Oh I agree. I just see both Sony and MS doing this.
see, im inclined to agree, but then...if sony keeps online gaming free another gen, this could very well be another bullet point for them - PS+, plus the ability to rent/sell/borrow etc your games. i dunno, it's too early to call obviously but we definitely gotta hear more on this
I've been repeating myself lately but I think this may be the road console gaming HAS to go down in order to survive. As gamers, we've been very spoiled lately with the quality and quantity of games while the prices have remained the same, if not lowered. Game companies can no longer survive and are dropping like flies. Has no one noticed the mass closings of huge game studios? Why do you think that is?
you pointed to piracy, and rising development costs. those are definitely factors.
a broken, one-size-fits-all pricing structure is another: there's virtually no room for AA titles anymore. PSN and XBLA helped on the indie side, but we need way more, as steam has shown. which is why i can see the analogies throughout this thread, but:
a) i have a great deal more trust in valve than i do MS (despite the former's customer service)
b) prices on steam sales are something MS gets nowhere near, certainly by not with the degree of control they have over said ecosystem
moreover, if i had to point to one large reason for the closing of a number of those studios? you got a big part with the rising budgets/lack of ways to recoup, no doubt, but mismanagement and horrible expectations to justify said budgets strike me as much deeper problems...the fact that steam offers a way to recoup on some of those losses is of course fantastic, but it feels like a band-aid to a much larger problem: when companies like Namco expect Splatterhouse, Rise of the Titans etc to clear something close to a million copies sold, i'm relieved i don't have any stock in them.
You can tell with the way the article is written that's it's false. It just screams they're making shit up.
Any true rumour wouldn't have to reference another either.
EDGE is fairly trustworthy though, no?