I don't borrow or lend games, they tend to get dirty and lots of scratches. I know this ain't about me, but I honestly don't care anymore since the future is DD
You seem like a good friend.
I don't borrow or lend games, they tend to get dirty and lots of scratches. I know this ain't about me, but I honestly don't care anymore since the future is DD
Because THEY DO.Why is it that when shit like this comes up, my first thought it always "I bet EA has something to do with this".
Yep, cheaper and with more games. There are nice portables too.ps3/360 still remain more cheap. No way I spent more money for the same performance or even worse, it's just stupid.
I don't see a scenario where Microsoft, but not Sony, implements this anti-used games thing. Both or none.
I don't see a scenario where Microsoft, but not Sony, implements this anti-used games thing. Both or none.
If Sony isn't doing it, they should make it clear on the first fucking slide. Then we might get something out of MS on the subject.Same, we will have to wait and see what Sony says about this news on February 20th.
Whoa whoa whoa, let's not rewrite history here.Its a pretty huge development, especially since we're talking about the company that brought us Xbox Live Gold. How anybody could possibly think the customer's interest is even a glimmer in their thoughts is beyond me.
I don't see a scenario where Microsoft, but not Sony, implements this anti-used games thing. Both or none.
Why is comparing it to Steam a bad idea? You may not have bought a full price game on it, but I have bought many. It'd be awesome if Microsoft allowed publishers to be more flexible with sales on its digital store, since prices on XBLA aren't ideal... but the concept is very similar to Steam. My PC is always online and I can't trade my games in. Seven or so years of Steam have gotten me used to this idea.
Are you suggesting that always-on, no-used-game DRM is ok as long as the provider placates customers with low prices?
I actually do. Well at least get closer to it anyway. I think the pricing is the way it is because of used games. You want deals on console games? It's the used game market. No used game market (PC)? Better deals digitally.
but Xbox Live Gold was renamed from Xbox LIVE to that, to accentuate that you didn't have to pay a dime (Xbox Live Silver) to access a fair amount of Xbox Live features (Updates/Patches, Apps, some DLC, etc.)
Not going to lie, there is an opportunity for Sony to win me over...
Always-on DRM is shitawful regardless of the cost. Luckily steam doesn't have that.
Or that my entire PC stops working when Live servers are undergoing routine maintenance.
Next-gen leaks have done their damndest to sound unappealing as fuck.
Always online DRM and no second-hand games are not that big a deal as GAF likes to think it is. The PC hasn't had a second-hand market for years and you don't hear anyone complaining. Meanwhile everyone is so in love with Steam they're almost forgetting it has DRM as well.
While Steam's DRM isn't technically "always on," it does require an internet connection and it also prevents you from trading or borrowing games.
Microsoft’s next console will require an Internet connection in order to function
Does that also apply to licensing software?
I'm just saying that these are no longer concepts that make me balk at the idea of buying a console. I'll wait and see how the damn thing actually works before making calls like that.
The crux of the problem is price. $60 for a game is simply too much if the consumer has no way to recoup some of that money. Especially if you're unsure whether you will like the game at all. Looking at some of the outrageous prices on XBL Marketplace, I'm not really confident Microsoft understands this.
Prices on Live for the 360 have little to do with prices on this new system. For all we know, we might see publishers actively using variable pricing on their titles for the system. Until we know more, it's hard to understand how all this fits together.
You seem like a good friend.
Does that sound like something Microsoft would do?
With all due respect to your optimism: No. It would absolutely doom the console.
If the "gaf analysts" are appalled by the restrictions, imagine what the average consumer would think. It wouldn't be pretty.
I basically rolled with Xbox this entire gen, but I'd switch to Sony in a second if the "internet required/no used games" rumors are remotely true. Hell, if Sony did this too, I'd just go Wii U.
As for Edge, I'd say that reputation harming misinformation that borders on disinformation would probably ruin their credibility SEVERELY. No question about it.The metaphor doesn't break because it's referencing physical copies of both books and software.
It won't doom the console, did it doom PC gaming?
If both Sony and MS do it your really going to not play next gen games?
Your response is so melodramatic. Your stating such extremes that you more then likely wont follow. If you really were into gaming... then these new practices wouldn't deter you from it. Maybe curb how many games you buy but not deter you.
As for Edge... don't you think they are staking their rep on the line by putting this out there? It has already affected Gamestop's stock value and Forbes ran with their article too. So no.. this won't hurt their credibilty because for all intents and purposes this news will come to be true.
They won't try any variable pricing. This just allows them to charge 60 dollars for a longer amount of time.
Being sole proprietor of a walled garden store?
Nope, nothing like them.
What am I missing here? What value to Microsoft does resticting used game sales have, outside of thier own publishing/development revenue?
In other words, why would MS restrict the used game sales of EA, Activision, etc titles? Without complete exclusivity from these publishers, this would put them at a major disadvantage in the market place vs the PS4 (assuming that the PS4 didn't have similar restrictions), with NO up-side for MS.
Does that sound like something Microsoft would do?
Agreed, it's time. We're long overdue. It's probably for the best. It'll force everyone to get back to basics.
PC gamers should chime in and give their impressions on having been doing this for years.
Steam is different in that:
1. Your games are tied to your account, not your device. You can run Steam from any computer that meets the system requirements and play your games anywhere. Whenever I go visit my parents for instance, I log into Steam on their computer to play some old school games. If I want to buy something, I buy it there and when I leave and go home, it'll be waiting for me to download on my home computer.
2. There is a trade off for not being able to resell games; you can buy them much cheaper. During the recent Christmas sale for instance, you could have bought THQ's ENTIRE catalog of games for $30. I picked up Sleeping Dogs and XCOM - both games released in 2012, for a combined price of $16. Right now on Steam, you can buy the entire Alan Wake franchise for $10. What's the trade off on consoles? Seems to me like you pay the same for less features.
3. There is competition to Steam. Green Man Gaming, Origin (ha ha, just playing), GOG, Gamers Gate, Desura. There is no competition to Xbox Live or PSN.
4. There is no universal DRM. Some games don't have any (any game sold on GOG), some games have an always online requirement (Diablo 3) and a lot of games have limited forms of it like Steamworks. Most games generally speaking allow for offline play.
Seeing as every 3rd publisher I can think of has been asking for this, it would shock me if MS weren't doing it to appease them and get something in return for that.Your not thinking this through - I"m not asking if they want a walled garden. I'm asking if they would GIVE the Activisions of the world the power of no used game sales on their system, FOR NOTHING IN RETURN...
Unbelievable. You really went there.If you really were into gaming... then these new practices wouldn't deter you from it.
Maybe I'm completely wrong but I remember reading that the PS4 was going to implement this long before this leak.
Has Sony changed their platform? Was it never confirmed?