I'm seriously depressed.
Fuck this job. For real. It is such bullshit. I spend 9 hours a day at this shithole while simultaneously being made to feel like an absolute retard.
And then I go home, stay up until about 4 because I can't fucking sleep, and then wake up at like 8 because dreams suck and won't leave me the fuck alone. I'm struggling to eat 1,000 calories a day, let alone the 2,000 my trainer wants me at.
No one fucking knows how over the edge I am. Except, ironically, for my ex. She texted me to say hi and I guess I can't fool her, cause she saw right through my attempt to appear happy and cheerful. She's trying to help in the best way she can, because she does still care (not in the same way obviously but that's okay) and I'm trying for her sake, but fuck, man.
I'm a literal walking zombie, I can't function on a basic level, and the only plus here is that I'm not drowning my sorrows in booze. Mainly because I'm too apathetic to give a fuck about walking five steps to my fridge.
I've got the number to a military mental health referral line, but I'm terrified I'm gonna get called a pussy if anyone finds out. SIGH.