now I'm curious! but I'd trade mine for everything!
How many thousands of hours of your own voice do you have recorded for VO? I think you should cut together something out of context so we can hearto your voice.beat off
*raises hand* Hello yes that is the correct pronunciation of the letter Z
nope, not really!Did you grow up in a different country, or is the accent specific for your region of Germany?
This is what I am used to when in regards to a German accent.
hopefully sooner than later. i'm sorta selfconscious
it tends to be sorta low (for a girl. high for a guy) but overall super inconsistent with tone and pitch and stuff. i like my "talking to waiters" voice the best (though I havne't heard it besides in my head)
and BOO-HOO at the regular-sex people who already have steady bfs/gfs to flirt with. sorry to bother you with our love.
I'm selfconscious about my voice too. but because it's too high pitched. guess it can go both ways.
okay, pretend I'm a waiter!
You guys I'm done with FakeGAF now DOTA 2 6.87 finally came out I quit life for 2 weeks c u l8r
nope, not really!
but the trailer's not really showing another language+german accent.. it's just actually speaking German. I probably sound different just speaking German too.
You guys I'm done with FakeGAF now DOTA 2 6.87 finally came out I quit life for 2 weeks c u l8r
It's unexpectedly difficult to find a video of someone with a German accent speaking English.
You guys I'm done with FakeGAF now DOTA 2 6.87 finally came out I quit life for 2 weeks c u l8r
Pretty much the reason I ignore vague Tumblr posts about someone being upset now.
I give up, there's no hope for me if girls like this exist
Everyone, Windumb's birthday is tomorrow. No one acknowledge it.
I give up, there's no hope for me if girls like this exist
Is it weird that whenever i've seen Dragonz I've sorta thought she looked like Sansa and that I think she now wants to have relations with herself in some sort of Freudian rabbithole.
You're coming in here chiding the softening of the T when your R has all but disappeared?
Do any of your say zed instead of zee?
this is crazy. I almost died taking french classes becaue I could not handle the pronunciation. like not at all.
thats so nice of you
wish no one acknowledged mine
He'll probably be expecting a gift tho.
I'll gift him the cheapest, worst game I can find.
See this is how I remember a German accent speaking English.
He'll probably be expecting a gift tho.
I'll gift him the cheapest, worst game I can find.
My birthday is August 10 mark it on your calendars y'all
My birthday is August 10 mark it on your calendars y'all
....listen this is the best compliment i've ever received
He'll probably be expecting a gift tho.
I'll gift him the cheapest, worst game I can find.
Wow, I can't handle those graphics. And only 99 cents.
Yeah, this is what he's getting.
Here you go.
I like the accent -- Not the cliche/parody version, but the actual accent as seen above.
Wow, I can't handle those graphics. And only 99 cents.
Yeah, this is what he's getting.
I'm Leo as fuck though, no joke