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Dota 2 |OT7| What the fuck have they done

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He needs treads/urn and kills.. armlet after.

Of course the way pubs go with 4 carries/1 (maybe) support don't favor Huskar.

He's in that same category as NS, although weaker, that has to control game early or else
things get away from him.


Corporate Apologist
Hmmm, I think I'm going to try and calculate the drop rate of items later tonight. Wonder what the best method would be though. How does this sound.

I define a period of time where the drop tables were consistent, something like a 2 day period about a month ago, sum up all the items that were created during that time frame, remove items that were given out though alternative means (Like chests and tournaments), maybe remove any sets that were on sale during the time (Likely could be seen by a boost in the amount an item dropped of a rare or higher), sum up those items based on rarity, and then simply see what the percentages are.


He said it was among his most winning heroes. I don't think huskar needs much farm at all. He's either a mid that ganks/tps into ganks as much as possible, or a super annoying dual laner that fucks with the enemy carry as much as possible. I really like g.zzz's build where you go mek, armlet, helm, satantic since almost none of the components are too expensive early and you can almost always buy out before you trade kills. I don't think he's an every game type of hero, but if the other team is lacking any source of pure damage, or early physical nukes/-minus armor, you're going to be able to get things done early for sure.

Tbh i feel huskar is much worse this patch, because of :

- game going to lategame more often, hero is a creep after 25-30 mins most of the times
- his ulti is actually worse, and his 3rd giving more ias early isn't useful because in most cases you already win every lane. However, his ulti lasting less and dealing basically no damage at level 6 really sucks now because your jumps are way more riskier and the decreased CD is also pretty much a non-factor cause most of the times u die after the first jump.
- meka was nerfed (crimson guard seems so good on him, but you're spending 4k for no damage)

The buffs were mostly irrilevant, casting his regen more often isn't gonna save you in fights. What he needed were an improved cast range on ult lvl 2-3, not improved CD (lategame this hero has 0 mobility and get fucked by all forces/blink with his shit range and low ms).

I still have 64% wr with 100 games over 4.5k on him (and only a couple were with the ethereal patch, most were 6.81) but i basically stopped picking him unless against lineups with little to no physical damage, low cc, no pure nukes, so basically super situational shit.

Axe farm so much fast jungle now holy shit. On radiant you can easily get 40+ cs at 7 mins



Bull on a Donut
Tbh i feel huskar is much worse this patch, because of :

- game going to lategame more often, hero is a creep after 25-30 mins most of the times
- his ulti is actually worse, and his 3rd giving more ias early isn't useful because in most cases you already win every lane. However, his ulti lasting less and dealing basically no damage at level 6 really sucks now because your jumps are way more riskier and the decreased CD is also pretty much a non-factor cause most of the times u die after the first jump.
- meka was nerfed (crimson guard seems so good on him, but you're spending 4k for no damage)

The buffs were mostly irrilevant, casting his regen more often isn't gonna save you in fights. What he needed were an improved cast range on ult lvl 2-3, not improved CD (lategame this hero has 0 mobility and get fucked by all forces/blink with his shit range and low ms).

I still have 64% wr with 100 games over 4.5k on him (and only a couple were with the ethereal patch, most were 6.81) but i basically stopped picking him unless against lineups with little to no physical damage, low cc, no pure nukes, so basically super situational shit.

Axe farm so much fast jungle now holy shit. On radiant you can easily get 40+ cs at 7 mins


Yep, the huskar changes were the most disappointing parts of 6.82 for me. The changes just didn't make sense and actually nerfed the hero. His role was to jump in, kill 1-2 heroes and then (usually) die himself. He was a kamikaze hero. So the 12s ulti does nothing to enhance this role and the reduced ulti damage just makes it flat out worse. You cover the other changes pretty well. The BB early buff does nothing, the nerfs to deathball slow down the game and make him worse indirectly.


Tbh i feel huskar is much worse this patch, because of :

- game going to lategame more often, hero is a creep after 25-30 mins most of the times
- his ulti is actually worse, and his 3rd giving more ias early isn't useful because in most cases you already win every lane. However, his ulti lasting less and dealing basically no damage at level 6 really sucks now because your jumps are way more riskier and the decreased CD is also pretty much a non-factor cause most of the times u die after the first jump.
- meka was nerfed (crimson guard seems so good on him, but you're spending 4k for no damage)

The buffs were mostly irrilevant, casting his regen more often isn't gonna save you in fights. What he needed were an improved cast range on ult lvl 2-3, not improved CD (lategame this hero has 0 mobility and get fucked by all forces/blink with his shit range and low ms).

I still have 64% wr with 100 games over 4.5k on him (and only a couple were with the ethereal patch, most were 6.81) but i basically stopped picking him unless against lineups with little to no physical damage, low cc, no pure nukes, so basically super situational shit.

Axe farm so much fast jungle now holy shit. On radiant you can easily get 40+ cs at 7 mins

What do you like to build when you jungle axe?
I feel that in general that the game has shifted pace by a good 10 mins because of comeback and tower armor buffs. Heroes that waned after 30 mins now wane after like 20 mins because they don't have the kill and tower gold advantage they use to. Picking someone who can't transition into late game is risky in pubs because you can't exploit your early game advantage like you use to.

Heroes like huskar that can't transition later on because of items like BKB need a stronger inherent skillset (armor/damage on berserk's blood), or they should be made into carries with skills that scale off items.
I said this earlier I think but what if huskarr became spell immune after he got x number of stacks on him

I dunno, I feel like that would only help half his situation. A lot of the popular picks (slark, PA, lc) just nullify any threat huskar poses. Slark cleanses and invis, he thrives off of man fights, PA has 50% evade and crits hard through husk's puny armor, and LC's blade mail and duel can destroy him, also her heal cleanses as well. He needs more armor off berserker blood imo and physical damage instead of attack speed (I'd love to build AC on huskar but the AS feels wasted), and the threshold for being injured with rejuv should be higher. Its actually not that hard to farm a bkb on huskar, but he's still not that threatening early game against decent physical. Throw in omni knight and he's more of a joke.


Well, was just informed that scepter on KotL is an awful pick-up. Constant unchannelled illuminates, blinding lights and unfettered vision during the day apparently lost us the game. Thanks eul's Lich!


Aghanims can be good on kotl but sometimes you might want to grab something else if you want to win, same for eul's on Lich, it can be a good situational item pick up.

Anyway, people commenting on your items or skills in matchmaking after they die or lose a fight are often just trying to jump on the first thing to justify the incoming loss, add to that the fact that there is a good chance they are actually worse at the game than you are and you've got a good argument to just ignore pubs most of the time.

I feel like, if he kept fighting, he might have had a shot, hah

Not even close
Heroes like huskar that can't transition later on because of items like BKB need a stronger inherent skillset (armor/damage on berserk's blood), or they should be made into carries with skills that scale off items.

Huskar is an early->mid game killing machine who should be used to pick off enemies and create space. That's his role. The problem is that people try and play him as a hard carry and don't roam as much as they should. If we polarized all heroes as Hard Carry's and Supports we'd end up with less risk/reward when it came to picking.


On the subject of aghanim's scepter kotl and huskar, I recommend watching this game: http://www.datdota.com/match.php?q=654576343

This is actually one of my favorite games, was a week or two after 6.81 and it made huskar look like one of the best heroes in the game.

(watch the fight at 32 minutes)

not sure what kind of debuffs he got, I just remember low health huskars raping me within 1-2 shots :(

yeah but this is very early in the game where he has no armor and being attacked by creeps and a repelled omni. He is basically a melee creep in this scenario, it's kind of sad to look at :(
Huskar is an early->mid game killing machine who should be used to pick off enemies and create space. That's his role. The problem is that people try and play him as a hard carry and don't roam as much as they should. If we polarized all heroes as Hard Carry's and Supports we'd end up with less risk/reward when it came to picking.

Creating space isn't a huge factor now though with 3 glyphs, tower armor bonus and reduced bounty on towers. I'd prefer they keep a variety of heroes that fill niches but heroes like huskar feel like they have less impact on how a game turns out over a support that is useful in late game. I think we'll see less huskar, bristleback, centaur and more shadow demon, ancient apparition & visage.


not sure what kind of debuffs he got, I just remember low health huskars raping me within 1-2 shots :(

Omniknight is the direct counter to huskar.

Purification basically heals all the damage from life break and gives no fucks about his passive magic resist and then repel removes the burning spear stacks so Huskar literally does nothing.


Bull on a Donut
Huskar is an early->mid game killing machine who should be used to pick off enemies and create space. That's his role. The problem is that people try and play him as a hard carry and don't roam as much as they should. If we polarized all heroes as Hard Carry's and Supports we'd end up with less risk/reward when it came to picking.

Thanks for explaining the hero's role but doesn't change the fact that he's awful. I mean I could say for last patch, "spiritbreaker is an early game ganker that roams around and kills people early on, creating space for legit carries and forcing enemies to 5 man."

K cool, I just described spiritbreaker's role in the game, but it doesn't take away from the fact that he was a shitty hero who was shitty at his job, much like huskar. Goes around trying to create space for 20 minutes by running around ganking and then getting blown up by a feather's worth of physical damage (so yeah he pretty much creates space by feeding), and then after 20 minutes he becomes more worthless than a support with aghanim's (hell you can argue he's worse than some in the late game even if they don't have aghs).

Not to mention huskar got even more indirect nerfs this patch with all the changes to composite damage. Since most of the former composite damage went to straight pure or straight physical, Huskar no longer reduces the majority of the damage from things like alch acid, techies' mines, BM axes, etc...


Omniknight is the direct counter to huskar.

Purification basically heals all the damage from life break and gives no fucks about his passive magic resist and then repel removes the burning spear stacks so Huskar literally does nothing.

that's amazing. Now I gotcha, haha. Poor huskar :(
Creating space isn't a huge factor now though with 3 glyphs, tower armor bonus and reduced bounty on towers. I'd prefer they keep a variety of heroes that fill niches but heroes like huskar feel like they have less impact on how a game turns out over a support that is useful in late game. I think we'll see less huskar, bristleback, centaur and more shadow demon, ancient apparition & visage.

With how much people are roaming now it's better to have a hard carry getting some free farm (at least in pubs) then being harassed or potentially ganked. I'm not saying it fits the meta perfectly, but not every hero does at all times. When was the last time Broodmother was relevant? I think we'll see a lot more Windranger than anything (already seen her in about half the games I've played this patch), more utility offlaners and roaming supports. Bristleback and Centaur are still good, the former being incredibly niche and the latter being rather situational.

Thanks for explaining the hero's role but doesn't change the fact that he's awful. I mean I could say for last patch, "spiritbreaker is an early game ganker that roams around and kills people early on, creating space for legit carries and forcing enemies to 5 man."

K cool, I just described spiritbreaker's role in the game, but it doesn't take away from the fact that he was a shitty hero who was shitty at his job, much like huskar. Goes around trying to create space for 20 minutes by running around ganking and then getting blown up by a feather's worth of physical damage (so yeah he pretty much creates space by feeding), and then after 20 minutes he becomes more worthless than a support with aghanim's (hell you can argue he's worse than some in the late game even if they don't have aghs).

My argument was that Huskar was not a hard carry, not how good he was at his role. You're arguing a completely different point. Is he bad at his role? Yea, pretty much, but that doesn't change what it is. It's like complaining that all mid-hero's suck outside of Ember Spirit because he's the only one with carry-potential late game (yes there are others but he's probably the hardest of the bunch) or that Dragon Knight is shit because he doesn't do enough right-click damage early. If Huskar scaled a lot better in the late game he would have to be weaker in the early game and he would just turn into someone on par for Spectre or Medusa.


Corporate Apologist
Weird, it seems Arcana Items have actually stopped dropping. Someone on reddit pointed it out, I was going to mock them with evidence, but the guy is right. Every one of the Techies and Shadow Fiend Arcana's are Exalted, while if they had been dropping there would be normal quality ones.

Unless they drop as Exalted. I need to see if I can find a screenshot.

Edit: They drop as exalted. It took me far to long to think of just checking the Schema, all of them are forced to exalted.


Is there any way to see the bracket for this tournament? We beat 90s nyxtape but we have no idea if we qualified to the quarterfinals, semifinals or finals of this thing.

I think it was just the top 4 in the winner's bracket, so we'll play whoever wins this one I believe.
Chen w/ aghs is fun.

Even if you die in the fight you can hunt down supports.

Still falls off super late but.. aghs feels mandatory if the game isn't over quick.


Corporate Apologist
Matt, do you have anything useful you could do with a huge ass database of items. Or a host for a sizable MySQL database.


Aghanims can be good on kotl but sometimes you might want to grab something else if you want to win, same for eul's on Lich, it can be a good situational item pick up.

Anyway, people commenting on your items or skills in matchmaking after they die or lose a fight are often just trying to jump on the first thing to justify the incoming loss, add to that the fact that there is a good chance they are actually worse at the game than you are and you've got a good argument to just ignore pubs most of the time.

I was mostly annoyed because it wasn't even helpful advice. I first built a mek (14 minutes, not the fastest time but I was against a trilane and I think the last time I played KotL was probably in 6.80). I grabbed a point booster because I remembered that the aghs gives even more heal during teamfights if done during the day.

The Lich was simply "Don't build aghs. It's bad. Build something else."

Except, there was no indication what "something else" should be. I would have liked a Scythe but that is laughable when you have a sniper, legion commander and pudge hoovering up all the farm on the map. We basically were destroyed by the storm spirit (and to a degree, Spectre I suppose but we never pushed because our LC wanted to jungle so she never had the items to do anything) and the storm had a Linken's anyway.

The aghs at least gave me the opportunity to push out two waves near simultaneously and, in my mind, allowed me to try and disable both the spectre, storm and centaur as best I could with constant blinding lights during fights. Not to mention it would be impossible to ever contribute to a teamfight against those three if I ever had to charge the illuminate. That was my thinking at the very least.

I only call out the Lich specifically because he was the one going on for most the game about how aghs is rubbish while all he had was boots and a euls. Honestly, our itemization across the whole board was poor (we had no way to deal with the spectre illusions). I muted him basically the first time he complained but his friend kept "answering" him so I knew in their eyes I lost the game with such a terrible pickup.

At the very least my next game was a dazzle game and my team thanked me which was nice.
We whined for a patch that would fix the TI4 instapicks, but I think 6.82 made it worse. All I see is Bloodseeker, Phantom Lancer, Spirit Breaker, and Sniper. Every single game those four heroes are picked in some combination. I hate it worse that seeing Void in every game.


Bull on a Donut
We whined for a patch that would fix the TI4 instapicks, but I think 6.82 made it worse. All I see is Bloodseeker, Phantom Lancer, Spirit Breaker, and Sniper. Every single game those four heroes are picked in some combination. I hate it worse that seeing Void in every game.

i hate to break it to you bro but every single dota patch has 4-5 pub heroes that will be in nearly every game

i think when people were whining they just wanted new faces (so not void/tinker/razor etc...) and also new heroes in the competitive scene
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