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FakeGAF Book 4: A Game of Thirst

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Let the south secede for real this time. The North and West join forces with Canada.

The Free States of America and Canada.

Just think of how good the food will be once the Mexicans make it to Canada. That poutine and nachos fusion dance is going to make mouths water.
Some gaming related thoughts: Tomb Raider 2013 is the best Uncharted game since 2. I finished it last night and loved it. So many memorable set pieces. No characters really come to close to any in Uncharted but revamped Lara is great even if the progression of inexperienced girl unaccustomed to the harsh realities of survival to cold, calculating killer is ridiculous. That definitely could have been handled better from both a writing and gameplay perspective. Also, the hard difficulty is just not hard at all.

Overall, the hate train seems to have been overblown (as per) and I'm ready for Rise of the Tomb Raider (next year because I'm never buying a Bone.)
Well, Uncharted 2 is the only great UC anyway.

Tomb Raider didn't actually "feel" much like UC to me when I played it. Like there are obvious elements but I might even say it feels like it has less in common with UC than UC did with Gears 1. Too bold of a statement maybe, idk.

Funky Papa

Jesus Christ, Daisy Ridley is too fucking pretty.

I once knew a homeopath who tried to kill themselves with an underdose.
I find funny that I can trash all "supporting" homeopathic literature with just the cheapest bottle of plonk at the local supermarket.

Are you drunk yet? Then drink more, motherfucker.
Bel Gris' dick is ridiculous. It's too much.

Well, Uncharted 2 is the only great UC anyway.

Tomb Raider didn't actually "feel" much like UC to me when I played it. Like there are obvious elements but I might even say it feels like it has less in common with UC than UC did with Gears 1. Too bold of a statement maybe, idk.

I got nothing but the feel of Uncharted while playing it. From the platforming, the highly stylized set pieces, and the enemy waves you have no choice but to shootbang your way through while using environmental cover. Stealth works in the same way it does in Uncharted in that there are a few areas where stealth is actually possible but the vast majority is shooting and fucking shit up and stealth isn't even a remote possibility. As an aside, poor Uncharted having vastly shittier shooting controls compared to Tomb Raider. Hopefully UC4 corrects this.
On the one hand, he's probably one of the few male porn stars who don't need to have their dicks digitally altered to appear larger. On the other hand, even I don't crave that much dick. It's not repugnant or anything but it's getting into that territory for me tbh.


Well, Uncharted 2 is the only great UC anyway.

Tomb Raider didn't actually "feel" much like UC to me when I played it. Like there are obvious elements but I might even say it feels like it has less in common with UC than UC did with Gears 1. Too bold of a statement maybe, idk.

Uncharted 1 was just kinda broken. Haven't played 3 yet.

Funky Papa

Uncharted's controls were borked to hell.

And then there was the whole MESS with the third act.

I wanted to love it, but I couldn't. It was so close to greatness. Maybe one day I'll get a cheap copy of UC2.
I still like UC1. Come at me, brehs. Nostalgia definitely plays a part, but I still find it enjoyable.

UC3 is unfiltered TRASH tho. So ultimately 2 is the only one people should really care about. Until 4 becomes the next 2... hopefully.


What's so bad about Uncharted 3? I've played through it two or three times, and I don't see how it's any worse than 2. Those spider things weren't any fun, but that's about it.
Then again, I think Dead Space 3 and Mass Effect 3 are fantastic games, so what the hell do I know.

Jesus Christ, Daisy Ridley is too fucking pretty.

Yup. Second hottest Star Wars character after Lando.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Go in on every PS4 exclusive released so far. Beware the wrath of Sony ponies tho.

What's so bad about Uncharted 3? I've played through it two or three times, and I don't see how it's any worse than 2. Those spider things weren't any fun, but that's about it.
Then again, I think Dead Space 3 and Mass Effect 3 are fantastic games, so what the hell do I know.


The story is an incoherent mess with numerous plotholes, the set pieces are mostly (inferior) retreads of the ones used in 2, the enemy waves and bullet sponge enemies make it downright unbearable to play in some parts, the shooting is shittier than ever before (a miracle all things considered), the pirate ship level is there purely as padding and to show off water effects. It literally has no other reason for existing. I've played through the game twice and I've found these issues ruined both playthroughs.
Dead Space 1 is real good, I enjoyed it a lot. Fantastically well optimised for PC back in the day too. I could play it on real good settings on my ancient 7600 from memory.




The story is an incoherent mess with numerous plotholes, the set pieces are mostly (inferior) retreads of the ones used in 2, the enemy waves and bullet sponge enemies make it downright unbearable to play in some parts, the shooting is shittier than ever before (a miracle all things considered), the pirate ship level is there purely as padding and to show off water effects. It literally has no other reason for existing. I've played through the game twice and I've found these issues ruined both playthroughs.

None of that stuff really bothered me, maybe I'm just easily impressed :p
And you should definitely play the first two Dead Space games, they're both brilliant.
Dat European PS4 price drop, though.

I think I need a moment.
Do it. You'll be making Order 1886 and Driveclub threads in no time!
This is absolutely the last thing anyone needs. They never end well.

That's why he wants more. Endless entertainment.

Start with a less than glowing OP then add a few posts about how it was actually good and you don't know what you're talking about, followed by some posts praising the graphics and pretending that absolves the entire game of criticism, and finally posts asserting people only like it because they're forcing themselves to because they paid full price for it, and you have Shit Posts: The Thread™

Funky Papa

I can't believe I'm still stuck in DS1. As much as I dislike the visuals, it's pretty damn scary at times. Quite probably the best horror one since Fatal Frame 2.


That's why he wants more. Endless entertainment.

Start with a less than glowing OP then add a few posts about how it was actually good and you don't know what you're talking about, followed by some posts praising the graphics and pretending that absolves the entire game of criticism, and finally posts asserting people only like it because they're forcing themselves to because they paid full price for it, and you have Shit Posts: The Thread™
You know what...I changed my mind. I might actually make one once I play the game.

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
I can't believe I'm still stuck in DS1. As much as I dislike the visuals, it's pretty damn scary at times. Quite probably the best horror one since Fatal Frame 2.

IMO you're too powerful in Dead Space to be genuinely scary, although it has moments near the start.

I have a lot of fun with it all the same. It scratched the RE4 itch a lot better than RE5 or RE6 did.

Funky Papa

IMO you're too powerful in Dead Space to be genuinely scary, although it has moments near the start.

I have a lot of fun with it all the same. It scratched the RE4 itch a lot better than RE5 or RE6 did.

Truf. The jump scares are real, though. It's a shame I dislike the visuals so much. Lighting has this hard, white look that looks terrible, specially when combined with the perpetually brown and grey texture work.

I already had plenty of muscat. This was all white whine. And a Bailey's.
Bailey's + expresso = heaven. It also works nicely with iced coffee during summer.

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
The look amuses me. And I was looking for an excuse to use that gif.
In a bad way? ;___; everybody else liked it.
Truf. The jump scares are real, though. It's a shame I dislike the visuals so much. Lighting has this hard, white look that looks terrible, specially when combined with the perpetually brown and grey texture work.

Bailey's + expresso = heaven. It also works nicely with iced coffee during summer.

Ooh will try. Just been drinking it straight with ice or with milk.


Clearly if you thought ME3 was good. (I'm sorry. I just feel like being a bitch.)

I'll definitely get on the Dead Space train tho.
Yoooooo ME3 is awesome bruh.

This is absolutely the last thing anyone needs. They never end well.

That's why he wants more. Endless entertainment.

Start with a less than glowing OP then add a few posts about how it was actually good and you don't know what you're talking about, followed by some posts praising the graphics and pretending that absolves the entire game of criticism, and finally posts asserting people only like it because they're forcing themselves to because they paid full price for it, and you have Shit Posts: The Thread™
This. The Order brings out the best/worst GAF has to offer.

IMO you're too powerful in Dead Space to be genuinely scary, although it has moments near the start.

I have a lot of fun with it all the same. It scratched the RE4 itch a lot better than RE5 or RE6 did.

Yeah, you're pretty much unstoppable towards the end. I wish it had something like the hardcore mode in Dead Space 2, that was intense.


Is the fancy kid a girl or a boy?

Truf. The jump scares are real, though. It's a shame I dislike the visuals so much. Lighting has this hard, white look that looks terrible, specially when combined with the perpetually brown and grey texture work.

Huh. It's been a while so I don't remember the visuals being a problem. I love the art direction anyway.

In a bad way? ;___; everybody else liked it.

Lol. In a good way. I think it's awesome. I know a lot of boring people unfortunately.
Homeland this week saw the return of Crazy Carrie™ A dearth of crazy crying faces unfortunately.

That ending tho.
I seriously thought she killed Quinn for a few minutes.


Funky Papa

Fuck that noise, I'm hating this season already.

They couldn't shit on Carrie any more, so the writers had to go and fuck with Saul because lol, sheet matters are always fun. So they thought.


Lol. I liked how nasty she got.

I'm enjoying it but Homeland is getting outshined by every other show I'm watching this fall. Even the Leftovers and Gotham.
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