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DriveClub Review Thread.



It's pretty crazy how PS4 has the most lackluster lineup this holiday season while Xbox and Wii U are miles behind in sales.

It has plenty of games in that it will be home to the best versions of third party titles. What games do the wii u have and xbox one that's exclusive I can only think of one each on those consoles that stand out.


Reviews are all over the place but I expected it. I read mostly positive impressions in the OT so hoping I will too when I get my hands on it.

Cake Boss

Man the PS4 has some mediocre ass exclusives, and it looks like its going to be that way with that Santa Monica game getting mediocre previews.
I'm a PS4 only owner and have no interest in LBP3 and Driveclub seems to be something that won't hold my attention for long.

Wii U has Smash Bros and Bayonetta 2.

Xbox One has Master Chief Collection and others.

So for me the PS4 this Christmas looks pretty barren unless I can persuade myself to replay GTAV all over again.

All of a sudden 2 games for the Wii U and one rehashed HD collection for Xbone means that the PS4 sucks this holiday season?

Damn, GAF. Damn.


Sony's first party studios seem to really be struggling this generation. So far only Infamous has really come close to the level of quality expected.

While that is the worst game I played this entire gen.

Opinions man!


Damn. All of that ambition for what is essentially average scores.

At least it's pretty?

This was my biggest fear of DC: all this boasting of its visual flair, but where's the content???


Was it boring because you found it difficult though?

Serious question.
Probably which is why I'm willing to give it another shot. I've gotten much better at raving games since then. It's also worth noting that I really enjoyed those challenges in game when I was in far last place, it gave me something to shoot for. instead of just trying to finish I decided to focus on beating the other scores on the track.
Disappointing, but I will definitely try out the PS+ edition to form my own opinion.

edit: I wonder what would have happened if it had been released last year.
Nail in the coffin for Evolution Studios?

Sounds like Driveclub is a bigger bomb than Motorstorm. And Motorstorm was already bomba material.

Should have gone with a reboot of one of their fun racers. I'm sure a new Rollcage or Jet Moto could have been more successful.
Imagine Rollcage with the power of the PS4.

Sony already has a racer with realistic cars (Gran Turismo).
No need for Driveclub.
Well, at least I've got my retail copy for 19 bucks. But still, hype deflated.


What the freaking heck. I was totally digging everyone's reactions as they started playing last night. I have no idea what other reviewers are thinking. I guess I can read some things and shake my head after a little while.

My GameTrailers Review for those who missed it - 8.6 (am I going to be the highest or what?) http://www.gametrailers.com/reviews/hk4dfa/driveclub-review

Opinions have been extremely divided in the gaming world of late, this does't look to be any different. I'd hazard a guess that you're likely better at driving in this game than some of these other journalists too, hence not having as much of an issue with things like less comprehensive driving lines, rewind features, collision penalties etc.


Well that's disappointing. The OT impressions have me pretty hyped though so don't care too much about the lowish review scores.


Next year will hopefully be awesome with Bloodborne, MGS, Uncharted (no delays pls), and Batman but this first year and change has been terrible. Nothing but indie bleh and mediocre "next gen" experiences. Sony dropped the ball after they started selling consoles like gangbusters.

TLoUR, Resogun, Stider, Trine 2, and the superior console versions of games like AC4 and (next month) Mordor are keeping me plenty busy in 2014. I haven't even found time for Infamous yet.
That is indeed quite low. Hmm...

I hope this doesn't continue to deter developers from making circuit based games. I've come to realize that open world racing games just aren't for me. :\

I don't really see where you're coming from on this. It's like seeing an open world game review poorly and saying "I hope this doesn't deter developers from making open world games".

Besides the visuals, Driveclub has looked lackluster from the very beginning.
Yeah, I think I'll stick with the free PS+ version.

If DRIVECLUB was released in its current state when the PS4 launched I think we would be looking at a much better reception. Unfortunately for DRIVECLUB A lot of people have been playing the Crew Beta and even more have been playing FORZA Horizon 2.

While I might have been severely disappointed if I had gone retail, now I feel as though I'm getting a pretty decent racing game for free.


The reviewers are more dissapointing that the game... now the menus are bad... and they looks just like the GT menus...
A racing game that exceeds at racing... but is bland and poor... WTF

I'm done with gamestop, just for the reviewer voice tone you already know that he don't give a fuck about the game.


Looking at the average review score it's doing about what I thought it would. Some reviewers are going to dock it for things that have nothing to do with the actual game (e.g delays, Change in development staff). As with most new IPs this gen, I'm sure the sequel will be even better. Until then, I'll enjoy playing this game.
Sony's first party studios seem to really be struggling this generation. So far only Infamous has really come close to the level of quality expected.

I didn't really enjoy inFamous SS and I'm playing the shit out of Driveclub :)

DC is PS4's best exclusive.
I'm not saying Driveclub is getting scores lower than it deserves because I haven't played it, but so many of these reviews sound like Driveclub doesn't play like Forza so it's not as good.

From a general standpoint, am I wrong here?


"It's not new" "It's just competent" "It's ordinary in the face of more open world racing games"

Bout what I expected from the reviews honestly.


The reviewers are more dissapointing that the game... now the menus are bad... and they looks just like the GT menus...
A racing game that exceeds at racing... but is bland and poor... WTF

I'm done with gamestop, just for the reviewer voice tone you already know that he don't give a fuck about the game.
It's not bad to be disappointed but menus. Remember the PSAS threads?
What the freaking heck. I was totally digging everyone's reactions as they started playing last night. I have no idea what other reviewers are thinking. I guess I can read some things and shake my head after a little while.

My GameTrailers Review for those who missed it - 8.6 (am I going to be the highest or what?) http://www.gametrailers.com/reviews/hk4dfa/driveclub-review

Just watched your review Blood. Seeing as you're a true petrol head when it comes to racing games, I take your review as gospel!


Eurogamer has writers who fawn over the PGR series and adore racing games. So who do they give it to? Neither Martin Robinson nor Tom Bramwell. Instead, a writer for "Outside Xbox" who gave F1 2013 a better review and in a preview for Grid 2 lauded the inclusion of a "story mode", something Driveclub obviously doesn't have.

I wouldn't be so disappointed if it had been either Martin or Tom who'd given that rating, but for someone who doesn't seem to have a good record covering racing games (least of all on PS4) then it's highly suspect.


It has plenty of games in that it will be home to the best versions of third party titles. What games do the wii u have and xbox one that's exclusive I can only think of one each on those consoles that stand out.

Is it going to remain the home of the best versions? Or is it going to be the home of parity versions?


Man the PS4 has some mediocre ass exclusives, and it looks like its going to be that way with that Santa Monica game getting mediocre previews.

Sony exclusives tend not to review all that well, I don't get how this is seen as a failure though it has mixed reviews just like fh2 and destiny yet I've been loving those two.


This consideration helps me to see a lot of scores already, so far it worked pretty well. With a 2015 full of big releases, I'll see if I've been lucky or not.. starting soon with Bayonetta 2 and DriveClub.

Worked again, I knew it.
I'm becoming a magician or reviewers are incredibly predictable.


That's a bit lower than I was expecting. Was thinking it'd probably be high 7's at least on Metacritic, but it's currently at 70 and possibly dropping.

I'm curious to see what happens with Evolution in general. They've been having kind of a rough time for a while now.

Lego Boss

You are now an open world arcade racer, a track based sim or Mario Kart. Nothing else in between.

I can't believe this to be honest. Grid is brilliant simcade and hopefully Dirt will get back to doing what it does best on the current gen.

I think there's room for all of them, I also think that the game needs to be confidetn as to which space it fits into.

If there was a PGR 5, it would be hyped beyond belief and I'm sure in the hands of its legacy devs (Playground, Codies, Sumo), it would be a brilliant game.

Part of me just wants to see diversity in games instead of brown-em-ups and sports franchises.

This is OUR pastime and we need to celebrate it and fight for it. Reviews for a AAA like this are bad for our hobby!


I guess the PGR formula is officially dead. This was a nice throwback, but arcade sims have no place in the industry it seems :/.

Go play Horizon 2 then come back, the PGR is strong as fuck in that game, especially in the city tracks at night ;)


Regularly boosts GAF member count to cry about 'right wing gaf' - Voter #3923781
I don't really see where you're coming from on this. It's like seeing an open world game review poorly and saying "I hope this doesn't deter developers from making open world games".

Besides the visuals the game has appeared to be lackluster from the very beginning.

Other than Grid and Project Car and the big 2 (Forza and GT) circuit racers have died down, in favor of open world racing games.


Before everyone freaks out, the game is getting a good number of high 7s and 8s. So some reviewers are really liking it. Others aren't. Big deal. impressions have been really positive on GAF, which is much more important, considering how critical a lot of people are here.
You'll cycle through the menus multiple times, wondering if you've missed some huge, rich chunk of game. You haven't.
I wondered about this from the months of gameplay footage - the flashy trailers looked exciting but each gameplay clip was very similar - it looked like they were teasing the visuals and holding back the real meat of the game, which was some kind of in-depth career mode. I guess not.
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