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DOOM Franchise Community Thread: That's one doomed space marine!

Well, you don't want to have the same WAD open in both programs at once. At least, not if both have unsaved data, because odds are good that something you'd do would be overwritten when you save in one while the other has data yet to save.

If I'm using custom art or audio assets, I tend to hop from one to the other fairly liberally. Typically I'll put the art I need into a resource WAD that Doom Builder is set up to look at, while keeping the map in a separate WAD. That way, if the resource WAD starts getting large, I don't have multiple copies of it for every revision of my map that Doom Builder was saving (kind of a waste of disk space, that).

There should be an option to refresh resource data from within Doom Builder, so I can click that if I added a new texture that I need ASAP; otherwise, it'd be picked up the next time I load up the map WAD.


Well, you don't want to have the same WAD open in both programs at once. At least, not if both have unsaved data, because odds are good that something you'd do would be overwritten when you save in one while the other has data yet to save.

If I'm using custom art or audio assets, I tend to hop from one to the other fairly liberally. Typically I'll put the art I need into a resource WAD that Doom Builder is set up to look at, while keeping the map in a separate WAD. That way, if the resource WAD starts getting large, I don't have multiple copies of it for every revision of my map that Doom Builder was saving (kind of a waste of disk space, that).

There should be an option to refresh resource data from within Doom Builder, so I can click that if I added a new texture that I need ASAP; otherwise, it'd be picked up the next time I load up the map WAD.
Ok let me explain my plans here to see how I can do this. Lets say I'm doing this for ZDoom. I choose the ZDoom configuration in Doom Builder and I start designing a map. I will use Photoshop to create and edit my textures. I have my textures saved as bmp for now. I can always save them as PNG if necessary. As you stated, a resource WAD. I want to get all the textures I have made so far into a WAD I guess. So I start a new WAD archive in SLADE and just import them? Which I have no idea how to do yet. I need to find a tutorial. But lets say I do it. Now I can import this texture WAD into Doom Builder and apply my textures? What if I keep designing the map and now I'm at a wall in which I want to apply a new texture which I haven't even created yet? Do I just add it to the texture WAD and import it again?

I've only successfully changed a skybox and altered mapinfo in XWE. But from my experience anything I do in there would be done after the map is designed. I backup everything so overwriting is usually never a problem unless I get confused.

Forgive me, I'm new to this.


I don't know that much about DoomBuilder besides seeing that's it's pretty damn easy, especially next to the old way of scripting.

Like I heard from Tarnsman yesterday I think. If you're new to it, worry about making layouts and the level itself and forget about doors and everything else later. What is most important to crucial map making it just the layout itself.
When you choose what kind of map you're editing, I believe there's a separate box at the bottom from which you can add resource WADs. That'd be where you put your texture packs and such.

Importing files into WADs is incredibly easy. There's an icon at the top of SLADE that looks like a little paper with the letter "A" written on it, with two green arrows coming into it from the left. Click that, then select all the files you want to import, and click okay. Tada, every file you selected is now an entry (a "lump") in the WAD.

For ZDoom, you take the texture lumps and put them between two empty lumps - one titled "TX_START", the other "TX_END". (You can create empty lumps by clicking the icon that looks like a sheet of paper with the letter "E" on it.)

Vanilla textures, on the other hand, are a bit more involved. Do let me know if that's the route you want to go; it'll be supported by more than ZDoom, but it takes some more effort. (Not too much, at this point, but some.)

And yeah, you import your textures into your resource WAD, save the resource WAD, and then tell Doom Builder to reload resources (I think it's in the File menu). Do that every time you add new textures, so you can start using them immediately.
I was watching Tarnsman too. DOOM Builder is so easy so far that I find it easier to just use some other program to create texture wads and just use that as a resource in DOOM Builder.

I don't know if I'll actually make a level (except if I decide to do a set piece or map for the Paper & Pen game I'm running), just messing with texture making for now. I need to clean up my tech base texture some more (was 3 AM so I wanted to find a stopping point) and I am thinking of seeing if I can make something else. For the record I am not aiming for ZDOOM specifically.


Again I don't know much about map making but trying to copy like say E1M1 would be good for practice. Kinda get your bearings.

and if you guys DO make map sets.

REMEMBER: Dead Simple. Been there, done that. Don't make one.


When you choose what kind of map you're editing, I believe there's a separate box at the bottom from which you can add resource WADs. That'd be where you put your texture packs and such.

Importing files into WADs is incredibly easy. There's an icon at the top of SLADE that looks like a little paper with the letter "A" written on it, with two green arrows coming into it from the left. Click that, then select all the files you want to import, and click okay. Tada, every file you selected is now an entry (a "lump") in the WAD.

For ZDoom, you take the texture lumps and put them between two empty lumps - one titled "TX_START", the other "TX_END". (You can create empty lumps by clicking the icon that looks like a sheet of paper with the letter "E" on it.)

Vanilla textures, on the other hand, are a bit more involved. Do let me know if that's the route you want to go; it'll be supported by more than ZDoom, but it takes some more effort. (Not too much, at this point, but some.)

And yeah, you import your textures into your resource WAD, save the resource WAD, and then tell Doom Builder to reload resources (I think it's in the File menu). Do that every time you add new textures, so you can start using them immediately.
Thanks. This was helpful. I've read I have to put lumps in between start and end before. So I have to manually create the start and end lumps. It doesn't do it automatically. Also, can I name my custom textures in SLADE to whatever I want?


Thanks to all for the help. If I was to create a texture that has see through parts like between bars, do I need alpha layers?

I have a Doom Builder question. Im pretty comfortable with it now but I still have to learn a few things. I'll just list my questions:

-how do I create an impassable window? Or a window in general?

-how do I create an outdoor environment thats just for viewing, you don't actually go there? Are these sectors or areas hidden in the automap?

-how do I use textures that you can see through like an enemy in a cage or something? Do you just use the texture as a sidedef? I tried creating a fence and the transparent parts of the texture were black.

-is there a way to make a skybox not repeat itself somehow? I used a picture of earth in space to test swapping skyboxes and I got it working but obviously it repeated itself so I saw about 4 of the same image in the sky. I understand I should make the sides blend but if I wanted to do something special is there a way to stop it from repeating.
Thanks to all for the help. If I was to create a texture that has see through parts like between bars, do I need alpha layers?
More or less. If you're using the vanilla Doom patch format, just use a color that won't be present in the texture to mark transparency, and tell SLADE it's the transparent color when you convert the graphic's format. If you're using PNG, just use the alpha channel.

-how do I create an impassable window? Or a window in general?
Mark one of the linedefs "impassible". Players and monsters will no longer be able to go through the linedef, even if it looks like you totally could. Projectiles still can, though.

-how do I create an outdoor environment thats just for viewing, you don't actually go there? Are these sectors or areas hidden in the automap?
You make the sectors outside of the window, but don't put in any means of actually reaching them. (That said, John Romero was always of the opinion that if there's some interesting architecture visible outside the map through a window, the player should be able to reach it somehow. I think E1M1 and E1M7 have good examples of this in practice.)

-how do I use textures that you can see through like an enemy in a cage or something? Do you just use the texture as a sidedef? I tried creating a fence and the transparent parts of the texture were black.
There are three places on any given linedef (well, sidedef, technically, but let's not go there) you can place a wall texture: the upper, the lower, and the middle.

  • "Upper" is only for two-sided linedefs, for when the sector behind the linedef has a lower ceiling than the sector in front of the linedef.
  • Similarly, "lower" is for when the floor is higher behind than in front.
  • "Middle" has two mutually-exclusive uses, which depend on whether the linedef is double-sided or not.

    If it's single-sided, "middle" is just the texture to render on the wall, so you don't get any HOM effects.

    If it's double-sided, "middle" is placed in the gap between the highest floor and the lowest ceiling between the two sectors the linedef borders (ie: the gap you can walk through). This generally shows up against the ceiling, although if you tick "Lower Unpegged", it'll show up against the floor; in addition, the texture offsets of the linedef affect its positioning, so you can raise/lower it that way.
It takes some getting used to, but mess around with it and it'll become second-nature.

Anyway, long story short, you want to put transparent textures in the middle part of a double-sided linedef for it to actually be transparent. It doesn't work on Upper/Lower or single-sided Middle. Also, you'll probably want to break out the Impassible flag again, or else the player will just walk right through the texture; the collision detection doesn't care if the gaps are textured or not, just that the gaps exist.

-is there a way to make a skybox not repeat itself somehow? I used a picture of earth in space to test swapping skyboxes and I got it working but obviously it repeated itself so I saw about 4 of the same image in the sky. I understand I should make the sides blend but if I wanted to do something special is there a way to stop it from repeating.
Make the sky texture 1024 pixels wide. This will generally require making a new texture altogether, since Doom's skies are generally 256x128.


More or less. If you're using the vanilla Doom patch format, just use a color that won't be present in the texture to mark transparency, and tell SLADE it's the transparent color when you convert the graphic's format. If you're using PNG, just use the alpha channel.

Mark one of the linedefs "impassible". Players and monsters will no longer be able to go through the linedef, even if it looks like you totally could. Projectiles still can, though.

You make the sectors outside of the window, but don't put in any means of actually reaching them. (That said, John Romero was always of the opinion that if there's some interesting architecture visible outside the map through a window, the player should be able to reach it somehow. I think E1M1 and E1M7 have good examples of this in practice.)

There are three places on any given linedef (well, sidedef, technically, but let's not go there) you can place a wall texture: the upper, the lower, and the middle.

  • "Upper" is only for two-sided linedefs, for when the sector behind the linedef has a lower ceiling than the sector in front of the linedef.
  • Similarly, "lower" is for when the floor is higher behind than in front.
  • "Middle" has two mutually-exclusive uses, which depend on whether the linedef is double-sided or not.

    If it's single-sided, "middle" is just the texture to render on the wall, so you don't get any HOM effects.

    If it's double-sided, "middle" is placed in the gap between the highest floor and the lowest ceiling between the two sectors the linedef borders (ie: the gap you can walk through). This generally shows up against the ceiling, although if you tick "Lower Unpegged", it'll show up against the floor; in addition, the texture offsets of the linedef affect its positioning, so you can raise/lower it that way.
It takes some getting used to, but mess around with it and it'll become second-nature.

Anyway, long story short, you want to put transparent textures in the middle part of a double-sided linedef for it to actually be transparent. It doesn't work on Upper/Lower or single-sided Middle. Also, you'll probably want to break out the Impassible flag again, or else the player will just walk right through the texture; the collision detection doesn't care if the gaps are textured or not, just that the gaps exist.

Make the sky texture 1024 pixels wide. This will generally require making a new texture altogether, since Doom's skies are generally 256x128.
Thank you. So for textures with gaps, they must be middle sidedefs double-sided?
Thankfully the green I used for the wall is a crappy palette ramp that only has eight colors. Makes it more excusable that it doesn't play as nicely with lighting as I'd like (tested with a different color ramp to make sure.)

I am thinking of drawing another texture (probably exposed circuits or something). Anything somebody might need?


Neo Member
Just beat Doom for the first time. What a great game. The last two levels are kind of lame though. I only got lost a few times in the entire game which is a first for me because I always get lost in single player games. Now, onto Brutal Doom. Kind of excited to see what all the hubub is about. Also I get to use a mouse!
Just beat Doom for the first time. What a great game. The last two levels are kind of lame though. I only got lost a few times in the entire game which is a first for me because I always get lost in single player games. Now, onto Brutal Doom. Kind of excited to see what all the hubub is about. Also I get to use a mouse!

Beat doom II first. Experience the new enemies and the SSG!


Made my first texture. It was a lot easier getting something working in DOOM than I thought.

Wanted to make something Tech Basey because I've had my quota of cobblestone or whatever else stone for now.

Tried to combat the flatness a bit.

Tiles vertically too (though clearly not intended to be used that way.)
That's some solid work, methinks. Damn, this takes me back to my high school days in which I would mess around with XWE and edit sprites. That was only about 9 years ago, though. o.o
Thank you. So for textures with gaps, they must be middle sidedefs double-sided?
Basically. Look at E1M1; the fences at the end of the stage use a transparent texture, so it's a handy reference.

(Also, the elevator secret leads out to another two-sided linedef with a middle texture applied, but only to one side; thus, from the outside it looks like a contiguous wall, but from inside you can see out clear as day.)
Just beat Doom for the first time. What a great game. The last two levels are kind of lame though. I only got lost a few times in the entire game which is a first for me because I always get lost in single player games. Now, onto Brutal Doom. Kind of excited to see what all the hubub is about. Also I get to use a mouse!
Limbo and Dis are both pretty boring; if you get tired of Brutal Doom, be sure to play Doom II and Final Doom, or perhaps some of the Top 100 Cacoaward-winning WADs out there.
Cool idea to make each episode one long map.

Crater's one of my favorite maps in Evilution so far. It looks good, has a good amount of variety, actually looks like the place it's supposed to be in the story (a strip-mined crater with massive wastes of space), and is reasonably challenging. Best of all, its secrets feel more rewarding than usual, especially since getting to them requires a bit of thought.


Everyone needs to try Doom: One (Doom Juan)

They NEED to

That looks like sex. Downloading.

EDIT: Well it works in GZDoom. It's pretty great so far. But when using it with Brutal Doom in Zandronum my game slows down to a crawl. I don't understand. I tried loading Brutal Doom with GZDoom then loading this and I get the same slow down. I guess it's with BD.

EDIT 2: Found the problem. It was Quaker540s add-on.


I had a good laugh watching Tarnsman play through it then playing through it myself. WOW @ the additions.

Just Wow
Watching peaches speedrun DOOM 64 while working on my new texture. I managed to create an optical illusion with my texture (which I'll show once I finish it), which is awesome.


Neo Member
Definitely interested. You ever thought of contacting the original authors and getting the old DM WADs up on /idgames? That would get them more exposure, though I'm mostly just curious about the idea.

If you're referring to Execution and Decamatch, they've been up on /idgames since the end of the 90's! They're still played today on ZDaemon servers.

Excellent that you're interested. Have you got any wads you've made that I could have a walk around in?


Have there been any screenshots of Doom4 yet? I am hoping Wolfenstein will be nice too..but i guess its over. Would be cool to see Seneca Menard and Kenneth Scott join forces again!
Have there been any screenshots of Doom4 yet? I am hoping Wolfenstein will be nice too..but i guess its over. Would be cool to see Seneca Menard and Kenneth Scott join forces again!

In all honesty, do not expect dom 4 to look that amazing in a lot of ways.

It is useing idTech 5, which while running well, handicaps itself extremely in a lot of departments. Unless they reworte the entire way it does lighting and texturing... I would not expect a very cohesive image.
Excellent that you're interested. Have you got any wads you've made that I could have a walk around in?
Not yet: I've got a big backlog to play before I'll feel confident building my first maps (I assume that's the stage Raptomex is at). I like to think I already have ideas, but nothing's cogent yet.

Guys, don't expect much from Doom 4 if the recent id tidbits thread is anything to go by. Gross mismanagement doesn't led to much of anything, usually.


In all honesty, do not expect dom 4 to look that amazing in a lot of ways.

It is useing idTech 5, which while running well, handicaps itself extremely in a lot of departments. Unless they reworte the entire way it does lighting and texturing... I would not expect a very cohesive image.

does idTech 5 skimp on lighting? That's very surprising, if true, given pretty much all of the previous engines really placed a premium on lighting. Disappointing.

that said, listening to some Carmack interviews, he seems to think the engine would look much better if being developed specifically for next generation hardware. So i suppose we'll see. I think wolfenstein looks decent and it's crossgen.
Finished another random texture for some kind of Sci-Fi hallway. Since it illuminates it doesn't work well with low brightness.

I even managed to cause an illusion that the wall curves (the curve where it meets the other room is actually a straight line.)


does idTech 5 skimp on lighting? That's very surprising, if true, given pretty much all of the previous engines really placed a premium on lighting. Disappointing.

that said, listening to some Carmack interviews, he seems to think the engine would look much better if being developed specifically for next generation hardware. So i suppose we'll see. I think wolfenstein looks decent and it's crossgen.
Seeing as how its a DX9 game, it actually has a lighting configuration that's adequate for the API. Id Tech 5 is a relatively dated engine, and it even was at the time Rage was released. The idea was to make it very developer friendly, but I'm not quite sure how that turned out, seeing as its sparsely used and there doesn't seem to be much documentation on it.


Seeing as how its a DX9 game, it actually has a lighting configuration that's adequate for the API. Id Tech 5 is a relatively dated engine, and it even was at the time Rage was released. The idea was to make it very developer friendly, but I'm not quite sure how that turned out, seeing as its sparsely used and there doesn't seem to be much documentation on it.

Rage was using openGL for rendering. Hence not performing on broken ati drivers.

The lighting is vastly inferior to doom 3 a game from 2004. I did see a youtube that I can't find anymore where someone managed to get unified lighting working in the sdk though, looked so much better.


Rage was using openGL for rendering. Hence not performing on broken ati drivers.

The lighting is vastly inferior to doom 3 a game from 2004. I did see a youtube that I can't find anymore where someone managed to get unified lighting working in the sdk though, looked so much better.
Yeah, you're right, although on Xbox, it does use some Direct3D elements. I guess it would be more apt to say its feature set is in line with the DirectX 9 API.

I hadn't heard anything about that. All I remember is that Rage didn't utilize dynamic lighting for performance issues (which begs the question as to why it wasn't on PC), but the engine should still support it.


My latest experience with Doom Builder has not been a good one. I started a new map, ZDoom UDMF format, and that is probably the most successful part of the experience.

First, creating a door took me way too long to figure out. First I couldn't get it to open. When I finally did it would only open partially. I guess I fucked up the ceiling? Well after restarting several times I eventually got it working.

Creating a window is a fucking nightmare. By thay I mean the act of physically creating an opening. I really wish you could cut side defs in the middle but no. Then when I finally get it, all my textures are misaligned. I auto align what I can and the remainder I have to manually align and theres no way to get them perfectly aligned. At least I couldn't figure it out. I had the middle defs working once, but afterward I could only see the middle def texture from one side.

Twice there was a random skybox in the ground of my map. I don't know what caused it and I saw no errors with my sectors or anything. All my walls, ceiling, and floors were textured. I made sure the only ceiling that used a skybox was my sky. But in game there it was.

Trying to create a building with windows underneath a skybox or ceiling is impossible I assume? You can only raise or lower the ceiling/skybox and floor. I really wish I could find more tutorials.

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
Just got Brutal Doom loaded up and working and holy shit... this is crazy fun. Not getting any work done today!

Classic bloody gory love.


Anyone ever get this error whenever they attempt to load a game in Doom 3?
I'm running the Doom 3 perfected mod. I've ran it successfully before so I don't know why I'm having this problem. Of course I started a new game but I'm unable to load any saved games.

Anyone encounter this or know how to fix it?

The Real Abed

Finished another random texture for some kind of Sci-Fi hallway. Since it illuminates it doesn't work well with low brightness.

I even managed to cause an illusion that the wall curves (the curve where it meets the other room is actually a straight line.)
It's too bad the DOOM engine never had what I forget was called, but it allowed certain colors on a texture to be rendered at full brightness mimicking LED and other light that could be seen in total darkness. The "Jedi" engine that Dark Forces used had this ability.
It's too bad the DOOM engine never had what I forget was called, but it allowed certain colors on a texture to be rendered at full brightness mimicking LED and other light that could be seen in total darkness. The "Jedi" engine that Dark Forces used had this ability.

Not a big deal for this texture, just pointing out why I didn't show how well it does with darkness gradients (which is not very well due to it being a light source).


I like it. How long did it take you?

We should collaborate. Your textures, my horrible mapping abilities, and anyone else who wants in, we could make a GAF megawad.
If I'm going to work with a mapper, I would prefer to work with someone experienced and could give me some decent exposure.

EDIT: I will probably start a new texture tomorrow but I figure I'd ask: can I make non-square size textures? 64x128 for example?
Finished another random texture for some kind of Sci-Fi hallway. Since it illuminates it doesn't work well with low brightness.
While this is hardware-renderer-only, you might want to look into brightmaps[/quote]. That'll force parts of the texture to render at no less than a specified brightness, meaning you can do that fullbright thing Dark Forces and Quake both do.

Creating a window is a fucking nightmare. By thay I mean the act of physically creating an opening. I really wish you could cut side defs in the middle but no.
First off, it's "linedef". "Sidedef" is more about the definition of what textures and what sector is on each side of the linedef.

But pedanticism aside, you actually can split linedefs! If you're using Doom Buider 2, just draw the window sector, putting the vertices along the linedef where you want it to be split, and it'll handle the rest.

Then when I finally get it, all my textures are misaligned. I auto align what I can and the remainder I have to manually align and theres no way to get them perfectly aligned.
Texture alignment's a real pain in the ass, and I'm afraid it doesn't really ever get better. There is one kinda nifty trick you can do, though; if you split a linedef up into multiple linedefs (use the vertex tool, insert vertex on top of linedef, Doom Builder will split the linedef into two at that point for you), you can then futz with the aligments in such a way that you can stretch out textures to whatever size you need.

It's kind of hard to explain, and I'm not really in a position to provide visuals right now, but I'll try. Take STARTTAN, for instance. You'll notice it's divided up into these sorts of protruding bumps, right? Basically, you'd have one linedef that'd cover the left end of that bump, another for the right end, and then multiple linedefs in between that have nothing but the middle between the two ends.

So, say the texture goes "ABCD", with "A" being the left end. "D" being the right end, and "BC" being the texture's middle. You'd have one linedef on the left end that shows "ABC", one on the right end that shows "BCD", and several linedefs in the middle that show "BC", so the end looks like one unbroken-ish linedef that goes "ABCBCBCBCBCBCBCD" or similar.

At least I couldn't figure it out. I had the middle defs working once, but afterward I could only see the middle def texture from one side.
You have to define the texture for both sides of the linedef for it to actually show on both sides. Makes sense, really.

Twice there was a random skybox in the ground of my map. I don't know what caused it and I saw no errors with my sectors or anything. All my walls, ceiling, and floors were textured. I made sure the only ceiling that used a skybox was my sky. But in game there it was.
Might be a bad nodesbuild. Either way, if something like that's awry, you can always hit F4 and check the map for errors. They can be deviously non-obvious.

Trying to create a building with windows underneath a skybox or ceiling is impossible I assume? You can only raise or lower the ceiling/skybox and floor. I really wish I could find more tutorials.
I dunno exactly what you're going for here, but E1M1 might be helpful. The slime zig-zag room can be seen from the outdoors blue-armor secret room, which, being outdoors, uses F_SKY1 as its ceiling flat.

The Real Abed

While this is hardware-renderer-only, you might want to look into brightmaps. That'll force parts of the texture to render at no less than a specified brightness, meaning you can do that fullbright thing Dark Forces and Quake both do.
That's what I was trying to think of. I couldn't figure out the name of the method these engines used.
That's what I was trying to think of. I couldn't figure out the name of the method these engines used.
Those engines, I believe, actually modify the palette such that certain entries never get dark. Doom can do that too, even in vanilla; just need to modify the COLORMAP lump.
Halfway through Evilution! Dead Zone's a fun map but, for some obscure reason, the one Archvile hidden in some far-off sector of the map prior to teleportation can still target me from behind a wall, meaning that the designer didn't proof against this or know anything about it. They definitely rushed this WAD out for release, didn't they? (No excuses for any of us GAF mappers, then).

For anyone wanting a more relaxed, slower-paced Plutonia-looking experience, try Jimmy's latest WAD, Jungle Spirits. Very much unlike Jenesis, more of an experiment in building more natural, spaced-out landscapes—a nice diversion, I might add, with some musical cameos from Sonic and Zelda (Forest Temple!).

The Real Abed

Those engines, I believe, actually modify the palette such that certain entries never get dark. Doom can do that too, even in vanilla; just need to modify the COLORMAP lump.
It was never used in practice though. At least not in DOOM. But I remember seeing it in Dark Forces for the first time and thinking it was so cool.


First off, it's "linedef". "Sidedef" is more about the definition of what textures and what sector is on each side of the linedef.

But pedanticism aside, you actually can split linedefs! If you're using Doom Buider 2, just draw the window sector, putting the vertices along the linedef where you want it to be split, and it'll handle the rest.

Texture alignment's a real pain in the ass, and I'm afraid it doesn't really ever get better. There is one kinda nifty trick you can do, though; if you split a linedef up into multiple linedefs (use the vertex tool, insert vertex on top of linedef, Doom Builder will split the linedef into two at that point for you), you can then futz with the aligments in such a way that you can stretch out textures to whatever size you need.

It's kind of hard to explain, and I'm not really in a position to provide visuals right now, but I'll try. Take STARTTAN, for instance. You'll notice it's divided up into these sorts of protruding bumps, right? Basically, you'd have one linedef that'd cover the left end of that bump, another for the right end, and then multiple linedefs in between that have nothing but the middle between the two ends.

So, say the texture goes "ABCD", with "A" being the left end. "D" being the right end, and "BC" being the texture's middle. You'd have one linedef on the left end that shows "ABC", one on the right end that shows "BCD", and several linedefs in the middle that show "BC", so the end looks like one unbroken-ish linedef that goes "ABCBCBCBCBCBCBCD" or similar.

You have to define the texture for both sides of the linedef for it to actually show on both sides. Makes sense, really.

Might be a bad nodesbuild. Either way, if something like that's awry, you can always hit F4 and check the map for errors. They can be deviously non-obvious.

I dunno exactly what you're going for here, but E1M1 might be helpful. The slime zig-zag room can be seen from the outdoors blue-armor secret room, which, being outdoors, uses F_SKY1 as its ceiling flat.
Thanks I'll keep trying. Is there a way to see the dimensions of a texture in DB or must I export it?
Finally got back on track with Duke Nukem 3D (using EDuke32). Second episode's already inferior to Shrapnel City, if only because the sushi joint map is the work of a genius (and I don't even worship Levelord!).
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