Cool design mangI think she can do the job. i do like ridley, shes kinda dorkish because she just cant stop smiling
also spent way to much time on my new profile pic
Cool design mangI think she can do the job. i do like ridley, shes kinda dorkish because she just cant stop smiling
also spent way to much time on my new profile pic
I like Angelina. And I've learned by now that rotten tomatoes doesn't determine my taste in film
Cool design mang
I discovered my sexuality as a young boy vis-a-vis rachael and her waitress uniform on friends
It's jk but I find Angelina overrated. Still Angie > Jen
I discovered mine to Jason and Tommy in Power Rangers.
The Americans delivering all the literal gut punches this season.
The screenwriter is "known for Snow White and the Huntsman (2012), Divergent (2014) and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014)."
Was the writing the problem with any of those?Vikander should pull out of TR asap
Was the writing the problem with any of those?
Better question yet. What wasn't the problem?
Was the writing the problem with any of those?
Edit: remembered the "drain every drop of their blood even if it kills them" line
she aint no angelina.
Aint that the truth. Angelina fit the old Lara roll perfectly.
Elizabeth asking Philip ifTee hee.
I was a mess during the final scene.
I accept donations XOXO
...I need to see this movie now.she aint no angelina.
Aint that the truth. Angelina fit the old Lara roll perfectly.
There's a Trump rally tonight a couple miles from my work. My mom and sister want to go just for the event of it and they invited me. Do I go just to see what it's like or stay home because I have better things to do?
There's a Trump rally tonight a couple miles from my work. My mom and sister want to go just for the event of it and they invited me. Do I go just to see what it's like or stay home because I have better things to do?
There's a Trump rally tonight a couple miles from my work. My mom and sister want to go just for the event of it and they invited me. Do I go just to see what it's like or stay home because I have better things to do?
The old Lara role was a non character. Was just a video game person with big boobs. The snoretastic shitty Tomb Raider movies with Angelina Jolie were based on that mold and served as an excellent sleep aid during trying times
I remember Pfizer stock taking a hit in the months following the first movie's home release due to the loss in sales of Xanax
Not defending the old Lara or the movies themselves, but it'd be a tough job finding an actress that fit old Lara better than Angelina Jolie.
New Lara is far more interesting, but I still can't get myself past the gruesome death scenes they added. They feels so out of place that they caused me to lose interest in the game.
Mm I dreamt I crashed a spaceship and the navy had to help me salvage parts
Mm I dreamt I crashed a spaceship and the navy had to help me salvage parts
What do you want off it, I'll hook you broke bastards up since it doesn't look like I need to be paying for dinner anytime soon.
I looked it up. The meaning of this dream is that you are gay
fault milestone, 200% Mixed Juice and Bound By FlameWhat do you want off it, I'll hook you broke bastards up since it doesn't look like I need to be paying for dinner anytime soon.
Really? I think they add a lot of tension to the game, discouraging you from playing badly. For something that's so narrative and set-piece driven it feels important to maintain theatrics throughout. Compare, for example, when Nathan Drake dies in Uncharted. It feels more like someone forgot their lines in a stage play or an actor tripped and knocked over some of the scenery.
Yeah, and I'm not really sure why. I can play and enjoy incredibly violent and gruesome games, but the death scenes just put me off. Maybe it was the abruptness of them or something.
You had a dream of a penis crashing into your butthole. Gay enough.
fault milestone, 200% Mixed Juice and Bound By Flame
I thought the shock of the death scenes added some excitement to the game which was constantly at risk of being dull
Out on site, I'll send you the codes in a couple of hours.
See:I nee a business reason to go to New York in a month.
How do I justify it? Are there any cons going on?
I looked it up. The meaning of this dream is that you are gay