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Drama: Sweet Baby employees start fighting back against Steam curator

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This comic is trying to obfuscate the very real benefit of being able to see yourself reflected in the media that surrounds you. Take the Little Mermaid. Say what you will about the revisionism, but at the end of the day, I think it's an objectively positive thing for young black girls to be able to see representations of themselves. I can't imagine how wonderful it is for African American children to see someone like Black Panther on the big screen or to watch the phenomenal Moon Girl animated series. The second image in this comic doesn't really offer a valid counterpoint to that. The fact that people can enjoy and identify with characters that are not of the same race or cultural background as themselves is not an argument against an inclusive media landscape.

As someone that grew up loving comics, videogames, and movies, I had no problem finding heroes to admire and look up to. But, man, it would have been sweet to see a Mexican out there saving the day too. That would have been objectively good. Hell, it's such a drought out there sometimes that I am proud to be able to count Bender Bending Rodriguez as one of my people.

I think this oft-used comic makes the rounds because it confirms a lot of a person's bias against inclusion even though the comic doesn't really make a good argument against what it is criticizing. The juxtaposition of images is a tangential observation at best.
Every race and gender should and always was represented in movies ... and thats awesome... you should see "yourself" and feel good about it.

But changing skin colors or genders of legacy established characters is not the way... and they dont do this for you.. they do for checking boxes, creating false drama and hoping to collect awards or at least accolades in their bubble.

And by the way only being able to connect with characters from your own color/race shows how racist/limited this people are ... black panther is awasome and Im white as is Lando in star wars and Blade and so on... Ripley and Sara Conor and Princess Leia are also awesome and Im male.

This false narrative of under representation is bad by it self ... but over correcting this and changing established characters was the wrong choice, and the box offices of this movies showed and hollywood just had its worst year.

And I can pretty much guarantee that if the next black panther or Blade movie they go with an white actor you would be up in arms amongst your friends.

So all in all ... lets tone down the hypocrisy

Scotty W

I know what it is generally supposed to mean. My problem with the word only lies with how people use it, which is why I say the meaning of the word is too fluid.

For example, a game can be revealed at TGA or at Summer Games Fest starring a black female character, ex: Flintlock, and people here will call it 'woke' when there are no signs of anything in your definition that's present in the trailer.

That's what I need explained because it doesn't make sense.
It seems that what you are unsure about is Marxism. Let me try to explain as briefly as possible.

Originally, long long ago, every man and woman worked only for him and herself. Everyone was happy, because they were MAKING themselves (important point).

Then someone figured out that you can make people work for you, ie wages, money. This meant people were no longer Making themselves. They were alienated from their labour, and alienated from themselves. Now people were not happy.

The rich people invented stories that justified this alienation. God chose the king. Men are stronger and more rational than women. Civilization is superior to barbarism.

But these stories also hid things. It hid that women are as strong as men, and better hunters. It hid that there many black vikings, and many blacks in medieval Europe. It hid that gays and trans people have always made up a substantial proportion of the population.

Marxists want to equalize the distribution of wealth, so that oppression will end, and everyone will be happy. Woke is when you are awoken to the oppression caused by the division of labor, and the stories that legitimate it.

Stories have a function in general: to legitimize the oppression of the have nots by the haves. This is the reason Marxists cannot make their own stories. So what they do is they take pre-existing stories and try to subvert to gradually neutralize their oppressive effect.

So, for example, they might make Anne Boleyn black, which disempowers whites, and empowers blacks. This is actually counterproductive.

For example, let’s say you play golf. You don’t think it is an important part of your identity, but suddenly, all your favorite media is filled with golfers as villains, insisting that it is the most important thing about you, and that it makes you evil. Every game and movie considers it essential presupposes that you are evil, and your identity must be deconstructed. You are going to be defensive, and you will naturally group together with other golfers.

This is what we detest about wokeness. Every trope that is subverted, and every race that is swapped is an attempt to deconstruct and demoralize. Moreover, from an entertainment perspective, it just sucks because it is based on a false psychology- no man murders his father without severe psychological consequences. I know it seems like the term woke is being used too loosely, but this is because ALL identities are being deconstructed constsntly.

There is a lot of truth in the accusations Marxism makes, but they always mix in a bit of truth with a falsehood in order to forget or deny basic realities: Being fat is legitimately unhealthy. Only women can have babies. Gender is real. You can’t be born in the wrong body. Most scientific discoveries were made by European cultures. Britain ended the slave trade.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Originally, long long ago, every man and woman worked only for him and herself. Everyone was happy,
? What?
Then someone figured out that you can make people work for you, ie wages, money. This meant people were no longer Making themselves. They were alienated from their labour, and alienated from themselves
Reaching… and even the presentation of the argument is biased.

Civilization is superior to barbarism.
I like this as depending on how you pick your definitions everyone is right at the same time :D.

But these stories also hid things. It hid that women are as strong as men, and better hunters.
Is this based on evidence such as the Predator movie or debunked papers: ?


I don't see the problem here people should be allowed to make and follow whatever list they want unless it's overtly racist like "game has black characters".

Why is everyone such a sensitive pussy these days?
Brings them attention. If you really want to piss off these groups just remark "Oh, nice." to their statements and keep on the conversation you already had. Do not play their game by letting them railroad it to whatever irrelevant topic they bring up. Its what gives them fuel.

"Don't fed the trolls" has been a thing for as long as the internet for a reason.
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Every race and gender should and always was represented in movies ... and thats awesome... you should see "yourself" and feel good about it.

Only if it makes any sense, movie set in for example: Poland, Japan or Ethiopia shouldn't have a lot of people with different skin colors if story is about local people. Those countries are not diverse in terms of skin color at all.

Modern Hollywood has rules that you must check enough boxes with race, gender and sexual orientations for your movie to even be considered for Oscar nomination. Storytelling takes second place.

Scotty W

? What?

Reaching… and even the presentation of the argument is biased.

I like this as depending on how you pick your definitions everyone is right at the same time :D.

Is this based on evidence such as the Predator movie or debunked papers: ?

I was presenting the opinions of Marxism, not my own, which you would have noticed if you had read my first sentence you illiterate!


Gold Member



Really stand up guy

Another white savior with a racist history, who ironically works for Sweet Baby.

As someone who's black....I LOVE TO SEE IT. It's like watching Blazing Saddles in real life 🤣. This story writes itself folks.

I also want to add more to this. I'm not a fan of others altering a game's original vision for the sake of.....inclusion and shit. To me, diversity needs to happen NATURALLY, not FORCED when it comes to this. I often think about Mass Effect 2 and how great the story was written. Jack coming from a broken home/being experimented on, Jacob's dad being in a cult, learning about Thane's spiritual side despite him being a Galactic Crying Freeman, it was a game of beauty. Gameplay and story wise. Writers didn't need external consultants; they were already good at what they did. Also, we're talking about a GALAXY here. Races that exist beyond humans and conflicts that have been going on for a long time. The Geth vs The Quarions, Salarians with the Genophage against the Krogans, and so forth.

Now, it seems that most Western studios got this Sweet Baby company for consulting now. Is this why the writing in Forsaken is as bland and grating as its gameplay? Is this why the Saint's Row reboot turned into shit and strayed away from what made the series great?

Honestly.....this shit gets tiring. Enough of this fucking pandering. I just want to play a good game with a great story. NOT SWEET BABYS STORY. I can go on and on, I'm just tired of it.
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The more publicity this gets the better.
Dave Chappelle Snl GIF by Saturday Night Live
Its funny because the more pushback you get from these certain individuals - who are working there, the more this will blow up.

When you have big Youtubers and streamers on the drama, there'll be massive coverage.
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There is no explicit indication as to why it changed, but it's pretty obvious that real artists/writers are having their works vandalized by strangers.
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Gold Member

There is no explicit indication as to why it changed, but it's pretty obvious that real artists/writers are having their works vandalized by strangers.

It certainly explains what the fuck happend to GoWR, Spider Man 2, Starfield, Rift Apart etc. All these game's stories and gameplay have been vandalized by Sweet Baby. It's no suprsing many of these games are flops.
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It certainly explains what the fuck happend to GoWR, Spider Man 2, Starfield, Rift Apart etc. All these game's stories and gameplay have been vandalized by Sweet Baby. It's no suprsing many of these games are flops.
As much as I detest what they did to Peter and MJ in Spider-Man 2, selling 10 million copies is NOT a flop.

However, we ARE going to witness those games selling less and less, if they keep this route. The M-She-U didn't crash and burn with just one movie; it took 3-4 movies and 5-6 TV Shows to end up in the dumpster fire it currently is.
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CliffyB's Cock Holster
The whole thing is such a massive grift.

Activists make claims of -isms on social media, gets carried by the friends/similar minded people in the enthusiast press/legacy media etc. These need no more substantiation than the existence of the claim as "proof".

Corporations are strong-armed into DEI because the whole thing is a racket where not toeing-the-line might hurt. DEI policies get made and funding gets allocated in order to score DEI points.

Activists exploit and monetize this by offering services and consultations that take the money stuck into these DEI "pots" at said organizations.

Essentially they've managed to get themselves in position to provide imaginary solutions to imaginary problems of their own creation. And in so doing further their socio-political agendas.

They get to feel good about themselves and get paid handsomely for it!
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Parody of actual AJUMP23
What is sweet baby and why do people care.

I gather they are some consultant group, but I don’t know what they do. Or how they ruin or help anything.
This false narrative of under representation is bad by it self ... but over correcting this and changing established characters was the wrong choice, and the box offices of this movies showed and hollywood just had its worst year.

And I can pretty much guarantee that if the next black panther or Blade movie they go with an white actor you would be up in arms amongst your friends.

So all in all ... lets tone down the hypocrisy
EDIT: I had a different reply and changed it to the following. I dunno. Just felt it was a better point to make.

I see this argument a lot. That if the shoe were on the other foot and a character that was traditionally portrayed by a minority were race-swapped, that there would be a strong reaction and that somehow this reaction shows a hypocritical double-standard.

I mean, yeah, there would be a huge backlash. And yeah, there IS a double-standard. Of course there is. When there are so few minority heroes and main characters out there in the first place, losing one of them is a gut punch. This argument conveniently overlooks that all things are not equal and that the playing field is still grossly uneven.

Look man, I WISH there was enough Mexican representation in media for me to be able to shrug off a race-swap. I WISH that was the case. Some of you out there are acting like it's a war against your identity even though the dominant races/genders/sexualities, are hands-down STILL grossly over-represented.

"When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression."
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Gold Member
As much as I detest what they did to Peter and MJ in Spider-Man 2, selling 10 million copies is NOT a flop.

However, we ARE going to witness those games selling less and less, if they keep this route. The M-She-U didn't crash and burn with just one movie; it took 3-4 movies and 5-6 TV Shows to end up in the dumpster fire it currently is.

GoWR and Spider Man 2 only sold well because thei previous games were really good and also sold extremely well.
It seems that what you are unsure about is Marxism. Let me try to explain as briefly as possible.

Originally, long long ago, every man and woman worked only for him and herself. Everyone was happy, because they were MAKING themselves (important point).

Then someone figured out that you can make people work for you, ie wages, money. This meant people were no longer Making themselves. They were alienated from their labour, and alienated from themselves. Now people were not happy.

The rich people invented stories that justified this alienation. God chose the king. Men are stronger and more rational than women. Civilization is superior to barbarism.

But these stories also hid things. It hid that women are as strong as men, and better hunters. It hid that there many black vikings, and many blacks in medieval Europe. It hid that gays and trans people have always made up a substantial proportion of the population.

Marxists want to equalize the distribution of wealth, so that oppression will end, and everyone will be happy. Woke is when you are awoken to the oppression caused by the division of labor, and the stories that legitimate it.

Stories have a function in general: to legitimize the oppression of the have nots by the haves. This is the reason Marxists cannot make their own stories. So what they do is they take pre-existing stories and try to subvert to gradually neutralize their oppressive effect.

So, for example, they might make Anne Boleyn black, which disempowers whites, and empowers blacks. This is actually counterproductive.

For example, let’s say you play golf. You don’t think it is an important part of your identity, but suddenly, all your favorite media is filled with golfers as villains, insisting that it is the most important thing about you, and that it makes you evil. Every game and movie considers it essential presupposes that you are evil, and your identity must be deconstructed. You are going to be defensive, and you will naturally group together with other golfers.

This is what we detest about wokeness. Every trope that is subverted, and every race that is swapped is an attempt to deconstruct and demoralize. Moreover, from an entertainment perspective, it just sucks because it is based on a false psychology- no man murders his father without severe psychological consequences. I know it seems like the term woke is being used too loosely, but this is because ALL identities are being deconstructed constsntly.

There is a lot of truth in the accusations Marxism makes, but they always mix in a bit of truth with a falsehood in order to forget or deny basic realities: Being fat is legitimately unhealthy. Only women can have babies. Gender is real. You can’t be born in the wrong body. Most scientific discoveries were made by European cultures. Britain ended the slave trade.
Did you have an AI write this? It's one of the most chaotic things I've read on the Internet in a long time LMAO
It certainly explains what the fuck happend to GoWR, Spider Man 2, Starfield, Rift Apart etc. All these game's stories and gameplay have been vandalized by Sweet Baby. It's no suprsing many of these games are flops.
What was woke about Ragnarok? Maybe I'm not remembering something.


GoWR and Spider Man 2 only sold well because thei previous games were really good and also sold extremely well.
not only that (although i didn't see anything wrong with GoWR personally)... I won't be buying Insomniacs next game, Wolverine, until i know how pandering it is and if it's really bad then i can personally easily skip it.

AAA gaming is a hodge podge mess of the same shit over and over anyway.
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Have to say, I’m behind the steam curator list 100%. Anything that helps me keep my money away from any SBI associated product is fine by me. In relation to the list, it’s strange so many games that have confirmed SBI involvement have now been removed.

As expected, from the online history of SBI associates and employees, those involved in SBI are pretty despicable people. Their motivations are truly as bad as everyone feared. They have a very clear contempt for anyone not aligned to their current day ideological perspectives. I for one am tired of companies like SBI or localisers or anyone vandalising IPs by forcing collectivist, feminist, DEI, gender theory or political correctness into other peoples work. Tolkein said it best… “Evil cannot create anything new, they can only corrupt and ruin what good forces have invented or made.”
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