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FakeGAF Book 4: A Game of Thirst

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Okay the season one finale of Hannibal...

I feel so bad for my bb Will. I can't deal. Also, Stagman is legit 2spooky.

Now watching Better Call Saul.

lmao @ the Kettlemans' answering machine message.


"Anonymously? Oh god, you didn't... you didn't do the sex robot voice did you?"

"I did with the tube and the whole thing."

Kim and Saul are my OTP.
Is Savage Grace a good film?

I have a sudden urge to watch it for some reason.



Hmm, seems to be trash according to RT. But still. Only 38%. Audience score only 39%.


Looks like YouTube has switched over from Flash to HTML5 on my side. Only one little problem...videos, when I play them on Firefox, only go up to 720p, whereas on Chrome, you can go beyond that. And there's no way for me the change it back now. I mean, I don't care about what's the new normal. I just want my full 1080p videos on Firefox.

Plus, it pretty much breaks my YouTube Centre add on.
My internet connection is so shit I'm just grateful when 360p loads reasonably.

HD streaming is basically impossible for me unless I want to wait an eternity for the shit to buffer.
I feel I don't hate Hannibal enough yet despite all the shit he's done. He's just so charismatic and likeable. Mads Mikkelsen is so perfect for the role.

I can't wait for season two to get the hate to flow through me.


Hannibal pulls off what Frank Underwood wishes he could(sorry HoC). The Devil must pay....... but later. He's just such lovely company(for most people).


I'm tempted to change my avatar.

I've had Raijin for so long but I'm thinking of changing it to Seifer or Rinoa.





Scaley member
Midway through my reading week and I haven't touched 1/300+ pages I have to read through for both chemistry and genetics.


Funky Papa

And when
Will remembered Hannibal force feeding Abigail's ear down his throat.
I'm slain. I need to recuperate before I watch another episode.

I am seriously concerned about your well being by the time you reach the season finale. I fear you may get WillGraham'd. This show turns legitemely depleting during the second season.


Season 1 was just an appetizer, Jake. ;)

I am seriously concerned about your well being by the time you reach the season finale. I fear you may get WillGraham'd. This show turns legitemely depleting during the second season.

S2 spoiler:
I was basically as wrecked as Will after the season. It's a masochistic delight.

I love her but my avatar has to be an VIII one.

Could've gone with Ultimecia
who's technically/probably Rinoa gone batshit crazy.
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