I love u all
I know you looking at all those pics and gifs like

I love u all
Dude in my shop is talking about naming his son Excalibur
ugh, he really should've pulled it out
do you think that's air you're breathing?
/hehehe i love fart jokes
Bunch of maladjusted weirdos IIT.
Is it weird that I feel more comfortable posting this here than in FaceGAF? Which admittedly sometimes has weirdos creep in
Just because you can cook better than us does not give you the right to call us namesBunch of maladjusted weirdos IIT.
Bunch of maladjusted weirdos IIT.
This reminds me. E3 is only two months away.For the crazy devs/artists in this thread: Mark Ferrari's 8 Bit & '8 Bitish' Graphics-Outside the Box conference.
I just went jogging and there were so many sweaty sexually attractive people.
I just went jogging and there were so many sweaty sexually attractive people.
Yep, that's Mars.I come from a red inhospitable land.
ok fumes, hjere we go! i got a new modem https://www.twitch.tv/clivefrog/
i'm a quarter of the way done with homework that's due at 7am, please send posi vibes snowfakes
The Magicians season finale is the most fucked up thing I've seen on TV and it's not even a subscriber channel show.
I've been meaning to watch it, but it looks so low rent.
Is it any good? In which ways it's fucked up?
Yay it's gone down finally
was it really that serious? glad you're okay.
tuck me in?
It takes the idea of "what if magic was real" and then looks at you sideways and goes "no, no, what if magic was REAL?".
It's Harry Potter where students dying is a daily situation. Every single "whimsical" situation in Potter is retread but all under the new microscope of "if you do not know what the fuck you are doing, STOP RIGHT NOW PLEASE". It has its own Voldemort, but this... thing... basically kills an entire classroom the moment it is introduced. And as for their version of Narnia? Narnia doesn't give a shit about you.
It's also an incredibly subversive series. The F bomb gets thrown around like it's an HBO show. The amount of violence is insane. Do not get attached to ANY of the characters as a general rule.
It basically is every single "lol if that were real" trope turned into one of the most well written but disturbing fantasy shows I've ever seen.
The dialogue is a mix of Aaron Sorkin and Farscape.
The season finale manages to both be chipper as hell but dark as fuck. Like, it has a definite cliffhanger. It was one of the most ridiculous cliffhangers that I've ever seen.
Yay it's gone down finally
Yay it's gone down finally
It was seriously annoying and weird!
:: fucks in, kiss on forehead ::
:: letting that autocorrect fail stand ::