I will not tolerate your awful opinions.
Who's? We have an awful lot of awful oppinions, you have to be specific.
I will not tolerate your awful opinions.
M.D.'s going to go Berserk.I will not tolerate your awful opinions.
what's that stand for? Major Disappointment?
perfect avatar then
Tien is the three-eyed guy who trains in the mountains. He doesn't have any specific dynamics with the main cast outside of being Goku's former rival who got far surpassed and never caught up like 20 years ago in the story.
Yeah. Tien was the super strong guy who was the first to truly be an equal to Goku but there wasn't much else to define him since the show keeps throwing stronger and stronger opponents for Goku and so got left behind.
He never had much of a personality or even got to develop much of a relationship with any character since things ramped up so fast after he turned good.
Only if you're a Tien fan. Otherwise, I got a neat gif out of it.
Give me
Training under Goku, Vegeta and Gohan.
Give me
Training under Goku, Vegeta and Gohan.
17 trained in the mountains , or on an island or whatever, and now he's as powerful as Goku for some reason
Marron and 17's child are normal humans, they can't hang with Saiyans unless Toei is willing to completely desecrate all established lore of DB and DBZ.
Uub is a special case.
Marron and 17's child are normal humans, they can't hang with Saiyans unless Toei is willing to completely desecrate all established lore of DB and DBZ.
Uub is a special case.
nah he wasn't even Ginyu tier starting out he was Zarbon tierSo what ? He had over 10 years.
Trunks also reached Goku's level, and so did Gohan... In far less than 10 years. Not to mention Frieza in 4 months with a ginyu tier dude.
Piccolo can't do that.I threw up a little.
What I want from an NG :
Goku Vegeta cause they'll never go away
Trunks as leader somewhat
17's son
Piccolo's offspring (why not) so that Pan has a best friend
Have Gohan and 17 be the occasional powerful characters that come back to give a hand when shit is bad.
Have slice of life episodes dedicated to Goten only where he is leading the bachelor life.
Nah, turns out half androids are as talented as (gohan tier) half saiyans there you go.
I guess Dr. Gero adjustments can be passed down genetically.They went out of their way to mention Marron might be surprisingly strong.
I think there's genetic modifications involvedI guess Dr. Gero adjustments can be passed down genetically.
So what ? He had over 10 years.
Trunks also reached Goku's level, and so did Gohan... In far less than 10 years. Not to mention Frieza in 4 months with a ginyu tier dude.
Roshi, then Piccolo, then the Androids, then you got the Saiyans and Frieza. all Dragon ball is ever going to be is the Saiyans and Frieza
Marron and 17's child are normal humans, they can't hang with Saiyans unless Toei is willing to completely desecrate all established lore of DB and DBZ. 17 and Freeza reaching an extremely high heights can be accepted because their base power is pretty much Super Saiyan level (beyond for the androids). Not humans.
Uub is a special case. Also, y'all be forgetting Bulla.
I guess Dr. Gero adjustments can be passed down genetically.
Well Marron is also the daughter of Krillin, who, let us not forget, could destroy the earth if he wanted to
Why have him standing next to them in the ending? The ED was right about Krillin, Tenshinhan, the destroyed stage and the remaining/useful Pride Troopers so far. We'll see in a couple of weeks.what's this whole theory you're talking about with the OP/ED
like, there's 0% chance Vegeta's going out before fucking Roshi
We have confirmation on "bio-modifications" bio Engineer etc. a generic confirmation, nothing Specific to DNA modificationYeah but my point is they can't hang with the Saiyans, especially the new breed how are extremely talented.
Do we have a source for that genetic modification on the androids? Gero is a bigger genius that we had thought.
Marron and 17's child are normal humans, they can't hang with Saiyans unless Toei is willing to completely desecrate all established lore of DB and DBZ. 17 and Freeza reaching an extremely high heights can be accepted because their base power is pretty much Super Saiyan level (beyond for the androids). Not humans.
Uub is a special case. Also, y'all be forgetting Bulla.
Why have him standing next to them in the ending? The ED was right about Krillin, Tenshinhan, the destroyed stage and the remaining/useful Pride Troopers so far. We'll see in a couple of weeks.
Android 8 and major metalitron toothe only robo android is 16...which means he's the only actual android
Vegeta threw up his elimination flag last episode when he said he was going to take them all out.what's this whole theory you're talking about with the OP/ED
like, there's 0% chance Vegeta's going out before fucking Roshi
the only robo android is 16...which means he's the only actual android
the only robo android is 16...which means he's the only actual android
Android 8 and major metalitron too
who remembers those jobbers?why isn't 8 hanging out with the crew?
I want an episode where Cabba follows Caulifla around for a day and hilarious hijinks happen
To anyone interested, Plague of Gripes seems to hit the latest episode right on the head.
Why does japan hate Tien?
I've wondered if its because he's considered ugly with the 3 eyes, but who knows.
poor VegitaMagazine leaks might show tomorrow so we could know if Vegeta is out soon or not.
I want an episode where Cabba gets a call that a gang is causing trouble. Him and his men go to arrest them. It's Caulifla and her gang, she goes SSJ2 and Cabba speeds out of there, running away.
Chiaotsu and yamcha are alone in the joke groupgod this video hurts
why toei? why toriyama?
Yep.Vegeta threw up his elimination flag last episode when he said he was going to take them all out.
1) 17 18 had organic enhancements, so in theory they can pass them over to their offspring, just like Cell could absorb them and fuse on a cellular level
2) Eighter was revived by the Dragon Balls which means he has a soul, therefore he is human based
@undead why can't Piccolo create a mini Piccolo D: ?
To be fair, it's only the 7th time he used that exact line lmao.
and Caulifla comes to police headquarters and beats him up anyway, causing Cabba to lose his only job, and have nothing left to live for.
Cabba's character died the moment he attacked Vegeta, and then disappeared.Not gonna let y'all come for cabba like that
I always knew Tien was always getting the short end, especially in Super where everyone was getting an offscreen power up. Plague did a great job breaking down how bad Tien has got it despite how everything should be going his way.To anyone interested, Plague of Gripes seems to hit the latest episode right on the head.
Why does japan hate Tien?
I've wondered if its because he's considered ugly with the 3 eyes, but who knows.
Goten > Cabba.Not gonna let y'all come for cabba like that
And kale is just enjoying the whole thing in the backgroundFTFY.
Cabba's character died the moment he attacked Vegeta, and then disappeared.
Don't worry, Frieza will come for him soon.