Dusk Golem reiterates that the Xbox will be more powerful than the PS5 (Admitted to starting console wars, demodded)


Thus, the teraflop difference this time is more significant than xbox x - ps4pro?

I mean, its simple logic, normally not even up for discussion, yet I've spent a good portion of two hours while some go around in circles

Yes, the teraflop difference in raw numbers is bigger then Xbox One X / PS4 Pro, but that doesn't matter. Because it's meaningless to throw out "2 teraflops!!!" like that by itself means anything. A 2 teraflop difference between a 1 teraflop GPU and a 3 teraflop GPU is huge, the 3 teraflop GPU is 3 times as powerful as the 1 teraflop GPU, it's 200% faster. But if it's a 20 teraflop card vs a 22 teraflop card then the difference shrinks to 10%. The raw number stays the same, but the difference in performance is staggeringly different between the two.

I've already pointed this out but you can compare the 2070 Super vs the 2080 Super, the 2080 Super has on paper, 20% higher teraflops then the 2070 Super, but is only 10-15% faster in games. Those cards also have a 2 teraflop difference between them.

What does that 2 terflop amount to? A 10-15% faster GPU. Such a difference.

Yes the XSX is the faster console in raw GPU power, which will amount to a small difference in resolution in most cases, and it will be smaller then the previous generation.
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What makes you think i took that personal, i didn't, i just tried to give you a bit of counselling. help you out a little.
Well when you show me your psychologist credentials, I might consider that you have that ability.
And what makes me think you're triggered?

How many replies have you given me? And you think I need counselling?
Lol keep on projecting and deflecting 😁


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Likes moldy games
Well when you show me your psychologist credentials, I might consider that you have that ability.
And what makes me think you're triggered?

How many replies have you given me? And you think I need counselling?
Lol keep on projecting and deflecting 😁
I think it's past your bedtime mate.


WTF is this?

I mean I heard about the discord before but saying that Dusk Golem is there?




Likes moldy games
Thought you were gonna counsel me? How about I councel you?
Being as you're someone tbat has confessed to owning Sony TVs and Sony Atmos 7.2 channel speaker system... But don't care about the custom Sony sound chip...
Where did Sony hurt you?
It's ok. You can tell me. 😂
Confessed ? A of people on here have Sony tv's and i wanted a sound bar with a built in base speaker( don't want a sub esspecially in kitchen ) and i got a very good deal on the HTX-8500. OK Columbo!


Likes moldy games
But still what does it have to do with Custom next gen hardware? You still haven't answered that one yet. And it's been like an hour.
It was you who brought it up(sound chip) and I'm sceptical of it. So what, are i not allowed to be
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Gold Member
It was you who brought it up(sound chip) and I'm sceptical of it. So what, are i not allowed to be

Supposedly the Tempest Engine is more powerful than the entire Jaguar CPU, so take that for what it’s worth. It’s similar to the Cell SPUs (which programming for a CU with GPGPU is similar, ironically) which was very good in the sound department. This is why this gen took a step down in audio compared to the one prior.
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Likes moldy games
It was you who asked about it.
And you've already been answered.

Do you need a cookie or something?
So apart from the custom SSD so far we know it also has a Custom I/O unit, custom Geometry Engine in GPU and a separate Tempest Audio processor.
And i gave my sceptical opinion on what i think it may turn out it and you don't like it cause PS5 will be your baby.
Can't believe i wasted time talking to you, guess i was just killing time. Goodbye


And i gave my sceptical opinion on what i think it may turn out it and you don't like it cause PS5 will be your baby.
Can't believe i wasted time talking to you, guess i was just killing time. Goodbye
There's nothing I don't like.
I just said, if you or the average schmuck doesn't care about audio... Millions of others with decent soundbars and headphones will.
It's not my fault you decided to take on the mantle of 'Average Schmuck' and get all butt hurt.
Night 😘


Likes moldy games
There's nothing I don't like.
I just said, if you or the average schmuck doesn't care about audio... Millions of others with decent soundbars and headphones will.
It's not my fault you decided to take on the mantle of 'Average Schmuck' and get all butt hurt.
Night 😘
Yeah! Yeah! ZZZZZZZZZZZ Whatever Trevor.

He was probably demodded for engaging in console warring. That behavior does make his claims questionable.

However he never said he made them up. Not saying that what he's saying is true but interpret that as you will.


Gold Member
He was probably demodded for engaging in console warring. That behavior does make his claims questionable.

However he never said he made them up. Not saying that what he's saying is true but interpret that as you will.

He called it “anecdotal” and then tried doubling down on believing it to being true. Even though he admitted he could not verify said anecdote. Then he also says he embellished it to “even the negative news about Craig,” and changes his story in amount of sources from “multiple” to one.

Someone needs a dictionary (him not you).

I’m going with the whole thing is bullshit considering how many times it changed, and there’s no way of verifying anything.

These 2018+ “insiders,” I swear.
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It's like you're splitting noise hairs to find a greater difference based on greater quality of flops this generation over the last generation.

Both generations operating from the same level architectures, so the percentage difference is accurate, and thus the X1X vs PS4pro difference is still greater than the XSX vs PS5 difference.

30% vs 18%, and that's only on teraflops comparison.

You won't see the difference in playing most games. Everything else is too similar to show a marked difference.
its not my fault for your lack of understanding though.
teraflop difference, bandwidth difference, and definitely a cpu difference when ps5 goes for that 2.23 so as to keep the teraflop difference to the minimum 2tf

as I already said, maybe this generation is going to go like "you are sitting too close to your tv dude", only reversed.

Wait he was Demodded?
Where did he admit to making it all up?
he never admitted to making anything up. on the contrary he keeps repeating that this is how it goes.
resetera kicking him is just a testament to what they are.

in fact, if you are looking for someone that flip-flopped, that's phonie-matt, he went from "NOPE!" to "yeaaap, but it is for your best interest"
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Only time will tell until then it’s speculation and FUD.

we can’t prove or disprove Cernys claims until we get a full breakdown, which Sony seems unwilling to provide.

Nice Grammar catch though.
Halo Infinite was running on a PC. This is a fucking disaster for ms. We saw no gameplay on xsx but we saw gameplay for ps5.
Gameplay on actual hardware>>> cgi / running on pc.

Gameplay + unreal demo prove Cerny's work.

Xsx has started on the wrong foot.


Gold Member
Some people still trying to ride that boost train as a fault, Nvidia has been using boost clocks for years, same with Intel and the same with AMD.

It’s how you’re able to tap in the higher end theoretical power threshold at a much more frequent clip without burning out the part or high temp throttling.

Nobody is going to knock the 20x series or Ampere which will do the same they have been doing. Yet somehow it’s an issue now.



Yes, the teraflop difference in raw numbers is bigger then Xbox One X / PS4 Pro, but that doesn't matter. Because it's meaningless to throw out "2 teraflops!!!" like that by itself means anything. A 2 teraflop difference between a 1 teraflop GPU and a 3 teraflop GPU is huge, the 3 teraflop GPU is 3 times as powerful as the 1 teraflop GPU, it's 200% faster. But if it's a 20 teraflop card vs a 22 teraflop card then the difference shrinks to 10%. The raw number stays the same, but the difference in performance is staggeringly different between the two.

I've already pointed this out but you can compare the 2070 Super vs the 2080 Super, the 2080 Super has on paper, 20% higher teraflops then the 2070 Super, but is only 10-15% faster in games. Those cards also have a 2 teraflop difference between them.

What does that 2 terflop amount to? A 10-15% faster GPU. Such a difference.

Yes the XSX is the faster console in raw GPU power, which will amount to a small difference in resolution in most cases, and it will be smaller then the previous generation.
Yes the 2080 and 2070 is the comparison DF made.

But then you have to take into account the split memory pool on XSX some of which is slower, the I/O throughput advantage PS5 has, and the geometry engine on PS5 etc.

Then perhaps the biggest variable - the skills of the Devs.


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not

its not my fault for your lack of understanding though.
teraflop difference, bandwidth difference, and definitely a cpu difference when ps5 goes for that 2.23 so as to keep the teraflop difference to the minimum 2tf

as I already said, maybe this generation is going to go like "you are sitting too close to your tv dude", only reversed.

he never admitted to making anything up. on the contrary he keeps repeating that this is how it goes.
resetera kicking him is just a testament to what they are.

in fact, if you are looking for someone that flip-flopped, that's phonie-matt, he went from "NOPE!" to "yeaaap, but it is for your best interest"

This is just embarrassing.
Sweet Jesus.

Console wars really do bring the worst out in people.


Likes moldy games
Some people still trying to ride that boost train as a fault, Nvidia has been using boost clocks for years, same with Intel and the same with AMD.

It’s how you’re able to tap in the higher end theoretical power threshold at a much more frequent clip without burning out the part or high temp throttling.

Nobody is going to knock the 20x series or Ampere which will do the same they have been doing. Yet somehow it’s an issue now.

Do the current consoles do the same ?
I'm still puzzled as to why some keep hoping the gap between the PS5 and Xbox Series X is bigger then it is. The only difference in games will be a 15-20% resolution gap at most. If the Xbox version of a game has a native 3840x2160 then the PS5 version would be 3552x1998 at worst. With modern post-processing, upscale, and TAA that is not going to be noticeable to the average person, unless 800% magnification is used.

At the same time, the multiplatform game will benefit from the far faster PS5 I/O, in whatever format that takes.

This is not a Xbox One X / PS4 Pro power gap, no matter how some wish it will be.

Not in relative terms but in absolute terms it almost is.


Gold Member
Do the current consoles do the same ?

XB1/PS4 no (unless using BC, but that’s not games programmed to take advantage from the get go), which is why this will be new(ish) in the console arena. PC has been doing it for years, and it’s the bees knees of tech which most agree on. Ironically.

You know what other console uses a boost mode? Switch docked vs undocked.


Likes moldy games
Ad hominem, the weapon of the weak minded.

What is sad is we have 23 pages of xbox fans trying to FUD ps5, shame you cant talk about any XSX games as we have noit seen any running on XSX.

Why is that ? Whats going on ?
I knew that was your alt account,
Waste of time talking to 12 year olds


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Some people still trying to ride that boost train as a fault, Nvidia has been using boost clocks for years, same with Intel and the same with AMD.

It’s how you’re able to tap in the higher end theoretical power threshold at a much more frequent clip without burning out the part or high temp throttling.

Nobody is going to knock the 20x series or Ampere which will do the same they have been doing. Yet somehow it’s an issue now.

this is true. nvidia under reports their boost clock speeds. the rtx 2080 has base clock speeds of 1515 and boost clock speed of 1710-1710+, and yet my rtx 2080 spends all of its time above 1900. averages 1950 and hits clocks as high as 2010 without any overclocking.

so this 10.06 tflops gpu at 1.71 ghz is actually an 11.4 tflops gpu. same is true for the rtx 2080 ti which has boost clocks of 1515+ but spends most of its time in the 1.9 ghz range. making it a 17 tflops gpu.


Likes moldy games
You started the personal attacks on others, go read back on where you started with ad hominem.

Your last 5 or 6 posts you have insulted each person you have replied to. Go look in the mirror and what do you see ?
Telling me to grow up after what you just posted. Fuck off you twat.
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