Nice, I just ordered some Perfect Fits since they seem to fit tighter. You should update once you see how they compare.
Alright so now that both sleeves have arrived Ive done some testing. I still need to do some actual games but heres what Ive found:
Perfect Fits (PF) really are just that, they fit perfectly, so perfectly in fact that the exposed end of the card will be exactly flush with the opening of the sleeve and in some cases protrude slightly, which probably isnt ideal given how easily these cards wear. These sleeves really are made for double sleeving.
The Ultra Pros (UP) I ordered are actually really nice, not as loose as UPs used to be, and are actually pretty solid. These came in first and I liked them so much I contemplated cancelling my PF order because I liked them so much.
These two sleeves are great for double sleeving (DS), which is something Im considering in case I play at any point with friends when drinks are involved, because no end of the card is exposed to the elements in case of spills or anything. The cards feel solid and well protected when DSed though there can be a slight cushion of air within the sleeve occasionally, which is hard to avoid.
When adding cards to your collection, nude (N) cards can be read in stacks of up to 60, PF up to 18-20, and UP up to 13-15, and DS up to 7. If youre worried about reading cards at the start of Clash and Party modes, its fine, the game doesnt actually need to read he whole stack, it just uses this to assign you a deck icon for turn purposes.
But for actual gameplay, the game doesnt really allow stacks to surpass 10 cards. So for gameplay purposes:
Nude: 10 card stack
PF: 8, occasionally 9
UP: 7-8
DS: 6-7
Really, in terms of Clash and Party, none of these options would be unplayable. You may encounter a bit of finicky behavior as the stacks get higher, and I may need to play a few games with the sleeves to determine how annoying that might become. Freestyle is going to be the main mode that will be affected. Youll have to clear off your stacks every once in a while.
So I think the verdict is if you just one to single sleeve, the Ultra Pros are excellent. I dont really recommend Perfect Fits by themselves. And double sleeving with either of these is an option especially if you want to keep these cards well protected in a Party scenario.
If anyones interested in ordering sleeves, these are what I bought:
Ultra Pros
Perfect Fits