The first song wasn't that bad thoughGerman pre-show stream has begun. Get in here if you want bad jokes, bad music and bad weather.
I bet it's either Germany or Ukraine that'll win. I love both too.
You gotta believe in the power of animeEh I don't think Germany can win this
Pre-Show for Austria's stream:
+++++Mods, please change the title to "Grab your towels and let's come together" please.
For the first time in years I didn't watch the semi finals and haven't listened to any songs beforehand (except the German song that I immediately forgot). What can I expect?
Let's do this. Belgium up first, I hope that's not too big of a disadvantage
Hello, fellow Belgium/Flemish gaffers!Flemish television has a good pre-show: Sandra Kim and Johnny Logan good for three victories together, Belgian juror Tom Helsen (who has probably voted for Italy) and former contestant Ingeborg.
This one didn't reach the final and would be a shame if you didn't listen it
This one didn't reach the final and would be a shame if you didn't listen it
After the whole Naidoo story they did not report that much about it anymore afaikESC hype in Germany isn't a thing this year right? Haven't even heard our song so far.
But at least we can't go worse than last year.
Hopefully the rest of Europe thinks this too.It's all downhill after Belgium.
Lets do this.
Belgium won the first time in its 30th appearance, which is 30 years ago. A sign!
This one didn't reach the final and would be a shame if you didn't listen it
If you watch Eurovision you're basically European.
They are European too tonightOr Australian.
They are European too tonight
As a member of the European Union I pronounce them Honorary Europeans.We should just grant Australians the Honorary European status
Anyone have a stream that works for Murricans? Since ORF is getting blocked apparently.