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EDGE: The next Xbox: Always online, no second-hand games, 50GB Blu-ray and new kinect



So right after all this shitstorm about no used games, this poll is posted on their facebook page...Hmm.

Deleted? Can't find it.


Does big picture mode fix all the bugs and driver problems that come with PC games?

Seeing as how i can go into any game thread for which there is a PC version and see a third of the thread dealing with hardware configuration problems and requests for bug fixes i dont think so. I have ZERO TOLERANCE when it comes to dealing with hardware compatibility and driver issues in games. I left PC gaming years ago due to that and never turned back.

That's why I left PC gaming years ago as well. It's a vastly better experience these days. I update the video driver periodically(no different than downloading a system patch for a console), and everything works great. As for game bugs, that's no different than consoles. At all.

I saw you complain about mods as well. I agree with you, except for Steam Workshop. That is so easy to use, it's unbelievable. I selected a few mods for Skyrim, and it's as easy as hitting a subscribe button. Don't like it? Simply uncheck it. It's fantastic, and I wish all games supported it.

The point is, thanks to Steam and the 360 controller becoming a standard, the PC is easier to use for gaming than its ever been. I'm happy to be back, enjoying lower prices and full digital distribution.


But see what makes it good for you turns me completely off. I dont want anything to do with it. All i want to do is put the game in and play. If it works for you then thats fine, i have no problem with PC gamers. Its just not for me and i know it.

I dont even want anything to do with the mods. Tried the whole modding thing with Morrowind, messed up the game so bad it wouldnt even boot. Looked at it again for Oblivion and you needed a manual to figure out what you should and shouldnt download and the correct order to install them. Miss me with that!

At this point im strictly put the game in and play the game as the developers intended. Thats it.

This console generation must have been pretty annoying for you then.


I think so much of it will be tied to whether Sony do the same or not.

Sony may well find an opportunity here. With MS supposedly blocking 2nd hand games, its the perfect time for Sony to approach these 2nd hand retailers and try to regulate the market.

Id imagine they would have an easier time of doing that now that retailers fear that market maybe disappearing. It could be as easy as saying "we are being pushed by publishers to do the same"

Image it.

Consumer backlash against MS and favour Sony.
2nd hand market regulated to put some of that money back into publishers & developers hands.
2nd hand trades helps consumers fund purchases of new titles.
Retailers who have a 2nd hand business favour Sony

Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if a split in policy between MS & Sony is exactly what publishers had in mind. Let both manufacturer's take the risks while they sit back and see what side the grass is greener on.
pc gaming already has this problem .... steam , diablo , activation codes, why is pc gaming salvation when they will only be doing what pc gaming has done for years ?

If MS impose too many restrictions on consumers, many consumers will probably resort to PC piracy IMO, out of desperation and frustration.
If this happens, it will be bad for everyone. Publishers, retailers and consumers.


Sony may well find an opportunity here. With MS supposedly blocking 2nd hand games, its the perfect time for Sony to approach these 2nd hand retailers and try to regulate the market.

Id imagine they would have an easier time of doing that now that retailers fear that market maybe disappearing. It could be as easy as saying "we are being pushed by publishers to do the same"

Image it.

Consumer backlash against MS and favour Sony.
2nd hand market regulated to put some of that money back into publishers & developers hands.
2nd hand trades helps consumers fund purchases of new titles.
Retailers who have a 2nd hand business favour Sony

Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if a split in policy between MS & Sony is exactly what publishers had in mind. Let both manufacturer's take the risks while they sit back and see what side the grass is greener on.

This, kids use trade ins to buy new games they wouldnt be able to afford otherwise. Its why i dont get the hate from pubs for second hand market, i wouldnt be surprised to see a drop in sales of some games if second hand trade ins become unusable on the nextbox.
Most always forget that "LOL, PC has been doing this forever", no second hand sales here

You aren't tied to one entity for your purchases

Steam maybe DRM in the way it's set-up, but it has competitors

GOG, amazon, Greeman Gaming, etc.
Then you have the Indie Bundles which offer games for pennies on the dollar

When you buy PS4 or Xbox you are handicapped to the discretion of that platform holder

I have no option to buy from anyone else
I can't buy from Best Buy the DD version which is "PS4works" or "Durangoworks"

Publishers put their titles for MSRP and later on ask for it to be lowered, but do you really think Sony or MS want to lose out onto licenses fees by doing what Steam Sales do
Once you lower a titles price, it really is hard to bring it back up
They have setup their own monopolies
Play by their rules

Steam sometimes doesn't give the best deal, other sites offer better deals for the game/games, but if the game is stated "Steamworks" at least you can add it your Steam library and enjoy it
Steam doesn't get pissed, bitches or moans as to why amazon and other competitors are allowed to sell product it offers and can then be turn-around and used on that service
Steam is more open to allow competition, if it was like how MS and Sony are, PC would really have the "Dead" platform

Piracy also takes a hit due to games being so cheap
Why go through cracks, key loggers, un-patched mess
Just pay the $5+ and get the definitive version (wait for Steam Sales)

Uhm consoles have always been a dictatorship. Choice on consoles? who gave you that fantasy. Don't act like you ever had a choice. It's closed platforms. Not about choice.


I actually find this potentially problematic for publishers, rather than MS.

How many people buy a second hand game - which they enjoy -and then purchase the sequal at launch for full price? I've done it *cough* Darksiders*cough*

How many people won't buy a game at all because it's full price, and they know it's short?
I can't really justify spending £40 on a game that lasts me 10 hours. £4 per hour is fucking expensive gaming.

How many people will not buy single player games at full price? Will this affect the core features of every game to include mutliplayer? That comes at a cost to publishers, especially when they are not used.

How will this effect the player base for each title? Will it deacrease over time without second hand players joining the mix?

And most importantly, and something that publishers will be very much aware of, is how will this effect install base for a console?

Every launch I've ever been involved in has seen new games for a new system priced at over what they should be, what is normal. As an example, PS360 games are £40 new as standard. At launch games were up to £55. This is because used games are slim at this point. Does that mean that games will increase in price to capitalise on the fact that gamers have no choice, as has been done in the past?

No second hand games is damaging the the industry. PC gets away with it, because 99% of the time they are cheaper. I have no such confidence in MS to ensure games are cheaper. If anything, I expect to see normal launch prices, Ie, over what they should be.

Endo Punk

I have actually had a change of heart. I welcome no second-hand games. I always buy games new and if anything the prevention of second hand titles could help lower the price of games much quicker. Seriously new game prices are rising and it's fucking disgusting. To hell with Game Stores I much rather support developers then them, with so many studio closures this gen I bet we wouldn't have seen half as many if second-hand market was killed off.


I have actually had a change of heart. I welcome no second-hand games. I always buy games new and if anything the prevention of second hand titles could help lower the price of games much quicker. Seriously new game prices are rising and it's fucking disgusting. To hell with Game Stores I much rather support developers then them, with so many studio closures this gen I bet we wouldn't have seen half as many if second-hand market was killed off.

Do you honestly believe it will reduce the price?
I think it will increase it, as we see with new gen games at launch. No second hand games means no competition. People can sell games for stupid prices.

Digital was supposed to reduce game prices, it didn't. Companies now make more money from them, while charging us the same.

The best thing MS could do to counter the backlash from this, is to allow ANY business to sell digital versions on their store.

So you go to Market.

MS have a store, but so do GAME, and Gamestop, and HMV, and Amazon, etc. Each store has their own price, and allows them to compete digitally, as we see with PC.

But I find this an unlikly scenario.


I have actually had a change of heart. I welcome no second-hand games. I always buy games new and if anything the prevention of second hand titles could help lower the price of games much quicker. Seriously new game prices are rising and it's fucking disgusting.

Just like how in-game ads made games cheaper, right?

And DLC made the base product cheaper, right?

And how digital distribution cut out the manufacturing, distribution and retail middle men and made digital games cheaper, right?

To hell with Game Stores I much rather support developers then them, with so many studio closures this gen I bet we wouldn't have seen half as many if second-hand market was killed off.

Developers won't see shit. Publishers on the other hand...


Most likely, the anti-used game policy would probably require the user to scan a one-time use code through the Kinect camera, so that Microsoft knows the game is "used."

The content will still be on a disk, just there is now an added verification code kind of like a CD Key for Windows.


Most likely, the anti-used game policy would probably require the user to scan a one-time use code through the Kinect camera, so that Microsoft knows the game is "used."

The content will still be on a disk, just there is now an added verification code kind of like a CD Key for Windows.

That would mean the 360 comes with a kinect?


As do I.

It must've been deleted, unsurprisingly.

I really hope this shit blows up in their face if they really do go ahead with this, the same goes for Sony.

Deleted in less than 24 hours, I voted and commented yesterday. They got an enormus negative response to those Always Online and No Used Games rumors.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Developers won't see shit. Publishers on the other hand...

"Support the developers" has become kind of sad and funny at this point.

Developers for big publishers seem to get screwed over half the time. Developers frequently get shuttered or laid off as soon as their game ships.

The public has become well-conditioned to feel a sense of responsibility, but that responsibility is often misplaced.


I know everyone acts like you can't find better deals on digital downloads from xbox but I find them all the time on amazon. I got alan wake digital for 6 dollars. I got TMNT for a 1 on amazon. I find digital codes at gamestop or bestbuy on sale once in a while. So you will still have options. I'm not sure where I stand yet on no used sells. I think I need more info on what MS is doing first before I can jump to a conclusion.
Zero consoles will let you do that at this point. 3DS and Vita are the closest you can get to the old school console experience at this point.


Zero consoles allow me to put a game in and know it will boot up for my machine? Wow maybe I got lucky because every game i put into my 360, PS3, and Wii worked. The only upgrade I did was increase the size of my 360 hard drive. After I did that guess what, all of my games still worked correctly.
Does big picture mode fix all the bugs and driver problems that come with PC games?

Seeing as how i can go into any game thread for which there is a PC version and see a third of the thread dealing with hardware configuration problems and requests for bug fixes i dont think so. I have ZERO TOLERANCE when it comes to dealing with hardware compatibility and driver issues in games. I left PC gaming years ago due to that and never turned back.

If this is the case, shouldn't you be even more wary of the upcoming console generation? PS3 and 360 consoles both experienced major hardware issues in this era and there were tons of games that needed patches to work. Skyrim on PS3 is still apparently not fixed.

I would argue that PC gaming now is actually easier than console gaming. A lot of the advantages that consoles used to have over PC gaming no longer exist like:

- "Just pop it in and play!"
- Relatively bug free games
- Pricing advantage. Cost of entry is lower but the gap is considerably smaller now than it was back in 2002. That and you can buy PC games at a fraction of the price of console games.
- I don't see this as a strength but the homogenization of AAA games have slowly eliminated the distinction between PC and console gaming.


"Support the developers" has become kind of sad and funny at this point.

Developers for big publishers seem to get screwed over half the time. Developers frequently get shuttered or laid off as soon as their game ships.

The public has become well-conditioned to feel a sense of responsibility, but that responsibility is often misplaced.

That's another plus for PC gaming- the barriers to get published are lower.

The games I've played the most on PC over the past six months- they pretty much all self-publish. They couldn't do that on console.

Even if Microsoft and Sony try to force me into a walled garden, I can stick to PC gaming, there's plenty outside of that garden- and I have enough stuff that I can make it last for a long, long time. I can leave the AAA market without regrets.
I'm all for this.

As someone who buys games new, getting rid of the used game market will allow publishers to be more competitive on offering discounts similar to STEAM.
If this is the case, shouldn't you be even more wary of the upcoming console generation? PS3 and 360 consoles both experienced major hardware issues in this era and there were tons of games that needed patches to work. Skyrim on PS3 is still apparently not fixed.

I would argue that PC gaming now is actually easier than console gaming. A lot of the advantages that consoles used to have over PC gaming no longer exist like:

- "Just pop it in and play!"
- Relatively bug free games
- Pricing advantage. Cost of entry is lower but the gap is considerably smaller now than it was back in 2002. That and you can buy PC games at a fraction of the price of console games.
- I don't see this as a strength but the homogenization of AAA games have slowly eliminated the distinction between PC and console gaming.

- I do hate mandatory installs, but they're basically hands-off. stick it in, go make a sandwich, come back in 5 minutes and your game is running. not really a big deal.

-this is still the rule. Skyrim is very much the exception, and bethesda is (wait for it) primarily a PC developer. good luck finding issues like this from console centric developers like capcom, eidos, sega, etc.

-Pricing advantage still exists. console game prices not only drop like a rock after a month, but console games can be resold, and used games exist.

-AAA games are homogenous, sure. the "A" tier and "B" tier? not so much. There's a metric ton of console exclusive software that will never see the light of day on PC still.


I'm all for this.

As someone who buys games new, getting rid of the used game market will allow publishers to be more competitive on offering discounts similar to STEAM.
Like they do with digital releases on PSN and XBLA? Ha, I admire the "faith" some of you have.
Deleted? Can't find it.

Yes, they deleted it.

When i looked 6000+ people wanted physical discs and 500 peaople voted for digital. So much for digital is the future. Lol.

And most comments let MS known that always online and no used games are not acceptable. I think MS didn`t like what they had to read.


I'm all for this.

As someone who buys games new, getting rid of the used game market will allow publishers to be more competitive on offering discounts similar to STEAM.
You really think that if the used game market is closed down that publishers will be lining up to give gamers deals and discounts?You really think that?

rdrr gnr

Can't believe I missed this post. Wow...do you have any other details? Any idea if Sony will do this too or even be forced to do it?
Yup. That's the insider, right? Sounds crazy but I guess it's true. Who was that N4G guy that was imploding in this thread earlier? Lol.


I'm all for this.

As someone who buys games new, getting rid of the used game market will allow publishers to be more competitive on offering discounts similar to STEAM.


Yup. That's the insider, right? Sounds crazy but I guess it's true. Who was that N4G guy that was imploding in this thread earlier? Lol.

Woah, wait an insider?? How do we know this? Any more info on this?

-AAA games are homogenous, sure. the "A" tier and "B" tier? not so much. There's a metric ton of console exclusive software that will never see the light of day on PC still.

Umm, PC is the last bastion of A and B tier development left. Consoles are AAA or bust.
I just want to know if Sony is going to do this or not.

That's the factor that would put a lot more in perspective.

I just cant see MS doing this without Sony, at least I hope not


You really think that if the used game market is closed down that publishers will be lining up to give gamers deals and discounts?You really think that?

Digital distributing will allow publishers to price skim much more effectively, therefore they will obviously give gamers deals and discounts.


I buy 90% of my games new, whether they are day one purchases or from the bargain bin so this doesn't really affect me (neither do I sell them back). However, the part that irks me is the one where you must be online to play games. That's a major no-no from me.
You really think that if the used game market is closed down that publishers will be lining up to give gamers deals and discounts?You really think that?

Yes, because their products will be more profitable in general, and there's a higher incentive to compete on cost when you don't have a used market undercutting you from pricing your product lower (because the used game market always wins)
I buy 90% of my games new, whether they are day one purchases or from the bargain bin so this doesn't really affect me (neither do I sell them back). However, the part that irks me is the one where you must be online to play games. That's a major no-no from me.

Jup, because always online means you can`t play your "new" games - let´s say - 8 years after you purchased them.
If the activation servers are down your games are worthless. Always online drm means you buy games with an expiration date, or should i better say you rent games with an expiration date?! Say goodbye to retro gaming and your games collection.

Of course, they will tell us to trust them, that they will patch it, provide keys... but if i learned one thing in this industry... you can´t trust these companys.

So Sony, that`s your chance.


Yup. That's the insider, right? Sounds crazy but I guess it's true. Who was that N4G guy that was imploding in this thread earlier? Lol.

Yes. And he's been spot on with Durango and WiiU.

Woah, wait an insider?? How do we know this? Any more info on this?

Check his post history. Some of the replies to his posts look really bad a year later. Even I am guilty of saying 8GB RAM was crazy talk.../shame. I eat my crow now.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
AndyH was the one who posted some of Durango's specs on here and they turned out to be right.


More interested now to see his information on if Sony is doing this since this pretty much confirms I'm not buying the Durango.

Honestly Sony: Don't do the anti-used games thing and I'll spend $1000 at launch. No joke. My tax refund is ready. Just give me a next-gen Ratchet and Clank or Jak & Daxter at launch.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Interesting now that we've heard from AndyH. I'd love to hear what the earlier ones in the thread who insisted this wouldn't happen now have to say.

I'm fascinated by this move, especially for the Gamestop relationship. What happens now? Do they absolutely refuse to carry any Microsoft gaming goods?


Interesting now that we've heard from AndyH. I'd love to hear what the earlier ones in the thread who insisted this wouldn't happen now have to say.

I'm fascinated by this move, especially for the Gamestop relationship. What happens now? Do they absolutely refuse to carry any Microsoft gaming goods?

Perhaps game stores will bear the responsibility of approving used game sales?

For instance, Microsoft back in December approved dollar stores can make and print out Xbox Live PIN numbers.


Same could apply for games? Could extend a power exclusive to GameStop and Amazon.
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