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EDGE: The next Xbox: Always online, no second-hand games, 50GB Blu-ray and new kinect


Surely this can't be true. That would be so anti-consumer and just stupid of them really. A very easy way of getting a heap of bad press too.

I'm just going to assume this rumour is bogus, because its such a mind-bogglingly bad idea, I don't want to believe it.

Boss Man

This article actually reads kind of fanboyishly, like someone just randomly fired off an email. Gonna play wait and see on this one.


Gemüsepizza;47373517 said:
...and like I already said, the platform where, in order to experience nextgen graphics, you have to buy a PC which costs at least 2x times of what those new consoles will cost.

LOL, are you expecting the next-gen consoles to be $300 or less?


always online will be the most spectacular fuck up in the history of consoles.

they cannot possibly be that arrogant and dumb. SURELY.

If they are, Sony will sell at PS2 levels, because Xbox will be DOA.


I'll laugh if Sony does the same...

Then cry.

I wonder if the unique realities of the Japanese market would be enough to make them think twice about something like this. Especially because preventing used sales would disproportionately affect the kind of audience who buys a Sony console; they're the kind to buy a game day one and sell it back a few days later.


Neo Member
Because PC games are twice as cheap as console games. For start.
Key advantage for PC / Steam, along with no charge for online services and gifting. I'm spending my console money on PC upgrades until the dust settles on this one, lets see how the experience pans out over the next year.

And if you think Sony aren't going down this route you're sadly mistaken......


It's like... they just want to sell this in he US and A.

More money I will keep, which is a no problem for me. I can't wait to see them trying to sell in Japan and Europe (all countries aside UK) man it's going to be fun!

Key advantage for PC / Steam, along with no charge for online services and gifting. I'm spending my console money on PC upgrades until the dust settles on this one, lets see how the experience pans out over the next year.

And if you think Sony aren't going down this route you're sadly mistaken......

Is there a trusty source regarding this?


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
most of you can't see the forest for the trees. it's fine to protest, but declaring that people wouldn't buy a console like this seems very short sighted. and the always online thing is already everywhere. when you play a game or open numerous apps on your iPhone, for example, it connects to the internet for a moment to retrieve your information. there's no disconnecting or any other hassle. and remember WiiConnect24 or whatever it was called? that didn't seem to bother anyone.

Your examples have nothing to do with blocking you from playing used games outright or from your own games unless verified online.


Are they seriously going to lock out used games? Even the PS4 had that rumor. I will not support anyone that goes through with this.


El Capitan Todd
IF, and only if this part will be true:

Microsoft’s next console will require an Internet connection in order to function, ruling out a second-hand game market for the platform. A new iteration of Xbox Live will be an integral part of Microsoft’s next console, while improved Kinect hardware will also ship alongside the unit.

I'll skip it at all.
I could also be happy about this fact, considering that will make the choice for the next console to put aside the Wii U way easier than last/current gen (when I was almost forced to buy the 360 first and the PS3 later)
Cmon gaffers, not everything is so dark

IMHO, anti used games is only something good in the end for gamers.
To build a game, you need some super talented guys. Those are the ones that should get properly paid, not a dummy reseller of used games. I have a friend who is a co-owner of Cyanide Studio, and for the time and effort they put in their games, i just hope they get the benefits of it.

For always on, this is a terrible thing, and hope sony patent avoids that.

For high level APIs, well, we'll see if that translates into games.

Having said that and having spent countless hours reading the rumors, ps4 has an edge on my wallet.


Should be put to work in a coal mine.
G R O A N. *roll eyes*
I'm sick of this attitude. Why do game devs think they're God sent and second-hand free? I buy a car, I can resell it, I buy a house, I can resell it, I buy [insert anything], I can resell it. But not ga mes? WTF? First sale doctrine applies here my friend, whether you like it or not. And if European Commission is right, resale of digital games is on it's way, too.
So call Gamestop and other folks who live off your work by selling $55 used games next to $60 new in the first week of sale and stop trying to screw the consumer over.

Oh, and I don't even buy second hand games but I fully support the option.
well said my friend


I wonder if the unique realities of the Japanese market would be enough to make them think twice about something like this. Especially because preventing used sales would disproportionately affect the kind of audience who buys a Sony console; they're the kind to buy a game day one and sell it back a few days later.

Sony will fuck themselves globally pretty much, I can see another Vita scenario happenning.
I don't care about buying or selling second hand games. But I DO care about not being able to both lend or borrow games from friends... What is the point of having a cool library of games if you are the only person who is every going to be able to enjoy it?? Why buy a collectors edition ever if it will never be useful to anyone ever except the original owner?


Yeah: PC gaming is vile as well. Awful. SICKENING.

I say this as somebody in the industry who gives a shit about his livelihood and future ability to work on games: I'm fine with this.

You can say what you want, but the majority of games that I have paid for on the PC, I never even played. As much as these games go on sale, they are at a price where I buy them without thinking about it. They are making sales that they would have never made otherwise.

I will agree that this is an inherit flaw of the gaming market. Production costs keep going up, but the retail price of the games is steadily dropping. I am not sure the best way to fix this, but putting more restrictions on the consumer (DRM) is not the way to do this.


I know the title is in the article I just think that its ludicrous that online would be required every second. my Internet is decent but I still get dropped from Live pretty frequently. I'm just wondering if the author incorrectly assumed "requires Internet to function" (could be to activate games, etc. Like Steam) to mean constantly online.

Hmm.. I guess we have to judge this based on a dumb-game-journalist didn't understand his source angle er theory to agree with you. ;)

Can't say I entirely disagree with you either.

Fox Mulder

If this shit is true, I guess it means I'm done with consoles. This is the line I will not cross.

I'm not paying $60 for games locked to hardware. Good luck to the industry, I await the next crash.


No second hand games is bullshit.

Hope Sony doesn't do this too.

I'm not buying 60 bucks games that I can't resell later or trade for something else. Sorry. Only way for me to buy a game that I don't feel bad for not being able to resell it is only if I pay the prices I get on steam or gmg.


The always online bit sounds to ridiculous to be true. There's always going to be an instance where you lose your Internet connection for whatever period of time. Does that mean you lose your ability to play your Xbox?
And you think that pirates won't find a way to get around it with simulating an online connection and find a way to unlock the games? if these are the measures they're taking for fighting the piracy good luck with it, they're gonna need it.
The levels of security that will be implemented in the next gen consoles will eclipse last gen protections by a huge factor... "Hacking" them to play current games will likely be so expensive and so difficult that very, very few people - if any at all - will be able to or bother... They can't practically crack the Vita or 3DS yet, and the next gen consoles will be far more secure than either of those systems.


I'd be in the dick
No used games is something I didn't think would happen. Retailers will be pissed. I know both Sony and Microsoft have been looking into it but I didn't think it would come to fruition. Let's see if it actually makes it to launch with that feature intact. Somehow I doubt it.

Always online is stupid too. Even if these features are in currently I doubt they'll be in the final system.


Well if this is true then Microsoft can go eat shit. I will not buy any console that A requires an internet connection and B requires that to prevent use of a used game which I'm legally allowed to have. You wanna take my rights as a consumer away you can rot in hell.

Now that said I'll wait for sure until unveiled before I believe any of this.
Nothing Microsoft could do to get more money or put a tighter lockdown on its content would surprise me. I hope retailers are very clear about this, the used market is pretty huge and a lot of potential buyers would be pissed off by a move like this.


I kind of laughed at:
Next Xbox games will be manufactured on 50GB-capacity Blu-ray discs, Microsoft having conceded defeat to Sony following its ill-fated backing of the HD-DVD format.
That.... sounds so irrelevant and was not even needed to be put in.




they'll try and spin it at E3

"with the new xbox you're always connected - always" and "the games you buy are truly your own - they are YOURS GOD DAMN IT"


Junior Member
Always online seems ridiculous. Surely they wouldn't make a move like that, there are too many users who don't even have the thing connected up to the internet. I expect an offline mode of sorts, it would be illogical not to have it.


It's like... they just want to sell this in he US and A.

More money I will keep, which is a no problem for me. I can't wait to see them trying to sell in Japan and Europe (all countries aside UK) man it's going to be fun!

I think even the UK will drop MS hard. the combination of always on-line and BT are a disaster waiting to happen.

Hell, last year I was without an internet for 3 weeks while my ISP and BT squabbled about who was responsible.

If this turns out to be true, MS wont see my arse for dust
I think I'll wait and see before I put any weight behind it, as there's been plenty of similar rumours for both Sony and Microsoft before and they turned out to be false.

If it did turn out to be true though, it'd be incredibly disheartening. It really would be nice to have all three companies pushing each other to be the best. Microsoft to make their online free, Sony to fix the fucking mess that is the PSN, Nintendo to come up with a decent online system and so on. Yet it seems like all three companies are content with bumbling along like blind idiots, while we're stuck picking the least worst.
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