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Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze: Review Thread

  • Thread starter Deleted member 125677
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Yes, there is. That phrase will inherently turn some people off of a game that they may have otherwise played and loved. It's not a legitimate criticism of the game, yet people see it that way. It takes a game that is better than its predecessor and makes it seem worse, or less worth your time. And honestly, it's a phrase that I mainly really see applied to Nintendo games, and while some people complain about how derivative CoD has become, I don't see anyone complaining that a game like Dark Souls 2 is just a level pack.

And it's honestly not a legitimate criticism, and it's disrespectful to all the hard work the developers put into the game.
I feel the same way.
Thing is "level pack" tends to carry negative connotations as if it should have been some hastily smashed out DLC or something that's being shadily released as a full product (so NSLU then). When it comes down to it a sequel is a sequel, some strive to reinvent and others to refine, in any case I find the term direct sequel makes more sense than level pack for that particular angle where the game is very similar from a gameplay standpoint to a previous entry.

With the level pack logic you could demote a whole host of sequels in various genres from last gen to the NES days as being packs of some variety and platformers especially so.


this game has varying degrees of difficulty? woah man.

Can I pick hard from the start?

No. Only easy and normal are available from the start. I can understand why though, in hard mode everything is a 1 hit kill, no checkpoints, and you can't get a partner out of a barrel to give you an extra hit. It's basically TUFST mode from DKC3 on steroids.
You can't.

Actually you can, but only after getting 100%.

But only in hard mode right?

WOW. I know DKC series has done this for awhile but if 3DW lets me experiment with any character, anytime there's no excuse at this point. It was bad enough in DKCR with Diddy only being in multi but all three supporting characters locked down? I want this game but I was already hesitating on getting it day one due to a backlog I'm working on. Being forced to 100% clear the game (possibly) on hard just to enjoy the other characters guarantees I won't be getting it right away. And it's not for lack of having friends to play the game with either. Just do not like these types of pointless decisions which only serve to restrict the player.


Yes, there is. That phrase will inherently turn some people off of a game that they may have otherwise played and loved. It's not a legitimate criticism of the game, yet people see it that way. It takes a game that is better than its predecessor and makes it seem worse, or less worth your time. And honestly, it's a phrase that I mainly really see applied to Nintendo games, and while some people complain about how derivative CoD has become, I don't see anyone complaining that a game like Dark Souls 2 is just a level pack.

And it's honestly not a legitimate criticism, and it's disrespectful to all the hard work the developers put into the game.

It'd be interesting to see if the criticism was applied to DKC2 back in the day.
I love games journalism. Simultaneously reviewing the game, the projected sales of the game, and the affect the game will have on the platform's install base. Ugh.

It's moment like these where I wish we still had GamePro-style reviews. Because I wish reviewers remembered that the important points for a review are, as it has always been for games (for me, anyway): Graphics, Sound, Control, Fun Factor, and Challenge. But, hey, we should probably dock some points for "- Won't save the Wii U".

lol. it's so absurd. this is why i don't listen to reviews, and think garmz jurnalizm is a fucking joke. i usually check out user reviews and youtube clips to determine if a game is for me or not.

some modern day reviews categories read more like: Production Values, Advertising Budget, Cinematic/Filmic Worth, Ability to Sell a Console.


It looks like the more negative reviews mostly share the same sentiment that haunts many Nintendo games, namely: the game is well made and a lot of fun but doesn't feel new or offer enough fresh ideas.

See these games they just have too much soul.



I've loved basically all of Retro's work and DKCR was one of the best platformers I've ever played. I'm not too worried, though I somewhat understand if game seems like more of the same. Though I don't think that's a huge problem when the "same" is of such high quality.
I didn't expect any 10s, kind of cool.

This is one game where it could have gotten all 7s and I know I would really like it(I LOVED Returns) but the good scores are nice to see.
It'd be interesting to see if the criticism was applied to DKC2 back in the day.

I'm fairly sure it would be, had the internet been as commonplace as today.

DKC2 was "just a level pack" for DKC, and it's one of the best games in the whole genre. It's why that conplaint holds no weight; in 15 years do you think anyone's going to give a shit about saving the wii u or whatever other dumbass tangents these reviewers go on? Of course they wont. All that will matter in 15 years is the well made game mechanics and level design. Just like the old ones.


I didn't expect any 10s, kind of cool.

This is one game where it could have gotten all 7s and I know I would really like it(I LOVED Returns) but the good scores are nice to see.

Well apparently 10/10 will result in petty death threats to the reviewer about it not being Metroid Prime 4.
I wish I were making that up


All those great reviews, no surprise there

Somebody on another board saw the Gamespot review early before the rest of the reviews and said the game sucks haha


Ok, since when do we refer to sequels as level packs, people???

The same junk happened in the 3D World threads and now it's happening again?

My serious answer would be, a result of the advent of the story (heavy) games.Where sequels follow a typical narrative arc while games that expand on gameplay concepts become "level packs".

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
I'm fairly sure it would be, had the internet been as commonplace as today.

DKC2 was "just a level pack" for DKC, and it's one of the best games in the whole genre. It's why that conplaint holds no weight; in 15 years do you think anyone's going to give a shit about saving the wii u or whatever other dumbass tangents these reviewers go on? Of course they wont. All that will matter in 15 years is the well made game mechanics and level design. Just like the old ones.

That's the thing. All I want to know from a review is: is this a good game? I don't need to hear about what it's doing to improve the WiiU's straits, the tired argument about "it's another platformer on the WiiU," your opinions on sexism in games -- any of that extraneous bullshit. And there's this weird fixation on all of these tangents, like the mark of a true games journalist is that you can miss the point of a review as thoroughly as possible.

Let's cut through the flowery language for a second: It's a product evaluation. Evaluate the fucking product.


I don't think you can pick it from the start, but hard mode actually sounds really hard.

No. Only easy and normal are available from the start. I can understand why though, in hard mode everything is a 1 hit kill, no checkpoints, and you can't get a partner out of a barrel to give you an extra hit. It's basically TUFST mode from DKC3 on steroids.
holy shit I'm out. I'm too weak to ever touch that.

I'll play normal and leave it at that.
A donkey kong game made by retro with music by David Wise. Do I really even need to look at a review? I mean anyones who has experience with either of those 2 know exactly how good this games going to be.
Came into this thread, nervously. Then i saw them 10/9s, phew. I couldnt care less about gamespot.

I know this game will be great, from the footage ive seen.

Nice job retro!

Already paid off, waiting for Friday.
Gamespot has become clicker bait central with its reviews. Most of their reviewers seem to be looking for the next gone home and review the ideas behind a game instead of the actual game. I imagine their review went like this
-1 for being a platformer game on the wii u. -1 for not being a metroid game made by Retro. -1 for being "too hard" which im guessing he skipped the first one? -1 for being more of the same yet apparently not playing dkcr?


Review scores don't really matter for this game to me. I know I'm gonna love it regardless but overall it seems it's getting solid scores. a couple 10s and a bunch of 9s as well.

Leaving to go out of town Friday afternoon so gotta pick this up Friday morning and try and play through the first world at least.


Let's cut through the flowery language for a second: It's a product evaluation. Evaluate the fucking product.

You make it sounds so simple and clear cut. Video games are not just technical, they're art, so you're going to have to a expect a swaths of popular opinion.
You make it sounds so simple and clear cut. Video games are not just technical, they're art, so you're going to have to a expect a swaths of popular opinion.

That's great and all, but it's similar to someone reviewing a micheal bay film and going off about how dumb his shit is instead of reviewing the damn film.


Man, seriously, at this point my entire Wii U library throughout its lifecycle will be Nintendo games. It's the consoles only saving grace, because it doesn't have the power, it doesn't have the third party support, it doesn't have the online functionality you expect today, doesn't have a proper account system, etc. It's really just not a very good console. But man does it have some good Nintendo games.


man the gamepad complaints are such bullshit. Rayman Legends was built with assymetrical multiplayer and the gamepad in mind and worked amazingly well but everybody bitched about it compromising the single player campaign and being shoehorned nonsense but now DKC comes out without it and all of a sudden gamepad use should be mandatory so that it can save the console.
And then there's me. I've played Nintendo games all my life, and while I enjoyed DKC Tropical Freeze, I can't help feeling saddened by it at the same time. DKC is becoming another Nintendo series where quality grows and importance shrinks with each faithful new instalment. Not all Nintendo's franchises have fallen into this pattern, but games like Tropical Freeze make me wonder whether they all eventually will, turning up to be damned by praise that appears fainter with every passing chapter.

This is hilarious to read and doesn't make any sense.


I can't judge the GS review because I haven't played TF obviously. But the way he critized the game, you can basically tear down ANY game.

The boss battles are too hard? No checkpoints during them? WHAT THE HELL?! Since when do you need to breeze through everything in a videogame?


This is hilarious to read and doesn't make any sense.

Can someone make sense of this from the Gamespot review:

"Maybe it's the way Donkey Kong doesn't quite land with the firm-footedness you'd expect from a Nintendo platforming mascot."

I don't understand what that means.
Can someone make sense of this from the Gamespot review:

"Maybe it's the way Donkey Kong doesn't quite land with the firm-footedness you'd expect from a Nintendo platforming mascot."

I don't understand what that means.

Sounds like he's saying it's floaty like LBP.


Can't wait to play through this game with my son. We recently erased saves and played through DKCR in anticipation of this title.

I'm curious if anyone out there has played a digital version of this (perhaps from the JP eshop since it's out there already) and can comment on whether or not load times are better than what we've seen in the various videos. Do most reviewers these days get early access to digital copies versus discs? I've always assumed discs.

Anyway, if there's even a slight improvement going DD vs disc I might cancel my Amazon preorder and just grab it from the eshop on the 21st. The game looks fantastic but the load times look a little rough.


Can someone make sense of this from the Gamespot review:

"Maybe it's the way Donkey Kong doesn't quite land with the firm-footedness you'd expect from a Nintendo platforming mascot."

I don't understand what that means.

oh man.......hahahahaha. Gaming media.....smh.


Another solid game by Retro, can't wait to pick it up!!! I woulda bought it regardless of the reviews though :)
Can't wait to play through this game with my son. We recently erased saves and played through DKCR in anticipation of this title.

I'm curious if anyone out there has played a digital version of this (perhaps from the JP eshop since it's out there already) and can comment on whether or not load times are better than what we've seen in the various videos. Do most reviewers these days get early access to digital copies versus discs? I've always assumed discs.

Anyway, if there's even a slight improvement going DD vs disc I might cancel my Amazon preorder and just grab it from the eshop on the 21st. The game looks fantastic but the load times look a little rough.

Did you see the newer load time videos???

Seems only loading the first level the first time causes a big load time.

What I have seen from the levels after that is that it's very similar to Returns.

The load times seem fine to me but if you hated them in Returns, you won't like them.

This was on a disc version by the way.


I can't judge the GS review because I haven't played TF obviously. But the way he critized the game, you can basically tear down ANY game.

The boss battles are too hard? No checkpoints during them? WHAT THE HELL?! Since when do you need to breeze through everything in a videogame?

Yeah, they've been spoiled by those shitty mercury steam boss fights. I'm ecstatic about taking on Donkey Kong's bosses now.


Sounds like he's saying it's floaty like LBP.

If that is what he's saying, he must be the only one arguing that. It seems like most people taking issue with DK find him almost too sluggish/weighty in terms of his physics and wish they could use Diddy/Cranky/Dixie instead.
Edge's review is pretty good and well worth a read, serves as a nice example for why you shouldn't fixate on scores too much because their 7 doesn't read like other 7 scores. I don't see why some were bugged by the Jungle Beat point the reviewer made at the end, all they were saying is that Jungle Beat's gameplay felt more fitting to the character you play as which i'd agree with, the combination of stringing together platforming combos with the environment and decimating enemies with furious strikes was fitting for a character like Donkey Kong, can't really see Mario pulling that angle off.

Can someone make sense of this from the Gamespot review:

"Maybe it's the way Donkey Kong doesn't quite land with the firm-footedness you'd expect from a Nintendo platforming mascot."

I don't understand what that means.

The confusion that comes when controlling a weighty gorilla doesn't feel exactly the same as a wahooing Italian Plumber or pink puffball.
The subtext being they probably slipped off a lot of platforms.
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