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FakeGAF Book 4: A Game of Thirst

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I still have 3 copies of Dark Souls in my steam inventory.

And I've never installed the game :D

Hmm, I prefer him with a beard. But I like him beardless too.

He can work either one. A beard makes him more rugged and handsome. Clean shaven he's more boyish and cute.
I should figure out that whole internet-girlfriend-finding
I'm English we don't use the word "dating" *shudder*

I am bad at things though so it won't happen


I'm gonna be in Vegas... :|
I will act as white as possible.
My GF is white, so I should be ok. ;P

Waiting at the boarding area is so boring. :/
lol that thread.

What is up with my sibling telling me they love me? So weird!!!!!!111!!1

[edit]: ... Okay that thread got far more interesting. Boo to the mod who locked it.
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