If any of you ever order anything online and see it being shipped via "Dynamex", cancel that shit. Worst fucking "courier" service ever. Ordered a package for same-day delivery well before noon, and it shipped out promptly. I was guaranteed to have it by 8pm and... nothin'. Called them, got transferred to a call centre in India or something, put on hold, and then assured that the driver "will be there within 40 minutes". An hour passes. Call back, and "Oh yes it's been scheduled for delivery for tomorrow". I didn't fucking pay $14 in shipping fees for the item to be delivered a day later because you guys suck. Stop promoting your "same-day delivery service!" on your website. I'm not the only one who's had trouble with this shit (Yelp). Actually, you know what, Dynamex? Two things. First, take a big step back, and literally fuck your own face. Second, give me my fucking package, you incompetent cunts.