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Egypt Air flight from Paris disappears from radar

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Gemüsepizza;204081123 said:
Really? But shouldn't they then have a much clearer picture of what happened?

It's very early days, there are a number of systems that report the state of the plane at regular intervals, that data wouldn't be released to the public, yet, if at all.


From Jean-Paul Troadec, former president of the French air accident investigation bureau (BEA)

“We have to remain very careful after the disappearance from the radars of the EgyptAir aircraft. The priority is to begin the investigation and to find, if possible, debris from the aircraft and eventually, the site of the wreckage. We can make certain hypotheses...there’s a strong possibility of an explosion on board from a bomb or a suicide bomber. The idea of a technical accident when weather conditions were good, seems also possible but not that likely. We could also consider a missile, which is what happened to the Malaysia Airlines aircraft in July 2014.

“If the crew didn’t send an alert signal, it’s because what happened was very sudden. A problem with an engine or a technical fault, would not produce an immediate accident. In this case, the crew did not react, which makes us think of a bomb.”

Meanwhile, a Greek defence ministry source said authorities were also investigating an account from the captain of a merchant ship who reported a ‘flame in the sky’ about 130 nautical miles south of the island of Karpathos.


Gemüsepizza;204081123 said:
Really? But shouldn't they then have a much clearer picture of what happened?
It costs around 10k€ per flight IIRC for the satellite bandwidth (and more for the hardware and service contracts). Unless the big bad government breathes down their necks, no airline is gonna shoulder these kinds of expenses willingly.



I feel shook to be fair. Sad for whoever involved.

What are the chances it crashed ''safely'' ?(I know that sounds daft but humour me)

Shipper 275km south of Karpathos allegedly saw a fire in the sky.

Airplanes don't just explode in a ball of flames. Seems ISIS clear as day to me.


You almost sound like you want it to be an ISIS related. People, mayhaps, lost their life and you want to come with comments such as this

''Clear as a day''

Piss off.


Gold Member

You almost sound like you want it to be an ISIS related. People, mayhaps, lost their life and you want to come with comments such as this

''Clear as a day''

Piss off.

I don't see anything in his post that could be interpreted as 'almost wanting it to be ISIS related'.

If it's terrorism, at the moment ISIS is a pretty level headed bet. Much less likely it to be Boko Haram or al-Qaeda, for example, as they haven't been active in Europe recently. You do remember that ISIS recently did some activity in Paris, of all places, right?

Also, suggesting it was a terror attack is hardly controversial. I mean, take it from the former head of French air accident investigation:

Jean-Paul Troadec, the former chief of France’s air accident investigation unit, the BEA, said the disappearance was “almost certainly” caused by “an attack”.

Mr Troadec, one of the most respected names in aviation, said the lack of live emergency alert suggested a “brutal event”.

He told Europe 1 radio station in Paris: “A technical problem, a fire or a failed motor do not cause an instant accident, and the team has time to react.

“The team said nothing, they did not react, so it was very probably a brutal event and we can certainly think about an attack


Wait so it is confirmed that it got blown up?
As far as I know it disappeared off the radar with no sign of trouble before that. That's usually a sign of a catastrophical failure. In most crashes the plane will report its descent and the crew will alert flight controllers.


EgyptAir plane fell 22,000 feet, spun sharply before disappearance: Greek defence minister via @AFP

#MS804 "made swerves and a descent ..90 degrees left & then 360 degrees to the right," Greek Defence Minister Panos Kammenos via @Reuters

My god that must have been terrifying :(


There could still be survivors, though, right?

Hoping for this.
It's unfortunately very unlikely anyone survived. It's already hard to survive a controlled emergency landing in the middle of an ocean (the Hudson River landing was an exception and very close to land) and if that were the case they would most likely have reported the emergency.
It's unfortunately very unlikely anyone survived. It's already hard to survive a controlled emergency landing in the middle of an ocean (the Hudson River landing was an exception and very close to land) and if that were the case they would most likely have reported the emergency.

Not from 37000 feet

That's disheartening. RIP to the passengers. I don't know why, but this is bumming me out hard even though I just found out about it 30 min ago.
As far as I know it disappeared off the radar with no sign of trouble before that. That's usually a sign of a catastrophical failure. In most crashes the plane will report its descent and the crew will alert flight controllers.

Yeah it sounds awful. Rip to everyone involved.
Its a terrible way to die. One of my greatest fears.

This tragedy is no doubt very sad, but you and I have very different ideas of "a terrible way to die". The crew didn't even get to shout out a Mayday call, which suggests that this was a catastrophic event, likely an explosion, and it's highly probable no one on that plane knew what hit them.

Weep for the survivors, for they have lost. The dead regret nothing.


Kills Photobucket
So if is terrorism then they almost certainty got a bomb on board somehow, right?

It's unlikely the plane could be shot down over land, but is there any chance it could be shot down over the water?


The Air Asia flight also didn't give a mayday when it crashed into the ocean after a stall. The swerving could be indicative of an assymetric stall, though the pilots seem too experienced to not give out a distress signal, and this would also be assuming the flame in the sky is a lie or something unexplained.

A bomb still seems most likely.


So if is terrorism then they almost certainty got a bomb on board somehow, right?

It's unlikely the plane could be shot down over land, but is there any chance it could be shot down over the water?

Not at 37,000 feet unless it was an air-to-air intercept by a fighter.

You're looking at either an explosive or some kind of stall that caused the plane to go into a flat spin.



You almost sound like you want it to be an ISIS related. People, mayhaps, lost their life and you want to come with comments such as this

''Clear as a day''

Piss off.

There seems to be a narrative (note the usage of the word seems to be, just as seems to be ISIS) that I'm hungering for terrorism or engaging in terrorism myself. It is no such thing. I'm just looking at the apparent facts and what the logical conclusion would be. The logical conclusion is a terrorist attack, similar to a certain other plane from Egypt, and there is currently one terrorist group we know of that is interested and capable of doing this.


there is currently one terrorist group we know of that is interested and capable of doing this.

There are dozens of terrorist groups that are interested in and capable of doing this. What is notable is that there has been no claim of responsibility as of yet and the Islamic State has been pretty quick to trumpet its "victories" in the past.
Or catastrophic mechanical failure, such as the tail breaking off a la China Airlines Flight 611.


Anything that would cause a sudden high G force dive could cause a very fast breakup without a distress call

The layout of the wreckage on the seafloor will be a major clue as to how the plane crashed


Terrible story, especially if it turns out to be terrorist related. Especially worrying as the flight was leaving from Paris. Hope more details are able to learned in order to give the families closure. I can't imagine what it would feel like to have a loved one on that flight...


Terrible story, especially if it turns out to be terrorist related. Especially worrying as the flight was leaving from Paris.

If so, then that means that an active cell is operating at the airport in Paris which means that every member of the ground crew that serviced the plane would need to be subject to examination.


There seems to be a narrative (note the usage of the word seems to be, just as seems to be ISIS) that I'm hungering for terrorism or engaging in terrorism myself. It is no such thing. I'm just looking at the apparent facts and what the logical conclusion would be. The logical conclusion is a terrorist attack, similar to a certain other plane from Egypt, and there is currently one terrorist group we know of that is interested and capable of doing this.

Don't worry about it man nothing you are saying is unreasonable. Don't know what that other dude was on about. Weird as fuck
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