I haven't played any form of card game in a long time. I always drop too much money building a deck. There's a collectible show not too far from here and it's filled with Magic and Yugioh card vendors.
I only do hearthstone cause I don't have to pay a dime.
yugioh i find a lot of fun but would rather do sealed style formats since the game is just too ridiculous to follow otherwise
Buy me some Gundams. Also yell at Bandai to localize more Gundam for me at their panel.My old phone was never able to properly download Hearthstone. I might try it again on the new one.
I still need to buy my Anime Expo badge. Haven't even looked at the guest list yet but I usually end up ignoring 90% of the panels so I'm sure it's fine.
Edit: The only one that i'd be interested in is the Bandai Namco panel. I'll spend the rest of my time in the exhibit hall.
Buy me some Gundams. Also yell at Bandai to localize more Gundam for me at their panel.
I think I could resist getting back into Yugioh because I'm too lazy to learn the new systems but I'm afraid that I could just trip and fall into Magic.
I never got past syncro summons so I'm way way way behind at this point.
magic never really appealed to me for some reason. I tried the one free game just to check it out and it was alright and definitely had better structure than the other ones but just felt wrong for whatever reason
I think I could resist getting back into Yugioh because I'm too lazy to learn the new systems but I'm afraid that I could just trip and fall into Magic.
Dominion is my favorite card game.
deck building is so much better than collecting cards year after year. I also feel like it's a more even playing field.
I think Magic stands out because of the Draft. New cards rotating in allow you to have new Drafts every 3 months which keeps things fresh. Tuning and refining a single deck over the years gets pretty boring.
I think Magic stands out because of the Draft. New cards rotating in allow you to have new Drafts every 3 months which keeps things fresh. Tuning and refining a single deck over the years gets pretty boring.
The current plan for Tower of Terror is to close the attraction this fall and give the entire building a full interior and exterior refurbishment so that the new version of the ride can open next May, with the Guardians of the Galaxy movie premiere held at DCA the same week the new ride opens.
Draft is like Arena in Hearthstone. Well, there are LOTS of differences, but Hearthstone's Arena was spawned from traditional TCG Drafts.
And ya, that was my main complaint with Hearthstone when it released was it lacked a clear rotation of cards, didn't take long for them to start pumping them out though.
I told this story before in previous RealGAF years but I played in PT Houston back in 2002, met Kai Budde, and finished really poorly. I was 17 and it was the best moment of my life (basically) up to that point.
Sadly I couldn't afford to keep up with the pro scene until I got a job, and once I got a job I couldn't keep up the practice like I had been.
But man, I love me some M:tG. I haven't bought new cards in years, but I still have a bunch of my old decks and so many cards.
I didn't want to believe
I like its Twilight Zone motif. All the easter eggs and whatnot scattered through the queue and the setup before the drop. Guardians was good but I don't think it warranted removing the Twilight Zone overlay.
not really a fan of hearthstone's arena tbh. doesn't really promote deckbuilding or really having any strategy beyond picking the cards that are the least bad and playing whatever card you have available when the game starts.
whats the big difference between sealed and draft? is draft simply like hearthstone where you have to choose cards as you go or can you choose from a pool of cards (which i'm aware sealed does)?
they didn't have enough cards to rotate at that pointwouldn't be surprised if that was always the plan
Shadows over Innistrad is some good, quality shit man.
Why do none of you like Netrunner :c
Well, MtG draft is a bit different in that you have 8 people with 3 boosters of 15 cards each. You open up the booster, pick a card, and pass that booster to the left. Then you pick from the 14 remaining cards that came from your right, and so on until you get to the end of that booster. Then you open up the next one and repeat the process but to the right this time.
I agree that the Arena doesn't engender strategy like Drafting does. In drafting, you have to build knowing that there are only going to be a few "rare" cards available for grabs and unless you are "rare drafting" (which is looked down on) you have to come to the table with a few specific builds in mind and then change your strategy depending on what you get. Once you have a good base for a deck you can start drafting against others by pulling specific colors to deny others at the table from using them. Since it's a shared card pool the shenanigans are endless.
Sealed is like that, but you don't pass anything, you just buy a sealed deck and 2 boosters and build a deck out of that. Gives you some more freedom in building but also less knowledge of what everyone else has to work with.
Dominion is my favorite card game.
deck building is so much better than collecting cards year after year. I also feel like it's a more even playing field.
No. She deserves a queen sized four poster bed with the most expensive sheets and the most angelic pillow
Last time I played Magic was Time Spiral, or whatever the set was that had Teferi fucking things up AGAIN lol
I miss Death Cloud. Green/Black da best
OMG Dragonz don't tempt me like this it's a constant struggle.
Why don't we invent a game where you take your favorite characters from different series and forms of media and give them stats placed on small figurines of said characters, and then have them duke it out on different game boards? We can use a small scroll wheel embedded into the stand of each figurine to keep track of hit points. We can call it ChampionSnaps.
Bruh I'm building a black / green, recommend me cards
sealed decks would be premade decks right? like starter decks.
I think i prefer tempo storm's hearthstone sealed over either of those. open a bunch of packs and make three decks out of them. allows you to have specific strategies for each deck
unfortunately since its not tied to the game, you need every card to make it work
Nah, not starters, they had 75 card randomized boxes (including 25 land, so 50 usable cards) for Main Releases. Sealed draft would usually involve you getting a 75 card sealed box from a main release (Urza's Saga, for example) and then 2 15 card boosters from the smaller sets in the extension (Urza's Legacy and Urza's Destiny) for a total of 90 random cards spread across three sets to choose from to build a deck.
No I promise it's totally worth. If you're not convinced, consider this: WEREWOLF PLANESWALKER.
oh. that sounds cool. do they have that on their digital platform at all?
Do you just do reals physical MtG or do you waste money on MTGO too?
I'm thinking I should waste money on MTGO cause I don't wanna be that 30 y/o guy showing up to Drafts like:
so basically mugen but in board game form?
They did back in the day, and from my searching I think they still do.
I was aiming for heroclicks but sure. Do you know what Saltybet is?
nice. i had trouble installing and running it in the past but i got a new computer so maybe i'll try again.
never heard of heroclicks
<3that damn Sailor Moon song is back in my head , so catchy
she is the one named sailoooooooooooooooooooooooooor
Meh, can't ever really get into Radiohead.
Nice that they're still putting out what presumably their fans enjoy.
Ya, Dragonz is a bad influence, I'm pretty close to installing it again as well.
Then again there is a game store like, 5 minutes from my house. I could always just go there.
wait does the online game require you to buy packs rather than earning in game currency? cause if so then i have no interest. only got duels to work properly last time but not online