Nice way not to shit on Fox.Speaking to the Toronto Sun, Evans chose his words carefully:
"Those Fantastic Four movies how do you say this correctly? This is where interviews get tricky.
"If you're going to get locked up in a long-term contract, you've got to make sure the movies you're making are movies you'll be proud of. With a lot of movies I've made, I've had something to question."
"And the 'Fantastic Four' was a three-movie deal (though only two were ever made). 'Captain America' was a six-picture contract (counting three Avengers movies). And Robert Downey Jr. had already set the tone with the 'Iron Man' movies, there already was a following. So those six movies were for real."
This is, I think, an entirely reasonable position. Most fans seem to agree that the two Tim Story-directed 'Fantastic Four' movies completely failed to do justice to the source material; the casting of Evans as the Human Torch and Michael Chilkis as The Thing were just about the only things most agree they got right.