Adopt me and buy me steam games.
okay but you're only getting games during sales and humble bundles
Adopt me and buy me steam games.
This was in Last Week Tonight.Reminds me of this abstinence video they showed us in high school where the concept of virginity was represented by shoes and the guy's shoes are all pristine and the girl's shoes were all fucked up and the guy said that it looked like the whole football team had been in those shoes.
okay but you're only getting games during sales and humble bundles
Totally kidding.
I just feel dark sometimes and how it's pretty messed up to knowingly create a person that will inevitably be exposed to all the shitty evil things that people do to each other. It's selfish because people have kids often for reasons of fulfilling their own sense of purpose without consideration for the suffering the child may have to endure down the line.
Totally kidding.
I just feel dark sometimes and how it's pretty messed up to knowingly create a person that will inevitably be exposed to all the shitty evil things that people do to each other. It's selfish because people have kids often for reasons of fulfilling their own sense of purpose without consideration for the suffering the child may have to endure down the line.
If people weren't biologically compelled to want children our race would be not a thing
I'm watching the CinemaSins for The Force Awakens.
If I didn't like Kylo and sorta like Rey, I realize I kind have come to the conclusion that I don't much care for the movie. Nothing about the story interests me anymore and I'm kind of annoyed that they just rehashed ANH.
protip: don't' read or watch reviews for movies and things. take the blue pill and stay in blissful ignorance
Going to my ex's graduation party tonight. Her new boyfriend, mom, brother, and friends will be there.
I'm bringing the salad.
everything will be cool
Going to my ex's graduation party tonight. Her new boyfriend, mom, brother, and friends will be there.
I'm bringing the salad.
everything will be cool
It wasn't because of the video. I've been feeling this since I rewatched it on blu-ray.
thats how i've been since i left the theater. I'm keeping optimistic though. lots of small good things that can come together well in future movies. I'm just hoping they got all the nostalgia pandering out of their system and the quality of the writing improves because of it
question why did it take that long for Hanto finally fire chewy's bowcaster?
that was such a weird recurringjoke
everything will be cool
They wanted to highlight the bowcaster's power to further illustrate how injured Kylo Ren was because they knew how much they were pushing things to have Fenn and Rey both fight him and hold their own
that sounds like a prequel reasoning. in universe it makes zero sense
Totally kidding.
I just feel dark sometimes and how it's pretty messed up to knowingly create a person that will inevitably be exposed to all the shitty evil things that people do to each other. It's selfish because people have kids often for reasons of fulfilling their own sense of purpose without consideration for the suffering the child may have to endure down the line.
Neither doesLeia hugging Rey instead of Chewie after Han died but they wanted to emphasize how much Han meant to Rey.
[the average game player]
that sounds like a prequel reasoning. in universe it makes zero sense
I totally agree. it's not dark either. just real talk. living=suffering. it's inevitable. end of story.
if you create a child it's going to suffer and may not even want to be on this earth in the first place. they don't have a choice, you decide for them.
but maybe they will still be happy to be alive, you can't know for sure. so basically having a child is a pretty selfish act.
Woo! I'm average!
Maybe people will stop complaining about me being mean.
I totally agree. it's not dark either. just real talk. living=suffering. it's inevitable. end of story.
if you create a child it's going to suffer and may not even want to be on this earth in the first place. they don't have a choice, you decide for them.
but maybe they will still be happy to be alive, you can't know for sure. so basically having a child is a pretty selfish act.
I think it coulda worked more if he's like "hey let me have that thing" and then when it explodes the shit out of something he just does a double take at the bow and gives it back to him and chewie does a little "told you so" howl. Like maybe they were arguing at some point in the past at how it is a shitty weapon.
Taken as a whole, average people are mean.Woo! I'm average!
Maybe people will stop complaining about me being mean.
so they're together for 50 years and he never at least tests it? (or in that case watches chewie use it) less believable than the force
it's not a selfish act any more than breathing is a selfish act. It just is. It's something we do.
I'd call it particularly selfish if you have a child when you know you are ill equipped to properly care for the child and provide for it. THAT'S definitely selfish.
I'm still a fetus cause gaming is for kids.
Mean how?
Taken as a whole, average people are mean.
Like when I said you were just a standard deviant.
lol we don't have to but good luck eliminating sex or getting universally effective or supported contraception worldwide. Totally optional.bullshit comparison. we don't HAVE to procreate in order to survive. we just decide to do so. and we do that for only selfish reasons. there's no real benefit for anyone else.
I'm not condemning it. I may have a child one day. but I'll know the implications.
okay maybe he shoots it then says "upgrade at Spungen 7?" and chewie growls.
Anything other than "I LIKE THIS YUKYUKYUK"
I totally agree. it's not dark either. just real talk. living=suffering. it's inevitable. end of story.
if you create a child it's going to suffer and may not even want to be on this earth in the first place. they don't have a choice, you decide for them.
but maybe they will still be happy to be alive, you can't know for sure. so basically having a child is a pretty selfish act.
lol we don't have to but good luck eliminating sex or getting universally effective or supported contraception worldwide. Totally optional.
I like it. lets put you in charge
bullshit comparison. we don't HAVE to procreate in order to survive. we just decide to do so. and we do that for only selfish reasons. there's no real benefit for anyone else.
I'm not condemning it. I may have a child one day. but I'll know the implications.
To some people, yeah. Not everyone believes this is true.having sexual release and making babies are different things.
This is confusing me too.I keep thinking Trab is Clyde at first because of the avatar and I'm being thrown off by Clyde being philosophical.
Don't mind him, he's just taking the pOh...ok.
I'm still a fetus cause gaming is for kids.
I want that Riot Trooper to keep showing up in every movie. I want Finn to be doing something and someone yells "Traitor" from off-screen and it's that same guy somehow.
I know people that love to use this image when arguing why women should stay out of games.