Host Samurai
Somebody from funi seems to be a fan of znes.
LMFAO!!! Was thinking the same thing
Somebody from funi seems to be a fan of znes.
I got a question, I'm watching the English Kai dub for the first time.
So is goku not as heroic as he was in the funi/ocean dub? Was he written this way. A few examples.
When he's fighting frieza and they make the wish to move everyone to earth. He says to king Kai "I'll never forgive u if u take me out of this fight" but I remember in the original he said something like I must defeat him at his best so he won't terrorise the galaxy anymore.
With the vegeta fight he tells krillin to spare him cos he's so strong and he wants to fight him again. I think he says something like we've proven how strong we are, there's no reason to kill him in the ocean dub.
Gokus always been battle thirsty but he always seemed like his first priority was to save and protect, second to test himself. In Kai it seems he just cares about fighting strong dudes. Is this how we was originally written?
Gokus always been battle thirsty but he always seemed like his first priority was to save and protect, second to test himself. In Kai it seems he just cares about fighting strong dudes. Is this how we was originally written?
I got a question, I'm watching the English Kai dub for the first time.
So is goku not as heroic as he was in the funi/ocean dub? Was he written this way. A few examples.
When he's fighting frieza and they make the wish to move everyone to earth. He says to king Kai "I'll never forgive u if u take me out of this fight" but I remember in the original he said something like I must defeat him at his best so he won't terrorise the galaxy anymore.
With the vegeta fight he tells krillin to spare him cos he's so strong and he wants to fight him again. I think he says something like we've proven how strong we are, there's no reason to kill him in the ocean dub.
Gokus always been battle thirsty but he always seemed like his first priority was to save and protect, second to test himself. In Kai it seems he just cares about fighting strong dudes. Is this how we was originally written?
did the goku knew that vegeta would be good
how did he know it
One thing I never knew is that the Earth has one single ruling king, just watched an episode where he sent out the army to take down Cell and they blown up for it. He appeared on TV to apologize for it, he's a blue dog creature. This is in Kai.
One thing I never knew is that the Earth has one single ruling king, just watched an episode where he sent out the army to take down Cell and they get blown up for it. He appeared on TV to apologize for it, he's a blue dog creature. This is in Kai.
I just rewatched the entire first episode which has her first appearance in GT.
She has a date where she is going to see a movie, robbers show up, and she takes out the robbers.
The only strength-releated statement I saw was Goku giving a compliment on how strong Pan is. Nothing about Pan complaining how weak she is or wanting a normal life.
She actually makes a few comments about how her dates never seem to actually go all the way through. It's a strength related gripe, lol.
I've been watching GT again from the start and it's way better than I remembered. The adventure-ness of it comes out pretty well and holding back on the fighting made it work pretty well. Honestly, it really does feel like DB did. Kind of a shame that the image of fighting is so strong from DBZ because the adventure stuff gets lost as a result.
yea he winston churchhill's dog
Yeah, he first appears in Dragon Ball, in the Demon King Piccolo arc.
What's the best way to watch Dragon Ball in North America? I hear that all of Funimation's releases are zoomed in or something. Do I have any other options?
EDIT: What about the manga? Would it be better to just read it? Is it censored like the Dragon Ball Z releases?
I don't know myself, but I've heard that complaint about the 3-in-1's a lot. The VizBig's are completely censored.
Question -
If Goku was not a hero with a heart of gold in the original DBZ, then what does Vegeta talk to him about on Namek right before Vegeta dies from Frieza's attack?
Like right before Goku and Frieza fight.
Because the whole crux of that conversation in the U.S. DBZ is that Goku must put aside his soft-heartedness and chances for redemption because Frieza is pure evil.
Revenge for the saiyan race etc etc.
Then why does he let Frieza go before Frieza throws destructo disc at his back as he is flying away?
idk, maybe the same reason he wished for buu to come back as a good person
or he's just an idiot
Yeah, I'd say so. I always liked how they made Piccolo the strongest there for a while there.So is the android saga the weakest goku has ever been? Vegeta, piccolo, 16, 17, 18 and cell are all stronger than him.
It's nice to see him notice this too and go off training. Normally he'd at least try.
So is the android saga the weakest goku has ever been? Vegeta, piccolo, 16, 17, 18 and cell are all stronger than him.
It's nice to see him notice this too and go off training. Normally he'd at least try.
So is the android saga the weakest goku has ever been? Vegeta, piccolo, 16, 17, 18 and cell are all stronger than him.
It's nice to see him notice this too and go off training. Normally he'd at least try.
Wasn't Gotenks stronger than Boo? (As in the "Super" one)
During the Saiyan saga, he wasn't the strongest. He was weaker than Raditz and Vegeta; it took a group effort to win the battle in the end. He beat Nappa because he trained so hard after the Raditz defeat.
Also, in the Buu saga, Goku wasn't the strongest by a long shot. He got the killing blow in on Buu, but for most of the saga, he's lagging behind as the other heroes get their cheap powerups.
The power levels look a bit like this:
Fat Buu
SSj3 Goku / Kid Buu
Super Buu
So you could say that the Buu saga has Goku at his weakest (with Vegeta).
Fat Majin Buu with Kid Buu absorbed
Yeah but he atleast attempted to fight those guys. He didn't date fight 2nd form cell or even hold him off for a while, even with the 3 years of training.