Was playing for an hour and a bit last night before bed time and I was absolutely loving it.
-The tracks were so beautiful.
-The bumpy roads of BC made me really appreciate the effort they put into the track.
-Sense of speed, even in the terrible first hot hatch mini you get, was incredible.
-Cockpit views were nice, although I'm personally more for the classic view.
-I found it much funner than I should have making a Club logo.
-Paint customization isn't anything amazing, but it's nice. It has some really good designs, and doesn't take too much effort to make something look good. I could do with some more customization, but at least there's enough to make your cars look unique.
-Sound is phenomenal
- I really look forward to playing online in the future. Have played pretty much every racing game of the last 10 years, but I have never been much of an online guy so this will be my first online racing experience
All in all, I couldn't care less what the reviews are. I find this game a 10/10, and that's what matters to me.
Not to mention it will only get better with updates. Committed to the season pass last night.