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Fall Anime 2014 |OT2| Idly waiting for the Dog Days of Sabre

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I just needed to quote this to let you know how hilarious this post is. I love it. As for the bolded it's literally a character trait of Rin that she screws up at important moments, not joking.

tbh gotta give credit to nasu that he gives explanations for all the stupid shit his characters do, even if the explanations are just as dumb.

I'm happy to amuse.

Attributing plot induced stupidity to a character trait is a copout though.

You made my day, sir. Thanks, but why torment yourself by continuing to watch the show though?

Because I enjoyed fate/zero and was hoping the sequel would be better. I usually tend to drop something the moment I lose interest, however that hasn't been the case. It's not that I'm not interested in fate/stay night, it's that I find it frustrating.

Everything I would say in response to this is a spoiler. The only thing I can say is that some of the reasons you believe characters are doing certain things are not accurate.

Then I'd argue the blame lies with the studio, since I haven't consumed any of original source material, nor should that be a prerequisite as these adaptations aren't made for fans of the visual novels, they're made for the ignorant masses I am a part of. I can't consider or interpret what isn't there and judge the anime only by what is shows me.

Your rage is delicious. But yeah, some of your complaints are valid.

Realtalk, the main reason behind your feeling that "Zero is better than Fate" is that Zero was written as a complete novel series (by a different writer), while this anime is an adaptation of one possible storyline of a visual novel.

So some characters are not getting enough development because it happens in a different storyline. In other cases your assumptions about character motivations are wrong, but the problem is with the adaptation for not being able to show the internal monologues that you would get in text format. Like the reason behind Rin's leniency towards Shirou has only been hinted at in the anime, but you should be able to figure it out if you've seen Zero.

Shirou is stupid in all scenarios though. That's a character trait of his that I have to agree with you on.

However, I'm surprised you think the pacing here is bad when Zero's first season was filled with mostly just exposition. Do you need Rin to explain everything to you and hold your hand? Would that make you feel better?

Finally, you're heavily mistaken about the franchise's reputation. It has a very positive reputation. Perhaps you heard things about the old anime adaptation, which was pretty terrible.

It's not so much rage as it is frustration.

I'm fine with Rin having a soft spot for Emiya. That, in and of itself, is not a negative. In fact, I think that would've been a plus if she retained her cold rationality and focus but was humanised by caring for Emiya. That would've been fine. The issue I have is that Emiya merely being proximity makes Rin lose her drive to succeed. She wasn't focused on advancing through the Holy Grail War. No, instead she was forced into full blown tsundere mode and feigning reluctance in having to deal with him, even though that obviously isn't the case. It's just frustrating to see a potentially strong female character ruined like that because of a silly romantic subplot.

What drew me in the most with fate/zero was the concept, the lore and characters. The top notch animation and fights were simply a bonus then, and they are now, but the difference is that fate/stay night doesn't have the benefit of interesting characters or plot.

I was referring to the previous adaptation in terms of bad reputation, yes. I didn't learn of the nature of the novels until last night.

I think there is enough hint to why Rin want to deal with Caster as fast as she can and without Archer. I mean the red dude dialogue at beginning of this episode is as shady as american police.

Archer is suspect and his conduct has been cause for concern, there's no denying that, but he wouldn't be able to act out with Rin there, nor do I think that he would be stupid enough to try again after failing to merk Emiya. He's been pretty up front with Rin thus far, and given the risk they were taking with tracking down Caster, I don't see why she would see fit to sideline her primary means of survival because he doesn't play nice with others.
Ushinawareta Mirai wo Motomete - 11

Is there any doubt that she is the best girl of this show ?
Good job yui , you
did it
and it's wasn't with the help of akiyama, that's for sure.
Now give me your good ending next week and i'll be able to give a high note to this adaptation.


*reverses in front of flag tank taking the shot that would have killed them by accident*

Accidents ? No way !! there are "safeties" , all around !
Guys, let me tell you about the incredible properties of 'carbon lined' armour and Sensha-dō Federation-regulated intelligent frangible HE rounds*...

Disclaimer: Any dangerous vehicle vault or internal fire that could have been seen before in the series is totally coincidental and irrelevant to this product's overall safety records.


Archer is suspect and his conduct has been cause for concern, there's no denying that, but he wouldn't be able to act out with Rin there, nor do I think that he would be stupid enough to try again after failing to merk Emiya. He's been pretty up front with Rin thus far, and given the risk they were taking with tracking down Caster, I don't see why she would see fit to sideline her primary means of survival because he doesn't play nice with others.

and then Archer "accidentally" helps Caster & Kuzuki kill Shirou.



fate/stay 10

Fuck this anime and fuck the main characters in particular. I am so done with the slow boiling shit show of a plot and its nonsensical development. Rin Tohsaka is up there with the worst protagonist I can think of, not because she is incompetent, but because she is competent but chooses not to be, or rather, because she isn't allowed to be. The writers insist on playing this tsundere addled romantic subplot for all its worth, to the point it has turned her into a complete idiot that has abandoned rationality and basic strategy in favour of playing nice with her love interest, who for some reason is like black hole for reasonable thoughts. At least Archer called her out on that shit this episode.

Never mind the fact that we've been fed the same bullshit excuse why she hasn't simply taken Emiya out of the Holy Grail War for, I dunno, at least four episodes before the writers made it so abundantly clear these two were going to be allies, we still have to deal with Rin being a complete fuckwit that for some reasons sees fit to leave her Servant at home like he's a pet instead of her primary means of survival in a clandestine mage war that could claim her life at any minute, now Emiya pulled a typical shōnen power up that conveniently allowed him to fight off a mage that rekt Saber.

Really, fuck this anime. fate/zero shits on it from biblical heights. It's not even funny how terrible this is by comparison. I don't know what I was expecting, considering the high school setting and knowing that fate/stay had a bad reputation long before I got into either anime.

I'm pretty much fed up with this. I'd drop it if the first half wasn't nearly over. I'm going to need the 3 month gap to get over my disappointment.
Mmm? What exactly is wrong with Rin?
She has no experience fighting, she hasn't killed any one before. She has knowledge about magic, and basic knowledge of the holy grail war. That's it. I'm not sure what you mean by the writers not letting her be competent.
As far as I recall, she doesn't even really have any desire to win the Holy Grail, so what would be her motivation to take Emiya out of the picture? Emiya is a nice guy, who has no intention of hurting her, and doesn't even really care about winning, all he wants to do is stop bad things from happening. I don't see how Rin is being a 'fuckwit'. There is nothing weird about her ending up liking Shirou more than she cares about winning the holy grail war.

Also, I think you need to remember, FSN is an eroge. Shirou has sex with these girls. There is of course going to be a romantic subplot, and it is going to be in your face.
Now, personally, I'm not really a fan of Rin either, but I think you are going a little over board with your reaction here. If you don't like Shirou or the heroines, well, then you should just drop the show.

I voted for the Dog Days one because it is the most disgusting.


There's no need for Fate fans to get upset over a member's criticism of Fate/stay night: Unlimited Based Works. If they can't enjoy the *snort* AotY */snort* that's their own biz.


While I have absolutely no intention of dropping Cross Ange I really don't want anyone to start watching it. Please, go watch something better instead.
It's too late, man. I'm on this train and I'll be riding it down to hell

and then Archer "accidentally" helps Caster & Kuzuki kill Shirou.

Isn't he still bound by the command spell? Leaving Archer at home was just an incredible dumb thing to do.


Junior Member
I am scared of watching the last 2 Ep of Psycho-pass.
But surely, I am just over reacting, it won't be that shitty...

They're actually among the best of the season.

lol at Togane's crime coefficient,
. Truly he is living on the edge~~
Cross Ange - 11

Bretty good. Lots of stuff happened. I hope the Succubus hasn't influenced Julio from the beginning, I like my villains having their own agenda. Sylvia crying for Ange's help is music to my ears, eat shit you little devil.
Finally something that can challenge the Villkis, though I'm not sure after the last bit what role they're going to play. I think they could've handled the action a bit better.
The whole powering up your machines with songs and then transcend into another dimension of flashbacks, eggtimer rings and they all retreat was kinda.. weird.
I like the designs, but maybe not the goldish look.


Celestial Method 11

The big climax of the show is here. Everyone comes together, remembers why they wished and what they wished for... and
Noel has to go back to her own home planet.
The show still has two episodes left, so I don't think it's goodbye for good. This is what everything's been building up to, and I'm ultimately satisfied with it. These kinds of anime almost always work on me. Noel is by far one of the cutest characters this season, and she touched not just the characters in the show, but the audience outside it as well.


Celestial Method episode 11


*Throws a table through a window*
Man...even days after finishing Anohana I get occasionally angry at this movie (and half of the TV show I watched). Like I constantly have the realization that its just a tiny bit more shit than I already thought. The fucking 30mins of nonstop bawling...it's actually offensive how this anime tries to get you emotional. What a fucking non-story that piece of shit is as well.

I...I need counseling.
I'm disappointed there hasn't been a wall of reactions to the conclusion of Akame ga Kill! yet. General reactions from where it broke off from the manga have been pretty volatile.

I'll share my thoughts when I finish it later today.

Edit: Actually, I won't share my thoughts as I can't think of anything particularly interesting to say about it. I liked it but like most of you have said, it was too rushed.


Wolf Girl 11

Kyoya's family is weird, but oddly lovable. They're at least more personable than he is. Erika going into full on wolf mode was equal parts pathetic and almost touching.


How many episodes are we expecting from Fate/Stay Night for this season? Waiting for the first season to end, then I'll power through it.
well damn, guess I need to watch the new Cross Ange. have to wait until later though so I don't have to worry about anyone walking in and bearing witness to my shame.


Akame ga Kill! 24 + Final Thoughts

Ultimately, I'm "eh" on it. I felt the comedic parts were necessary, because otherwise this would be a depressing series. Something like YuYuYu or Wixoss at least provides the illusion that hope is there (though YuYuYu is in a really tight spot at the moment), while this had a bloody, high death count that never let up. Not really my thing. I watched it because it had some cute girls - Mine was pretty great, and Leone
made it to the end
, but it was overall too gory and dark for my tastes.

I can't say much about the point where it diverged, because I've never read the source material. The ending episodes held together well enough (if getting a little over the top with giant battle robots). It's just alright. Aiming for a certain niche and gives hateable yet sympathetic villains and anti-heroes for people who are into that.

Of Takahiro's works, YuYuYu appeals to me much more in genre alone, but also in how it doesn't let the despair completely overwhelm the work. Also, I'm not really into this level of violence. Still, I enjoyed it more than Mahouka. (Though I enjoyed everything more than that.)
Cross Ange - 11

>>singing to powerup
Dropped. For good this time. I don't care if the main character is good.

Sorry for the 4chan lingo, but a plot device this stupid deserves and equally stupid reaction.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I'm happy to amuse.

Attributing plot induced stupidity to a character trait is a copout though.

Because I enjoyed fate/zero and was hoping the sequel would be better. I usually tend to drop something the moment I lose interest, however that hasn't been the case. It's not that I'm not interested in fate/stay night, it's that I find it frustrating.

Then I'd argue the blame lies with the studio, since I haven't consumed any of original source material, nor should that be a prerequisite as these adaptations aren't made for fans of the visual novels, they're made for the ignorant masses I am a part of. I can't consider or interpret what isn't there and judge the anime only by what is shows me.

It's not so much rage as it is frustration.

I'm fine with Rin having a soft spot for Emiya. That, in and of itself, is not a negative. In fact, I think that would've been a plus if she retained her cold rationality and focus but was humanised by caring for Emiya. That would've been fine. The issue I have is that Emiya merely being proximity makes Rin lose her drive to succeed. She wasn't focused on advancing through the Holy Grail War. No, instead she was forced into full blown tsundere mode and feigning reluctance in having to deal with him, even though that obviously isn't the case. It's just frustrating to see a potentially strong female character ruined like that because of a silly romantic subplot.

What drew me in the most with fate/zero was the concept, the lore and characters. The top notch animation and fights were simply a bonus then, and they are now, but the difference is that fate/stay night doesn't have the benefit of interesting characters or plot.

I was referring to the previous adaptation in terms of bad reputation, yes. I didn't learn of the nature of the novels until last night.

Archer is suspect and his conduct has been cause for concern, there's no denying that, but he wouldn't be able to act out with Rin there, nor do I think that he would be stupid enough to try again after failing to merk Emiya. He's been pretty up front with Rin thus far, and given the risk they were taking with tracking down Caster, I don't see why she would see fit to sideline her primary means of survival because he doesn't play nice with others.

Fate/stay night isn't a sequel to Fate/Zero. That's partially why you're getting annoyed - its not designed to just continue Fate/Zero.

I won't say all of your complaints are meritless, but many of them could be answered by stuff you already saw (e.g. Rin has only one command spell left, so no, she can't just control Archer the way you're imagining and Saber is almost literally invulnerable to magic by virtue of being a Saber) and some of them are too hard to answer without referring to something that's going to happen later.


This morning I was too exhausted to get anything meaningful from watching Wixoss so Im watching it again.

New DAL info from today's Date A Fes 2 event. Translation is from animesuki so no promises about its accuracy:

Also I know the Kurumi OVA is out but I'm avoiding it right now for reasons, which is stretching my willpower beyond breaking point.

I was wondering how you'd survived this long!


When it comes out on DVD in a few months. Otherwise, it looks like it takes place almost directly after episode 112, which was more or less promoting it.

Oh. Feels like they advertised it like 10 or 20 episodes ago. Surprised it's not out yet.


Grisaia 11

I'm extremely thankful that Girlfriend Beta is on after this. I need a full-throttle infusion of hope and good vibes, like, now.

Oh. Feels like they advertised it like 10 or 20 episodes ago. Surprised it's not out yet.
It only arrived in theaters this weekend.
Bad ending confirmed.

Girl who people tend to forget wins via asspull.

Shit adaption until the very end.

Will not rewatch unless I feel like seeing those earlier Esdese moments again.
Akame ga Kill - 24 [End]

Ugh, why was it shitty Akame who had to duel Esdeath. The character who has the title name has to do something of worth I guess. It had some cool fight bits, mainly consisting of Esdeath's abilities. Akame's keikaku was odd. I would've preferred someone just fucking up in the actual battle and getting killed. The loser laying with Tatsumi and then vanishing was so selfishly hilarious. So we end with losing two best girls, and
Akame still living.
That's not a happy ending.

Show overall was entertaining enough to get me back each week for the past 24. I mainly followed this for best girls, gore, goofy shit and action, which I think it mostly delivered on. The cast was mostly likeable, with a few rotten apples.


Selector Infected Wixoss 01

Great background art. Ruko is cute. Tama is OMFG ADORABLE with her nyaa's and squeeing. Also this show contains despair inducing imagery, macarons, and incest undertones. Yup this is Mari Okada alright!


Girlfriend Beta 10

Revived! Good vibes all around! Tomo's struggle is similar to many episodes in this series - over something small, but important to them, gotten through with some help from all the other students of the school - where their problem is more important to the narrative than what's going on. Kokomi's gymnastics and the beauty contest are ultimately, just vehicles for seeing these girls grow as people. It's the most heartwarming show on Sunday - and considering what it's up against, Method is the only one that comes remotely close to achieving those kinds of vibes. And that's why I'm glad to have it be part of my rotation. Because sometimes, chocolate mushrooms are all that's needed.


Akame ga Kill!

This is a hard one to judge, because for more than half of the series' run, it was actually pretty good. The characters were entertaining, the action was engaging, and the dark vs. darker plot was better than a lot of series of that sort. The problems largely came from when the animators felt they had to diverge from the manga to create a conclusion.

This isn't typically a problem, but this was really botched top to bottom. The material they cut was some of the strongest in the series and, while they tried to repurpose the fight they cut out, a lot of the tension was removed by the new plot circumstances surrounding it.

The final few episodes basically jumped into the endgame without really earning it, leading to pacing issues. The emperor's Imperial Arms made almost no sense, even by the standards of this series, and this led to Tatsumi's sacrifice feeling a bit out of sorts.

Then we get to the final episode and, you know, it was pretty good. Nice action, Akame getting some spotlight and taking full advantage of it, and Esdeath being a complete badass
even in defeat
. The aftermath was pleasant enough, even if Akame's
made little to no sense. The Minister
getting beaten to death
was great, even though
the fucker took Leone with him

All in all, the production values were solid and the music was decent if not that memorable. I still like the majority of the cast, at least those that weren't basically designed to be hated. Even those who were absolutely despicable were largely fun to hate. But the last five, six episodes were mostly garbage. They rushed too much, all the more when they would have had a great series with a sequel built in just by continuing to follow the manga loyally. What I'm left with is mediocrity that hurts more because it should have been good, if not great. 5/10


Girlfriend Beta 10

Revived! Good vibes all around! Tomo's struggle is similar to many episodes in this series - over something small, but important to them, gotten through with some help from all the other students of the school - where their problem is more important to the narrative than what's going on. Kokomi's gymnastics and the beauty contest are ultimately, just vehicles for seeing these girls grow as people. It's the most heartwarming show on Sunday - and considering what it's up against, Method is the only one that comes remotely close to achieving those kinds of vibes. And that's why I'm glad to have it be part of my rotation. Because sometimes, chocolate mushrooms are all that's needed.

I preordered a Chloe nendo. I am so very weak.
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