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Fall Anime 2014 |OT2| Idly waiting for the Dog Days of Sabre

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That reminds me, I still haven't seen School Days.


You best be jokin'.

Confirmed worst post ever. Shitposting on one of the undisputed best romantic couples in anime. smh


It's nothing we don't already know about; Khara wasn't satisfied with Funimation's translation and dub, so they're redoing the subtitles themselves and are having Funimation redo some (or all) of the dub. Who knows how much longer it will be until it releases?
And given that this is Eva 3.33, who cares? :p

I seem to remember Funimation saying something almost exactly like this about that whole thing a while ago.

Which means nothing has changed, I suppose, so people will keep waiting. It doesn't affect me too much, I wouldn't think of buying Eva 3.33 unless the fourth film somehow makes it all retroactively worthwhile, but I am curious about the specific details behind this translation debacle. What could have really been the issue here?
Are all harems automatically shit? Or is there an example of a harem that surpasses it's genre's failings? My candidate would tend towards Clannad, but that is with so many caveats that it may not fit the mark.

The ending to AS is nonsense, super smart girl's arc was atrocious etc. But most of those failings were due to poor writing and not stuff necessarily endemic with the genre. There's definitely some stuff that are heads and shoulders above most harem/harem-lite shows. I wrote a bit about this before so I'll just quote myself.



Personally I liked Clannad/AS the first time I watched it but it was my first haremish anime so I wasn't familiar with the tropes and such. I do still think you are being overly harsh with it. I liked the humour tbh, the slapstick comedy style obviously didn't go down with you though. I didn't think the relationship was that bad although Nagisa is purer than the driven snow and the show is sickeningly sweet at times. Personally if you don't take the show that seriously and just see it as a guys retelling of his HS days to his daughter it goes down a bit better (as he would obviously embellish how he was a bad-boy who was popular with the ladies, but his wife was a perfect sweetheart). In any case Okazaki is the main character and the girls are pretty much window dressing. For me the main feels comes from analysing the fact that Okazaki has to live a life, he has to graduate HS, he has to get a job, he has to become a family man. None of those things are just given to him, they are all earned. I wrote a bit about this before so I'll just quote myself.

For me although Clannad is a harem-lite it doesn't have most of the damaging traits that they usually have. Okazaki has to work for everything he gets.

He doesn't sit around and get friends, he makes an active effort to get to know the girls in his harem. He isn't imbued with some natural skill which makes him better than everyone, instead his right arm is disabled and his family is broken, his dad is a drunkard. He isn't a genius or a paragon of good either, he regularly skips school and is a known delinquent. But he works hard and gets a girlfriend and manages graduates HS.

He doesn't get to go to college, but he doesn't let that stop him. He strives to get a job, and even has to hide his disability in order to get it. He works really, really hard doing physical labour. And just when shit seems to be going his way, when it looks like his hard work is paying off and he will move far forward, his dad does something that causes him to lose that opportunity. Not him, not anyone he deals with or associates with, but his drunkard, disgrace of a father. He has no control over this event. And yet that doesn't destroy him. He picks himself up and marries his long term girlfriend, and they move in together.

Nagisa gets pregnant but we know that due to her poor health it will be a difficult delivery. And just on the day that she is due to give birth the snowfall means she is unable to go to the hospital. She dies giving birth to heir daughter. And here we have a person destroyed by events so, so far out of his control. He breaks down and is unable to be a real father to his daughter.

5 year time skip. He is given a the chance and manages to pick himself up and re-establish a relationship with his daughter. He can talk with her about the mother she never knew. He can comfort her from crying when she is sad. He also manages to forgive his father for all that had occurred and he is able to meet his granddaughter. He can finally pick up his daughter from school and they can go home together and be a real family.
Space Dandy 2nd season Episode 1

What a great first episode. Dandy returning with his ridiculous antics traveling between parallel universes. I loved seeing all the different dandy's, especially the emo Dandy, too funny. Were all of the dandy's specific references to certain animes? or just a few?
It's nothing we don't already know about; Khara wasn't satisfied with Funimation's translation and dub, so they're redoing the subtitles themselves and are having Funimation redo some (or all) of the dub. Who knows how much longer it will be until it releases?
And given that this is Eva 3.33, who cares? :p

Yeah, probably. Was just the words special subtitles that sounded like they were gonna do something weird ;p
Space Dandy 2nd season Episode 1

What a great first episode. Dandy returning with his ridiculous antics traveling between parallel universes. I loved seeing all the different dandy's, especially the emo Dandy, too funny. Were all of the dandy's specific references to certain animes? or just a few?

Season 2 is superior to Season 1. It just has more good episodes, and starts off on a good note unlike S1. You're in for some real treats.
Kiddy Grade 22-24 + Final Thoughts

I will admit that Grade and Girl-and are certainly different, being made with different goals and in different eras of anime with different trends, but based on viewing them in reverse order and separated by a number of years, I think Grade sets out what it wants to be more quickly, but I wouldn't disown Girl-and entirely. There's still some things I liked about it, but that's for another time.

The finale reminded me of the best parts of Spaceballs and Star Wars at the same time. Giant ship battles, but also EcLu getting to do what they do best. The moment where
Lumiere won the battle by taking control of the giant ship
was pretty rad. I loved that the clones and their rainbow fleet returned to help, too.

The idea of "class struggle in space with superpowers" is an interesting one, and elements from as far back as the start of the show all tied into things later on. I didn't see any huge flaws in the animation, and getting a peek at one of Aya Hirano's earlier roles was a curiosity. I haven't seen too many sci-fi anime like this, but I enjoyed this one. It's got a good amount of substance, and a good amount of fun. A product of its era to be sure, but a lot of what it's saying still holds up today.

Next up, Azumanga Daioh. The one daily life comedy that really stuck to the overseas fandom. I'm going to figure out why it did, and wonder what other series are worthy of joining it. (One of the answers is already K-ON!)
I think kiddy grade ideas are good, great even and the execution was almost masterfull.
Why ? Before getting into the meat of what Kiddy grade wanted to tell you see various aspect of the world through various events , the low position of eclair and lumière made them believable and those episode like the holiday episode were great to show the characters and the world around them.
That why the twist and the painfull journey that starts around the middle works . because you know enough of the world to understand everyone viewpoint and you know the characters . This is one aspect of kiddy grade that i absolutely loved.
It's not like the noble vs people aspect arrived without warning , the subtle hints were there , from the start .

That's one aspect of kiddy girl-and that they trully missed. They tried to do something similar but they failed horribly.Kiddy girl and needed to expand the world in question , not trace back and take the same path as before , not only this was "dejà-vu" but it wasn't on the same level as the first serie.

Still kiddy grade is an excellent anime , IMO that was at his core just fun but knew when to be serious.

A favorite of mine , no doubt.

Humf .. i'm scared to click .
( i won't click )

Well i clicked and i saw it was a video, this is too much for me . kotaku anime articles scared me for life !!

I'm not a huge fan of the manga this is based on, I think for good reason. It's not offensively bad, at least provided you can deal with ecchi comedy, which this has in spades. Trinity Seven, for better and for worse, is yet another entry in the perverted action comedy genre. It neither aspires to be more than this, nor does it fall far below expectations for what that type of show is.

The female characters are slightly more perverted than you might expect from most entries, but this in it of itself is just where the "genre" is now rather than anything pushing the envelope. In terms of the actual fanservice, which is half the reason (or more) that anyone watches these shows, it's surprisingly conservative for how willing 5/7ths of the girls are to throw their sexuality at the main character and, by extension, the audience. You're mostly given clothed shots of groped breasts, lingering shots of cleavage, the occasional panty shot, and the show's trademark: the girls' clothes exploding and their subsequent covering of whatever remains of their modesty. How little all this affects me beyond the occasional feeling of irritation is probably indicative of where I am with this stuff and how annoyed I am that so many anime lean into it still. But that may be a more general annoyance with the audience I've aged out of at this point.

The action elements are reasonably well done, but they're nothing exceptional. They're more a function of the show's fanservice given the main character's power has the (side) effect of blowing off mostly female clothing. The magic elements besides Arata's powers are mostly nonsensical with unclear rules on what the difference is between a "Trinity Seven" member and one who has attained "Trinity." One would assume that these are the same thing, but the show's internal logic seems to say the latter is more advanced than the former and I'm not quite sure why.

The story is more or less what you'd expect of a fanservice vehicle. The main character's latent powers caused great destruction and he's given a chance to harness them. But his powers still pose a threat and the all-female cast members entrusted with stopping him invariably fall in love with him (or had already before the events of the series). As the series is loyal to an ongoing manga series, it gets to the end of the first major plot arc with some minor hooks for the sequel that will probably never happen.

The characters are mostly standard issue archetypes, but a few of them (Arin, Liese, and Levi) are enjoyable enough that they stopped me from dropping this entirely. But they in and of themselves can't save the series as a whole from being largely unredeemed dreck that you're better off avoiding. Too much PLOT, too little plot, and a mostly unexceptional cast with merely okay production values. 3/10

First , yes the cast get naked quite often , but so is the main character . it's fair trade IMO.

Second "Trinity seven" is the name of the Seven Girls that are at the top of their archive ( theme of magic ). They mastered it and they are the strongest at their theme.
The only exception are the paladins and the saints but i'm going off tangeant.

Achieving or Reaching "Trinity" is different. it's the act of being able to use at least 3 powers from different archives . it's the pinnacle of magic . The catch is that since a mage choose an archive for his magic, he has to find a workaround to do so .( you either steal magic from other , use a tool ( like a grimoire ) and so on ) , Those who have reached "trinity" are the big badass like the school headmaster.
Yes, it's hilarious and entirely applicable if you ignore absolutely everything that Jexhius was saying just so that you can go ELITISTS AMIRITE.

I just wanted to post it because it's similar in the "I'll never stop steering people away from bad anime" bit, just having fun man.


Well, the art style of Ping Pong is rough, partially intentionally (Yuasa's style - see Kemonozume, Matsumoto's manga style), and partially unintentionally (the extreme rush of the production). There's no denying that.
I took what he was saying as a jab at Matsumoto's art style. Rough not being a descriptor for it's style, but rather, a way to say that it's crude.

If that wasn't the case, I apologize. You can't blame me for being trigger happy when it comes to that!
I took what he was saying as a jab at Matsumoto's art style. Rough not being a descriptor for it's style, but rather, a way to say that it's crude.

If that wasn't the case, I apologize. You can't blame me for being trigger happy when it comes to that!

Calm down man lol.

Pinp Pong 02

Uh yes moar character development. Laughed at Koizumi sensei being in "love" with Smile.
Space Dandy 2nd season Episode 1

What a great first episode. Dandy returning with his ridiculous antics traveling between parallel universes. I loved seeing all the different dandy's, especially the emo Dandy, too funny. Were all of the dandy's specific references to certain animes? or just a few?

This was one of the best season premieres of any show I've seen.
Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team 01-03 aka 08th MS HAREM Team

I feel as though I'm watching a harem anime protagonist in a gundam show. Three girls already want him, I'm sure there will be a forth at some point but by then I will probably have already dropped this.


What three girls are you talking about?

Are all harems automatically shit? Or is there an example of a harem that surpasses it's genre's failings? My candidate would tend towards Clannad, but that is with so many caveats that it may not fit the mark.

It's been awhile since I've seen it, but I have a feeling that Clannad is shit.

Tenchi Muyo is a gdlk harem.


Poet Centuriate
It's been awhile since I've seen it, but I have a feeling that Clannad is shit.

Tenchi Muyo is a gdlk harem.

Clannad starts with the harem traits but definitely leaves them and rises above near the end of the first season and definitely in the second season. The writing is kinda weak, but for what it's worth I enjoyed Clannad and Clannad: After Story. I'm a sentimental sod, though.


Sounds like all of your posts are worth TLDRing if you're so threatened by critical analysis that you don't agree with.

I'm not threatened, just a forum thread is not the place I'm interested in walls of text. Thats for blogs and other places (like medium for instance) imo. Which I read/consume. Even if its rare to find any that really line up with my pov for the most part.

I consider this more like a bar chat.


Yo a forum is the place for critical analysis as part of a freeflowing conversation. Blogs posts and the like, you end up like an academic journal limbo but with less subeditors

also like you've never had a ranting hour long diatribe at a bar bro
Yuu Yuu Hakusho End of Vol 2

I was really upset at how Kuwabara became a bigger joke. Like I know he is stupid as all get up, but it's like his IQ really dropped over the course of the tournament.

I can see the studio gave a bit more effort with the Genkai episode though. Even with a different style preview to boot.

Thankfully, it's time for the Finals, and this has been quite a long arc, so right now it feels like things are slowing down quite a bit.

I think the oddest thing I find is everyone depicting Keiko as someone who is willing to do some "romance" to you with your dead or unconcious body. Even reading diaries as well. It's like that Keiko is pure set up, but she actually knows what things are. At least she handles herself better than Sakura Haruno.


The only real problems I have with AnimeGAF insofar as actual anime discussion goes is A) the tendency to retroactively enforce a consensus on everything that airs, even shows that are in reality hotly contested in respects to its quality, and B) evaluating anime in the context of the sum of its parts. To be fair that latter concern can be applied to GAF as a whole and it's far more annoying when people do it with games than with television.


Poet Centuriate
Are all harems automatically shit? Or is there an example of a harem that surpasses it's genre's failings? My candidate would tend towards Clannad, but that is with so many caveats that it may not fit the mark.

I think your analysis of Clannad is bang on. Other KEY shows (Kanon, Air) might also fit the bill, but they're just okay, not great, and tend to askew a lot of the harem trappings that you might use to define a harem show. I tend to agree that I've yet to see a pure harem-oriented show that was good.


The only real problems I have with AnimeGAF insofar as actual anime discussion goes is A) the tendency to retroactively enforce a consensus on everything that airs, even shows that are in reality hotly contested in respects to its quality, and B) evaluating anime in the context of the sum of its parts. To be fair that latter concern can be applied to GAF as a whole and it's far more annoying when people do it with games than with television.
The former is an inevitable effect of people slowly getting bored but also the necessity of a consensus for practical purposes. When a show is being watched by many people then discussions naturally forms that keeps diversity of opinions flowing.

Subsequently, people who don't watch it need to know 'Do I watch this?' and that naturally creates the need for consensus.
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