2 Gens old cars
Rubber band AI
No livery editor
Lack of mechanical damage
Delayed again
Are a couple of things that might be said. I don't think racing on a track is on top of the issues pile.
See the delay and all I can understand and not at the same time in the end we have nothing to say or complay they hadn't taken no ones money yes they give a date at their own cost found that it needed to be delayed and they did ..
Some of the other points like lack of mechanical damage and so on .. That's people gamers and so on making the game into something that's not..
If the game dev did not add it did not see it for the type of game that they were trying to shot for why complain
I played years ago a FPS soldier of fortune when u got shot in the leg you would lose it and so on I didn't jump into halo and first thing was hummm keep getting shot my guy just twitches and dies weird ..
Get my point but any ways my point about the track is and stand all reviews plus most people here complay corridor racer no open world damn this is stupid if you like driving then a racer on a track is as good as an open world one and people keep bring up that horiszon this and that damn underground was a lot more ..
Any ways my point is just because they are both racing games they are really far apart at the same time reviews SHOULD always review a game for that game may it be DriveClub HALO or what ever game this comparing one game to another is getting stupid