Can someone explain how much you need to spend to get everything? Do you literally have to buy every single pack and discovery packs?
Also, it sounds like the music is only licensed through 2019 since it says the app is only available till that point on Hasbros site.
$99 game
4 x $15 = $60
12 x $5 = $60
So $220 for the first wave of 184 cards. The next wave will be $120 as it is just 4 playlists and another 12 discovers
As for the date, hmxjosh said that was the date they were required to put on it due to licensing. They have no plans of actually stopping it there. I assume if the game bombed that would be the dead date
I would assume that the deals would be the 5 year ones that rock band had (as crossover between rock band, dance central, and dropmix have happened with tracks)
That is a major worry to me though, as the app will eventually be dead. Does that mean everything I have will be useless? Do I need to keep a legacy device around that has the app loaded on it to keep it forever? Its kind of like a rock band type thing, but at least with my 360 I know the songs are there forever (or until a HDD crash) Have any other apps that have died out have a similar situation?
Hasbros main site has everything up for sale now including full discovery bundlles
aaaaand they're gone.
Still up for me. GOGOGO people that want hard to find ones...
Still up for me. GOGOGO people that want hard to find ones...
I've seen a ton of cards that we're chasing after, and they're GOOD. I've seen some of the updates we want to bring to the app, and they're GOOD
I have to think they have a marketing push planned sometime in November / December. There is no way they are going to let an expensive endeavor fizzle with no push. Probably just waiting until they have the cards and games everywhere. At least I hope 😐
Well, I got my Astro pack. One card was stuck to the packaging, and another card just doesn't work with the board. I hope Hasbro support can help me out, I don't want to be stuck with 14/15 deck completion.
I literally can't find any UK retailers with pricing, let alone preorders - any UK GAF know anywhere?
I still can't find any UK retailers that are even pricing this, let alone offering it for sale.
If retailers don't even have placeholder purchase pages up this close to launch, I find it difficult to believe its launching here this year at all
Dropmix has gone to $75 on amazon.
DropMix Music Gaming System
Game is still super fun to me and gets lots of play at parties even after multiple times.
Hope the wave 2 cards come soon!
60 bones on amazon! just bought it!
Which is funny because it was $50 until a couple of hours ago