AnimeGAF, what anime did you cry the most with? Is there a consensus on saddest anime here?
Personally, I feel either Wolf's Rain or Cowboy Bebop's ending for me.
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time is pretty damn emotional.
AnimeGAF, what anime did you cry the most with? Is there a consensus on saddest anime here?
Personally, I feel either Wolf's Rain or Cowboy Bebop's ending for me.
AnimeGAF, what anime did you cry the most with? Is there a consensus on saddest anime here?
Personally, I feel either Wolf's Rain or Cowboy Bebop's ending for me.
AnimeGAF, what anime did you cry the most with? Is there a consensus on saddest anime here?
Personally, I feel either Wolf's Rain or Cowboy Bebop's ending for me.
AnimeGAF, what anime did you cry the most with? Is there a consensus on saddest anime here?
Personally, I feel either Wolf's Rain or Cowboy Bebop's ending for me.
AnimeGAF, what anime did you cry the most with? Is there a consensus on saddest anime here?
Personally, I feel either Wolf's Rain or Cowboy Bebop's ending for me.
AnimeGAF, what anime did you cry the most with? Is there a consensus on saddest anime here?
Personally, I feel either Wolf's Rain or Cowboy Bebop's ending for me.
ThanksIt "airs" on Saturday mornings for Crunchyroll.
AnimeGAF, what anime did you cry the most with? Is there a consensus on saddest anime here?
Personally, I feel either Wolf's Rain or Cowboy Bebop's ending for me.
Hard to say with anime since I've seen less than I'd like to. I can't recall a series that I've seen that has gotten me more than somewhat misty eyed. Spirited Away and Wolf Children were close because of how moving they were to me.
Now film is another story all together. lol
I didn't watch Log Horizon. I heard it was too competent to make fun of unlike SAO. Pity.
Millennium Actress is a pretty sad story as well.
Bluray coming (in Japan anyways) might want to wait for that. Hopefully it's not a terrible mess like Tokyo Godfather which looked bleah.
You mean like bebop?
The presentation of the ending is better than the actual conclusion to the story, which I also found pretty unsatisfying.
Champloo's was much better.
AnimeGAF, what anime did you cry the most with? Is there a consensus on saddest anime here?
Personally, I feel either Wolf's Rain or Cowboy Bebop's ending for me.
Clannad After Story
Never cried at any work of fiction. Kinda sucks. I'd like to one day. But if I didn't cry while finishing Haibane Renmei last night, I'm not sure I will.AnimeGAF, what anime did you cry the most with? Is there a consensus on saddest anime here?
Personally, I feel either Wolf's Rain or Cowboy Bebop's ending for me.
I would say Episode 44 tops both of those episodes from the tearjerker perspective.
I think the saddest anime moment I've watched would have to bein Code Geass. I meanEuphemia's death sceneThat has got to be one of the most beautifully executed scenes I've ever seen executed in anime. It hit all the right notes've got Suzaku by her side, her forgetting that she just murdered hundreds of innocent people against her will, and the scene constantly switches from Euphemia dying to the angry Japanese, only being further influenced by Lelouch's speech. I mean, dat chanting.
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time is pretty damn emotional.
Of all time, probably Grave of Fireflies.
I realize as I've gotten older that its become easier for me to cry while watching media. Whether its because of old age or just the necessary shedding of the need to be cool barrier one puts around themself during their teens, I have become more easily affected by the shows I watch.
An adult link more on the masculine side for once, without the female cat features and without the Japanese voice.
Attack on Titan - Final Thoughts
Finally finished this off last night after taking a break for some other backlog stuff. In the end, I actually ended up liking it more than I thought I would. Definitely in spite of its flaws, pacing being one. Left me off feeling like I want to see how the story continues. Probably will give the manga a go now.
Pacing issues? What pacing issues?
"you have 15 seconds to make a decision!"
*20 minutes later*
"time's up!"
Next Episode: "LOL there is no plan, guys."
Sounds like real life.
Real life has shit pacing.
No doubt.
This goes on for an ENTIRE EPISODE.
Next Episode: "LOL there is no plan, guys."
Where the eff is my love interest? This is some HIMYM level of dragging the point out.
Next Episode: "LOL there is no plan, guys."
Is that the one where you find outDr. Mikamura is a villainous jerk?
Gimme that Haikyuu anime
There was a plan though, wasn't there? To? I seem to recall they even explained the reason why nobody was informed of the plan - becauselure the Female Titan into their crazy rope-gun-trap thing so they could capture her and thus find out the identity of the traitor in their ranks.the people in charge couldn't risk telling anyone who might be the traitor or on the traitor's side, otherwise the whole plan would be ruined
2!How many episodes do you think you'll watch?
Volley ball anime/manga is nothing new.Seriously, Volley Ball? Now where's my Golf team anime? Just think of the drama, the suspense, the friendship!
Volley ball anime/manga is nothing new.
Attaker You was a huge success back then. It was also really popular in France.