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FakeGAF Book 4: A Game of Thirst

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Funky Papa

I'm enjoying the campaign thus far. I guess I don't have too much more to say about it.

Definitely better than unsharted 3: drake's doo doo which I was going through the other day. Sorry Jake. That rocket launcher gauntlet was just too much. I might continue it but jeez.

At least UC2 was great, so buying the HD collection wasn't a total waste.

I am so tired I started traveling like 18 hours ago and I still have another flight. Then 8 hours of hanging out in Orlando airport for a bus. AMERICA IS TOO BIG FUCK.
The incessant heat and humidity is what makes Floridians go crazy. And the meth. Lots and lots of meth.

Ohio's insanity can be attributed to scorching summers/freezing winters, purple politics, and heroin.
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