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FakeGAF Book 4: A Game of Thirst

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Funky Papa

I feel like hockey is one of those things you need to be Canadian or nordic to understand. Just like cricket and being a Brit/Asian.

Nature or nurture?
I feel like hockey is one of those things you need to be Canadian or nordic to understand. Just like cricket and being a Brit/Asian.

Nature or nurture?
I'm Canadian and I still don't really get it. For some reason I can only get into it during the Olympics.

Watch the next Canucks vs Calgary game and you'll understand.

You'll understand.
Is it gonna be like the last one? Everyone looked like they were just seconds away from breaking out into a full on melee. D:

Do those teams have some sort of rivalry? I thought it was Calgary and Edmonton that had the big beef between them in the west.


I'm Canadian and I still don't really get it. For some reason I can only get into it during the Olympics.

Is it gonna be like the last one? Everyone looked like they were just seconds away from breaking out into a full on melee. D:

Do those teams have some sort of rivalry? I thought it was Calgary and Edmonton that had the big beef between them in the west.

There's definitely a bit of a rivarly but Calgary have been goons who play dirty so the games are super intense.

You both should watch all of these games for the best aspects of hockey. :D
Is BlueBadger going to do the national anthem for Game 5?

Haha, pretty sure it's set that Mark Donnelly is the official playoff singer.
Only chance another person has if he's sick or dead.

Not sure if I told you guys, but when Mark Donnelly did THIS
I spoke to him a few days later, asked him about his hilarious video...
He didn't seem amused at all...

LOL I wish ;____; I've only done one Canucks game!

When I met Mark Donnelly, he wasn't very nice tbh ;_; LOL


Ooooooooh, Orphan Black S3(first episode at least :p) is showing up on Netflix already! I thought I had to wait a year or something yasssss.

Funky Papa


I still have to catch up with that AND Penny Dreadful AND Gotham AND Person of Interest, no to mention starting the newest season of The Americans.

RIP my spare time.


I haven't even started The Americans or Gotham yet :negman:

Penny Dreadful is incredible, Papa. Worth watching just to see Eva Green be even hotter/scarier than usual. And T-Dalt's baller-ass beard, dayum.

Funky Papa

Lack of TV time is the worst part of having a relationship.

I should drop my girlfriend and go back to live in a pit of my own stank and miasma. Hairier. Smellier. Content.

Funky Papa

I'm not sure if Elizabeth is able to warm anybody by other means than:

a) banging him (and then extorting him)
b) drenching him in his own blood

Baddest bitch on TV.
Currently making my way through Daredevil. They weren't kidding when they said they weren't gonna hold back on the violence. It's gone way past where I thought Marvel would let them go.

Show's pretty great so far too.

Funky Papa

Possibly the best female character on TV right now tbqh.

The moment that cemented my love for her:


Followed by


I was like, YO.

Currently making my way through Daredevil. They weren't kidding when they said they weren't gonna hold back on the violence. It's gone way past where I thought Marvel would let them go.

Show's pretty great so far too.
I'm only up to Ep2 (querlfriend likes it, so I wait till she comes over so we can watch it together :negman) but it looks like the kind of Mahvel show I've been clamoring since the premiere of AoS. If Cage and JJ's shows keep the same tone and quality... Yowzas.

I think it's pretty much a given that Frank Castle will get his own show if Street Marvel does alright. Too bad they can't use his surname as the serie's title. That'd be hilarious (and confusing).
I'm only up to Ep2 (querlfriend likes it, so I wait till she comes over so we can watch it together :negman) but it looks like the kind of Mahvel show I've been clamoring since the premiere of AoS. If Cage and JJ's shows keep the same tone and quality... Yowzas.

I think it's pretty much a given that Frank Castle will get his own show if Street Marvel does alright. Too bad they can't use his surname as the serie's title. That'd be hilarious (and confusing).
Just finished ep6 and it keeps getting better and better. If this is the standard the Netflix MCU shows are gonna go by, we've got a lot to look forward too. Just the fact that Marvel is cool with different properties portraying the various tones necessary is a great sign. I'd love to see a movie is this vein too.

And now I'm even more hyped for Avengers 2. Marvel is really firing on all cylinders right now.

Funky Papa

Oh, I'm 100% ok with Marvel keeping shows with different tones. I just happen to think that AoS is not very well rounded. The show could do well either as a gritty, mature one or something zannier in the vein of AIM, but juggling with both and churning out a good product is difficult without some real talent behind the keyboards, which is something the show is seriously lacking.

Then you get fun, competently written episodes like the latest one, marred with crappy, very outdated production values and action scenes so terrible they make the The A-Team look like Strike Back.

On a more positive and unrelated note, I just changed coffee beans. I used to think of coffe as something you just drink to get your jolt on until I ran out of my no-brand, shit supermarket coffee and tried a blend from some reputable brand. It really feels like silk. It's like Juan Valdez just finished in my mouf.

Funky Papa

So Mahvel just outed teenaged Iceman as gay and I didn't even bat an eyelid. Must be this normalization thing people can't stop talking about.

Can't wait for the Iceman vs. Human Torch flame on jokes.


Orcas are mean bastards, but at least they are not dolphins, aka the fratbros of the animal world. Now, those are some real jerks.

Watched a documentary, some Orca pods leave dolphins half chewed cause they looked at them funny.
There's good and evil pods... :p
So Mahvel just outed teenaged Iceman as gay and I didn't even bat an eyelid. Must be this normalization thing people can't stop talking about.

Can't wait for the Iceman vs. Human Torch flame on jokes.

It's not normalization. It's the Gay Mafia shoving its AGENDA down God fearing people's throats!

I should write for Fox News.
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