeze provides may be rich, enjoyable, challenging and frequently hilarious, but it isn't anything conspicuously new.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
Of course! Kill the bad guy and save the world.
DKC2 and DKC3 are level packs for DKC

They are, and DKC2 is a vastly superior game compared to its predecessor, so I don't see a problem in that.
It's really funny that you are discussing this as a response on something that I said, because I am a really big platformer fan and would gladly take 10 level packs to DKCR over 10 absolutely unique first person shooters. Also, I would call CoD-sequels level packs, too.

I didn't mean you specifically. I just get really annoyed at the genre bias against 2D platformers.


I'm not one to complain about reviews but I found this line hilarious:

Neither of Retro’s Donkey Kong games dare to move beyond the usual outdoor settings (here it’s jungle, followed by a Nordic forest, followed by an African savannah, followed by some tropical islands, etc.) and none of them have any substantial new features.

Nordic forests and African savannah are truly DKC staples right?

In any case, these arguments all come down to one thing. What's the point of game reviews? To me, a game review should just tell me if a game is fun or not, but it seems that most reviewers try to make reviews some sort of analysis of the game's "artistic" merits, so we end up with some weird scores.


And exactly why do we need to do that? Is there some huge dishonor in being a set of fantastic new levels to a great game with well-designed mechanics? My two most wanted games going into 2014 were DKCTF and Yoshi's Island 3. Two games I'd describe as sequels of the "level pack" type.

Yes, there is. That phrase will inherently turn some people off of a game that they may have otherwise played and loved. It's not a legitimate criticism of the game, yet people see it that way. It takes a game that is better than its predecessor and makes it seem worse, or less worth your time. And honestly, it's a phrase that I mainly really see applied to Nintendo games, and while some people complain about how derivative CoD has become, I don't see anyone complaining that a game like Dark Souls 2 is just a level pack.

And it's honestly not a legitimate criticism, and it's disrespectful to all the hard work the developers put into the game.
I guess you can write about whatever you want in a review, but this feels like its outside the scope of a game review. What on earth does a console's long-term prospects have to do with a specific game?

I know. For fuck's sake. Leave this bullshit out of your review people. If you want to discuss Nintendo's larger issues that's fine but it has nothing to do with reviewing TF.


I'm not one to complain about reviews but I found this line hilarious:

Nordic forests and African savannah are truly DKC staples right?

In any case, these arguments all come down to one thing. What's the point of game reviews? To me, a game review should just tell me if a game is fun or not, but it seems that most reviewers try to make reviews some sort of analysis of the game's "artistic" merits, so we end up with some weird scores.

Yo dude, giant beer steins and and windmills are classic DKC.


I love games journalism. Simultaneously reviewing the game, the projected sales of the game, and the affect the game will have on the platform's install base. Ugh.

It's moment like these where I wish we still had GamePro-style reviews. Because I wish reviewers remembered that the important points for a review are, as it has always been for games (for me, anyway): Graphics, Sound, Control, Fun Factor, and Challenge. But, hey, we should probably dock some points for "- Won't save the Wii U".


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
Yes, there is. That phrase will inherently turn some people off of a game that they may have otherwise played and loved. It's not a legitimate criticism of the game, yet people see it that way. It takes a game that is better than its predecessor and makes it seem worse, or less worth your time. And honestly, it's a phrase that I mainly really see applied to Nintendo games, and while some people complain about how derivative CoD has become, I don't see anyone complaining that a game like Dark Souls 2 is just a level pack.

And it's honestly not a legitimate criticism, and it's disrespectful to all the hard work the developers put into the game.

But it isn't a criticism. At least I don't use it as a point of criticism. It's just explaining that the game plays extremely similar and it's mainly a new set of levels for the old mechanical "framework". And of course, this isn't a genre either as someone wrote above. It's just one kind of sequel. Other games might be complete reinventions of the series (see: Super Mario 64) or sequels changing, but not overthrowing the gameplay mechanics of its predecessor (compare Sonic Colours to Unleashed for example). When do you think is the name "level pack" OK? Only if it is dlc like in NSLU's case?


Holy crap! Today's real megaton is that more than two people can have the same first name.
I loved this comment by "PurpleHaizu" on the Eurogamer review. (No, I didn't write it.)

Terrific review. Glad to see there are people out there who understand that general lack of innovation or change should not be rewarded with high review scores. Time to wise up Nintendo, we don't want the same thing you're peddling anymore.

Though seriously Tom you should be commended on your stance on, for lack of a better word "saminess". I mean just look a that guy, (whom I can't seem to remember his name atm) he reviewed the last three or so Assassins Creed games for Eurogamer, gave them all nothing but 9s and 10s yet they were just the same old yearly iterations that Ubi seem adamant in putting out every holiday season. That guy certainly doesn't get it (the way you and I do Tom) and I wouldn't trust his reviews in a million years.

Heck I'm going to look that guys name up and give him a piece of my mind......*looks reviewers name up*......oh dear.


But it isn't a criticism. At least I don't use it as a point of criticism. It's just explaining that the game plays extremely similar and it's mainly a new set of levels for the old mechanical "framework". And of course, this isn't a genre either as someone wrote above. It's just one kind of sequel. Other games might be complete reinventions of the series (see: Super Mario 64) or sequels changing, but not overthrowing the gameplay mechanics of its predecessor (compare Sonic Colours to Unleashed for example). When do you think is the name "level pack" OK? Only if it is dlc like in NSLU's case?

I think the phrase "level pack" is ok when the developers actually design a level pack. Those Pikmin 3 dlc missions? Level packs. Tropical Freeze? Sequel. Level packs are an actual thing. They are new levels added to an old game. Not some phrase used to describe sequels.

We never used to describe sequels this way, and I think the term is getting out of hand. It is inherently derogatory, and makes people look down on the game even though it may be of even higher quality to its predecessor.


Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about Rayman Legends Wii U.
The reviews are sounding exactly what I expected - incredibly crafted 2D platformer from the creators of DKCR. Cannot fucking wait! Christ!
BTW here are some other reviews from him:

Assassin's Creed 3: 9/10
Assassin's Creed 4: 9/10
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood: 10/10
Far Cry 3: 10/10
GTAV: 9/10
Bioshock Infinite: 10/10
That's what I was thinking.

I'm down with "more of the same", if it's anywhere near as good as Returns was.

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze - 7.0/10


FIFA 14 - 8.0/10
Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 - 9.0/10
FIFA 13 - 9.0/10
Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 - 9.0/10
FIFA 12 - 8.0/10
Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 - 8.0/10

Holy shit. This is why I hate games journalism. At least be consistent in your criticisms.
Maybe they aren't consistent, but that quote nicely sums up what I feared about this game from the moment it was announced. Seems like DCK:TF is really well done game, but I'm not excited to play it.
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