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FakeGAF Book 4: A Game of Thirst

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I preordered one of them MM 3DS XLs.

Everything is sold out right now. I don't think I'm buying either unless I can get the Majora's Mask Special Edition AND the 3DS XL. So for now, I wait. At least I still have the N64 Collector's Edition of the game.

This is killing me a lot more than it should. If I didn't have to drop $200 on books this quarter and $100 on medical costs I would have pre-ordered as soon as the direct ended.

Funky Papa

Bro! I'm having the same fucking problem. My lungs,chest, and stomach all hurt like shit from coughing so much. The worst part is I laugh pretty often and laughing makes me cough more.

I've noticed my body stops the cought reflex for a while after I drink a sip of water. So I've been drinking and pissing all day long. My kidneys must be super clean.

I can picture you laughing and then hacking up a lung because of it and now I'm laughing.

Also, all hail the pepperoni roll.


It looks like a rather passable hangover remedy for the pauper.

Edit: Oh god, it comes with "Mozarella Cheese".


Scaley member
Real talk: I miss the times where girls allowed some degree of pubic hair. These days you have to beg them to let it grow just a bit. The bald look is out of control despite the fact that there's nothing wrong with some well kept carpeting. Hell, it can be sexier that way.

That will be my #lewd comment for the day. Enjoy yourselves.

PREACH! I find it is sexier that way.
porn dont judge me i'll get there one day
Bald is bleh


Trashsassin's Creed Unity is so fucking bad, holy shit. And I even love the other "bad" games in the series, like Revelations and 3. UUUUUGH.


Scaley member
If any of you ever order anything online and see it being shipped via "Dynamex", cancel that shit. Worst fucking "courier" service ever. Ordered a package for same-day delivery well before noon, and it shipped out promptly. I was guaranteed to have it by 8pm and... nothin'. Called them, got transferred to a call centre in India or something, put on hold, and then assured that the driver "will be there within 40 minutes". An hour passes. Call back, and "Oh yes it's been scheduled for delivery for tomorrow". I didn't fucking pay $14 in shipping fees for the item to be delivered a day later because you guys suck. Stop promoting your "same-day delivery service!" on your website. I'm not the only one who's had trouble with this shit (Yelp). Actually, you know what, Dynamex? Two things. First, take a big step back, and literally fuck your own face. Second, give me my fucking package, you incompetent cunts.


Hell hath no fury like a Dark Lord scorned.

updated. Got my package. Almost two hours after the deadline for delivery, and by a dude not on duty. The fuck kind of courier company is this? He called me from his cellphone to say he'd be at my place in five minutes with my package. Nice guy, shame he works for such a strange company.

Funky Papa

Dry coughing is the worst. My lungs are sore, and so is my throat, not to mention that I couldn't fucking sleep. Give me the satisfaction of spitting some green phlegm, at least.
My annoyance isn't that he got inexplicably popular. It's that his love of moe has reached such a fever pitch of obsession that it appears to be the main thing that he uses to define himself as a person. And I cannot sanction such buffoonery.


I would want to marry my crush but he would never want to :(

In fact, he has a gf... I:

Supreme Court decision is good news but I'm still sad.
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