Of course it was rated high by critics, it's full of the same ideology they subscribe to. If it was actually a good game, it would be rated significantly lower, because it wouldn't subscribe to their ideology.
it has good graphics. it has good melee combat. it has good ranged combat. it has tactical magic / ability interactions. it has party mechanics. you could like it if you like great RPGs like Baldurs Gate. you could also like it if you like great action games like Horizon Zero Dawn.
you've triggered yourself talking about ideology. this is a fantasy world with dragons and magic and rogues and heros and shit. you're saving the world from evil wizards.
the tautology of ideology i agree with = good game is wild. throughout the history of videogames, gamers have had to defend themselves against the reactionary, nanny-state idea that people will play violent videogames and act out violence in real life. it seems you would actually with that, but think it's good.