so many people are saying they got the game for free. how?
Alot of new people destroy the servers.Yup, servers down for me too. Two days ago the servers were up and running 24/7 lol.
So this game is mediocre at best then looking at the reviews?
So this game is mediocre at best then looking at the reviews?
Wow the review thread is crazy and only focusing on the Gamespot 5/10.
The metacritic is right now at a solid 74 and that is with the best feature still to come, the dynamic weather system.
So this game is mediocre at best then looking at the reviews?
So this game is mediocre at best then looking at the reviews?
10/10 game after an hour of play? Gotcha
I really love Giant Bomb, probably my favorite video game site, but I just don't get how out of the loop some video game sites are about this game. Jeff brought up how there were no weather effects and wasn't sure if weather effects were coming. A quick search prior to recording would show that yes, weather effects are coming (most likely before Christmas). This isn't a criticism of GB, but of many of the video game review outlets (and not just regarding Driveclub). Evolution for the past few months has been quite open about the game and upcoming features and if sites would look at all the info that has been revealed, things may be clearer for them. Maybe it would've benefited Evolution to send all this information via e-mail or press packets to the various outlets.
I played two tour events last night, and the 2-stage hot hatch cup this morning. That was enough to bump me to driver level 3 and unlock two additional cars. Extremely quick impressions:
Bare-bones game structure. You're dropped into a race immediately on launching the game for the first time with no introduction, voiceover, or setup of any kind. It's a little disconcerting but it gets across an important point: DriveClub is about racing, period. There really isn't much to do but dive headlong into one event after another. If you like the challenge that represents I suspect there's a lot of fun to be had here, but if you're looking for a story? Some motivation to drive? More tweaking than a paint job? Forget about it.
Immersive driving experience. This is obviously where Evolution poured their considerable expertise into crafting something special. Getting behind the wheel feels just right. It's exhilarating even in the MINI you start out with, which is exactly as it ought to be. Flooring the little car downhill in limited visibility thanks to the clouds of dust kicked up by the cars in front of you on dirt roads in India is nerve-wracking fun, and the level of audio immersion with my basic 5.1 setup is impressive. Tire sounds against the varied environment are perfect, engine sounds are exactly what I'd expect from the class of car I'm driving, and the dreaded scrapes and bumps against other cars are properly cringe-inducing. I can't wait to try out the cars I've just unlocked and work my way toward something truly exotic.
Online interactions. The servers weren't up by the time I went to bed last night, though it sounds like they were up for a while shortly thereafter. They aren't up again this morning, so I can't comment meaningfully just yet.
So this game is mediocre at best then looking at the reviews?
wheres the play store app?
Just got back from gamestop and had a funny exchange...
"a copy of driveclub please"
"for what system?"
I internally laughed and answered "the only system it's on", which forced the guy to look it up in the computer. He told me "oh sorry I didn't even know that was out today"
Overall a quality gamestop customer experience.
Mediocre is in 50 range not 70 range.
Well i dont mean a bad game, just not a great game like the hype was suggesting?, the best review has been GT with 8.6 majority of the rest seem to be 6's and 7's.
I was going to get a PS4 for this but its doesnt look anything special and average as racing games go. I mean i couldn't stand any of the GT games after 4 as they all became bland with boring AI and for all account this seems to be in the same framework
Just got back from gamestop and had a funny exchange...
"a copy of driveclub please"
"for what system?"
I internally laughed and answered "the only system it's on", which forced the guy to look it up in the computer. He told me "oh sorry I didn't even know that was out today"
Overall a quality gamestop customer experience.
I woudl I want a story in a racer?
This is old school son.
When will Sony update the PS+ games? D:
mediocre: of only average quality; not very good.
Seems to fit the bill!
Well i dont mean a bad game, just not a great game like the hype was suggesting?, the best review has been GT with 8.6 majority of the rest seem to be 6's and 7's.
I was going to get a PS4 for this but its doesnt look anything special and average as racing games go. I mean i couldn't stand any of the GT games after 4 as they all became bland with boring AI and for all account this seems to be in the same framework
No the game does not need to have none of that sorry.I don't need story but I'd like some personality. This game seems to have none.
Forza Horizon (the first one, which I loved, haven't played the second) displayed its personality by having a voiceover, DJs on the radio station, hell different radio stations. Different kinds of music that make the game feel alive.
I don't mind the kind of music this game has, but it certainly doesn't make much of an impact. It's just background noise. Like I said earlier, this game feels sterile.
No the game does not need to have none of that sorry.
the usual PSN store update.
Later today... :/So how do I get the PS Plus edition? Not seeing it anywhere.
No the game does not need to have none of that sorry.
As much as I love Giant Bomb, they honestly sound like they're in their own little world a lot of times when it comes to things like games or issues people have with things that go on in the industry. More power to them for only really covering things they want to cover though.
Any UK Time indication ?
That's indicative of most of my visits there. Occasionally knowledgeable person, 80% of the time not a clue about anything to do with games.
Stopped going there a while ago.
Got to play for about an hour before work this morning.
-Damn this game is gorgeous
-Car handling is very PGR to me. Loving it
-Put up the fucking servers so I can join #GAFCLUB and start contributing points
Just got back from gamestop and had a funny exchange...
"a copy of driveclub please"
"for what system?"
I internally laughed and answered "the only system it's on", which forced the guy to look it up in the computer. He told me "oh sorry I didn't even know that was out today"
Overall a quality gamestop customer experience.