I think I'm close to the end, having explored most of the map, so now it's safe to say that the DLC was a disappointment.
The boss fights are some of the best From has ever created. The art is phenomenal and better than ever. And they tried hard to create interesting weapons and spells, but…
The DLC ended up being an extension of the worst part of the main game, which was the end, when you have basically completed your build, is OP and locked in the soft cap, not being able to feel any progress anymore. Just like the mantis shrimp thing that used to frighten you in Caelid, but now is too tired to fight, the regular encounters became annoyances and not part of the exploration anymore.
Exploration was the worst thing in this DLC. I’m not the biggest fan of the open world of Elden Ring, but the main game constantly rewards you with a new cave or dungeon, interesting items, enemies and equipment if you explore the area. But this DLC is just empty. Whole areas with nothing to see and nothing to do other than collect a useless grave glovewort. Feels like they released an unfinished product, far from what the envisioned originally, which is not surprising, considering it came out so late.
Not the worst DLC ever, but the worst offering from FromSoftware yet.