The random reggae wub wub wub music out of nowhere during the flamethrower mission was pretty awesome![]()
Theyve been playing this shit on the radio for months now
The random reggae wub wub wub music out of nowhere during the flamethrower mission was pretty awesome![]()
Not sure what people are talking about.
I love Farcry 3 but the stealth is not good.
Throwing rocks to distract stupid AI is not fun.
If you're looking for good stealth, play Dishonored or Mark of the Ninja.
What's with Jason suddenly being all excited about killing people during the chase after rescuing Daisy? If that the games way of showing the island is changing Jason or him slipping into psychosis it seems a kinda binary.
Its like 3 hrs into the game.Did Gav47 just spoil stuff?
I think that he's grown addicted to the person he's become. There is a lot to the story, if you take the time to talk to your friends that you rescue and do drugs. It's not great, but the story is deeper than it initially appears I've learned going through my second playthrough.
I think that he's grown addicted to the person he's become. There is a lot to the story, if you take the time to talk to your friends that you rescue and do drugs. It's not great, but the story is deeper than it initially appears I've learned going through my second playthrough.
In the cave. Cute Alice in Wonderland reference.
Is this a marked location or a single, unmarked cave in the middle of the game where you can find this plot stuff? Also, man, people talking about their second playthroughs and the game has yet to unlock ;_; stupid regional release dates.
In the cave. Cute Alice in Wonderland reference.
Is this a marked location or a single, unmarked cave in the middle of the game where you can find this plot stuff? Also, man, people talking about their second playthroughs and the game has yet to unlock ;_; stupid regional release dates.
I'm still on the first island but have unlocked all crafting upgrades. Did I do the wrong thing when I sold all the rest of my remaining animal skins?
The final tiers are unlocked by doing Hunting missions from bounty boards
Nah, the stealth is great. You're just a hater, bro.
You get your game back up and running?
Nope. I went and checked out a crack option and it got the game running in German but with no voice acting and it also appears my save was nuked by the original uPlay fuck up. I said fuck it and un-installed, re-doing the Steam pre-load and on Tues I'll deal with uplay support if it doesn't work.
Hopefully by then the trainer that removes the HUD will either have a non-pay option or someone else will make a HUD-free solution
That's cray. What happened? I had to re-VPN my game once as steam decided to go back online, but other than that it's been smooth sailing.
No idea mang, my steam had been offline the entire time and i had put uPlay in offline mode like 30 minutes into playing the game since all menu shit seemed tied up to it and it made loading a lot faster. Played a lot, in a bunch of different sessions then the other day went to continue the game as usual and the game just hanged while loading the save, quit and tried again same thing. Closed and re-started uPlay and instead of Play it said go to game which prompted me to put uPlay back in online mode and then asked for my key. Got it off steam, pasted it and it was a no go, already in use by another account.
Damn, I've listened to that skrillex song about ten times since it was posted, so good.
It isn't automatic, you have to look at the enemy and left click, but it is lethal as fuck. It's one of my favorite skills.Is the throw automatic and lethal?
Is the throw automatic and lethal? If so the skill is godly, will unlock it today. The enemies are frequently close together.
Sometimes you'll want to pull the grenade pin from their pocket and then kick them at the other enemy.
I completely forgot I could do this.
It isn't automatic, you have to look at the enemy and left click, but it is lethal as fuck. It's one of my favorite skills.
Can you miss with the knife throw?
I guess I should touch on this a tad bit.
Knife throw coupled with chain assassination is nasty. If there are 3 or more enemies you can chain assassinate until the last one and then finish them off with the knife, depending how far away they are. It's surprisingly effective in a CQC situation.
Shitty. I highly doubt you'll run into issues at least starting the game once it is released in the states.
How far along did you get?
Reading back over this, it's basically "make it more like FC2".![]()
Like I said above, if you want a game more like Far Cry 2 but not a shooter, Miasmata is your best bet.
Far Cry 2 was one of my favourite games of this generation. The sequel is causing me cognitive dissonance, because so much of it is awesome, but there is an inexplicable greasy coating of handholding, collecting, and grinding that makes the delicious core harder to get at.I'm sure someone at Ubi is reading this and scratching his head saying "they don't even know what the fuck they want".
Not too worried about starting over, gives me a chance to tackle the outposts again in fun new ways.
Ya know what's funny? I decide to hold off on doing as many outposts as possible, which in my second playthrough i think I've done about 5 total, for the sole reason of I want all of the late game skills to use to beat them in different ways. Seriously, the outposts are the best part of the entire game. Each one is a puzzle if you want to do it stealthily, and there are a bunch of skills that you don't get unless you do the main storyline, so I've decide to save the OP for when I beat the storyline.
FC3 is about as much fun as you want it to be. It's real easy to just cheese your way past a lot of things, but it's absurdly more rewarding to experiment and try things you hadn't though of. Has anyone else set up c4 on a truck on top of a mountain overlooking an outpost? It's extremely satisfying to jump out at part second to have the guards go WTF!?! on said truck, to blow it up, and then wingsuit into the camp and take the stragglers out 1 by 1.