Megan ha belated revenge for the makeup video.
Megan ha belated revenge for the makeup video.
Megan ha belated revenge for the makeup video.
All hail the king of the millimetric smile.
Hannibal is the devil. S2 further reinforces that point. With that said...
I'm pretty sure I wasn't even friends with him at this point.
I knew.
Okay the season one finale of Hannibal...
I feel so bad for my bb Will. I can't deal. Also, Stagman is legit 2spooky.
I'm tempted to change my avatar.
I've had Raijin for so long but I'm thinking of changing it to Seifer or Rinoa.
I'm tempted to change my avatar.
I've had Raijin for so long but I'm thinking of changing it to Seifer or Rinoa.
Rinoa isn't cool, ya know
And yet she's still better than every "character" in FFV. Poor dat.
Maybe Krile
Rinoa isn't cool, ya know
I love her but my avatar has to be an VIII one.Beatrix is pretty cool and doesn't get enough attention.
My sis right here.And yet she's still better than every "character" in FFV. Poor dat.
Well you got Faris incorrect, but the rest is good. And you forgot Gilgamesh!
Bitch almost jeopardized an entire mission to apologize for nothing. Selphie is more of a HBIC.
And Rnoa almost jeapordized her life because of jewelry!
Rinoa isn't cool, ya know
Yes. Yesss.
And whenI'm slain. I need to recuperate before I watch another episode.Will remembered Hannibal force feeding Abigail's ear down his throat.
Midway through my reading week and I haven't touched 1/300+ pages I have to read through for both chemistry and genetics.
I am seriously concerned about your well being by the time you reach the season finale. I fear you may get WillGraham'd. This show turns legitemely depleting during the second season.
I love her but my avatar has to be an VIII one.
This message is brought to you by Procrastination
Could've gone with Ultimeciawho's technically/probably Rinoa gone batshit crazy.
"I believe you."
Ice queen Bedelia ending me with a sentence. Thank god she knows Hannibal well enough to know what he would do.
I'm not used to the new avatar D:
NOThat theory physically hurts me.
plhe dnse slpeea dfire is rbnia my fkeaafg hlelo
Hello FakeGAF, my brain is fried. Please send help.
What do I win for decoding the message?
Wife Rise. You won't ragrat.