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Far Cry 3 |OT| Sex, Drugs, and the Call of Battle in the Uncharted


A new post on the steam thread suggests adding the following to a shortcut (i just added it to the steam launch options) -uplay_steam_mode -language=English -steam_mode

Doing this allowed it to run and accept my code. After that, I removed the launch options and it seems to be working properly now.

Good to know. I'll try that once it's finished redownloading. One thing- I'm a total idiot when it comes to this stuff. Exactly how do I add that info to a shortcut? To quote Denzel Washington in Philadelphia, can you explain it to me like I'm a four year old? Please?


Good to know. I'll try that once it's finished redownloading. One thing- I'm a total idiot when it comes to this stuff. Exactly how do I add that info to a shortcut? To quote Denzel Washington in Philadelphia, can you explain it to me like I'm a four year old? Please?

Right click on the game in steam and go to properties. There's a "Set launch options" button where you can type what you need.


You probably have to unlock it through the menu.

I had to enter my Steam CD-Key a second time in the menu to unlock the pre-order bonus (not from GS, though).
I got it for 360. I'll get it for PC after I upgrade. I can run it now, just not maxed out with a stable framerate.
most people in this thread displayed love for far cry 2 should go back and play it today, to see if their nostaligia-tinted glasses arent fuckin with the opinion.

far cry 2 was not a good game
far cry 3 is a great fuckin game
I respect the opinions of the people who loved FC2 and I actually kind of enjoyed it but I guess it's an aquired taste. I didn't like the fact there was no map menu, you had to constantly pull it out even while driving. I personally wasn't a fan of the African setting but I will admit the detail is incredible. I prefer the tropical island theme like we have in the original and now in FC3. I didn't much care for the degrading weapons, but the shooting and action was really cool and felt solid. The malaria thing bothered me, you constantly needed medicine and I felt like I was timed. In fear of running out I was always trying to do missions that would get me medicine. I like to explore more in games like this. And the constant respawning at outposts bothered me. I don't mind if they randomly respawn over time but the moment you leave and come back was just aaaah. I hear they removed that altogether in FC3, idk if that was the best idea either. Oh well, this is looking more up my alley. I guess if I'm in a realism mood I'll go back to FC2.
It really was a bit of a hit and miss for me this game. I liked the combat, the stealth and the NPCs.

I've heard some people liken it to Skyrim with guns, but for me it doesn't quite hit the mark in terms of exploration. Like Skyrim or not, I had a lot more fun randomly exploring in Skyrim. In Skyrim I could wander around, jump down some hole and trott around in for an hour before emerging somewhere else. In FC3 most of the time you find a shack or a small cave that takes a few minutes to rummage through. Things also become quite "samey" after a while, when you've seen a couple of pirate camps you've seen them all, kinda like how Just Cause 2 felt. In retrospect perhaps I should have played without the map, it would probably have made the exploration more satisfying.

Like I mentioned above I really like the combat, it was what drove me to clear all the pirate camps. Combined with the stealth it sort of made me feel like a ninja with a gun :p. Trying to clear camps without anyone noticing me was one of the most satisfying parts of the game for me.

The story was... okay-ish I guess..Spoilers ahead:
I really really did not like Jason, his transformation from rich boy to jungle menace didn't really work for me. At times I cringed when he opened his mouth. In a way I would have preferred if the main character was Grant. He would have made a more believable character to go through this transformation since he atleast had some experience.
The acid trips were pretty awesome, I especially liked the giant monster fight sequence - it wasn't mechanically great but I liked it. When Jason goes into batshit mode is also pretty fun, again not mechanically great(QTEs..). But the idea in it self that he sort of "blacks out" and when he comes back someones dead was great.
The most unintentionally funny moment for me was when
you're in the cave with your friends and Liza tells you she's been working on it... and she shows you a ugly ass cross she made with two twigs and some wire. I cracked up pretty badly, it wasn't meant to be funny, but the cross looked so disingenuous when she said she had "worked on something".

All in all I would say like someone mentioned above that the good outweighs the bad. Even if I had a lot of issues with the PC version, like crashing and sound issues I still came back to it whenever I had the chance.


so how is this game in terms of goofing off?

to me, a captivating story, characters, etc is all icing on the cake

i play games like this to just wander the open world and get lost in it. How are the physics? can you shoot down limbs from trees like in Far Cry 2? i love pushing/shooting bodies off cliffs and watching them tumble down

maybe drive a jeep or vehicle to top of cliff and use explosivs to launch it into the distance, you know stuff like that

really intrigued about interspecies fighting

like can you get one predator to chase you near another and then watch them fight to the death? loved that in the fallout games

you can do pretty much everything you said and you can even build your own maps with animals and Ais to play around with, so I think that feature will please you very much.

simple example : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Nj5nLUEeTs


Just made my way onto the second island. Good thing there's new weapons to be found/bought/unlocked. I hope there's new animals as well, but I doubt it.



e- ah found it in the other thread, nm. Wow his awful nerd meltdown at the start of the video is disgusting. That's a bit more effort than I'm willing to go through for now

Just hexedit the file and search for "showui" and change the first S.h.o.w. to H.i.d.e. and you're done.
Tip for the dudes who want this game to be a little less like a Disneyland ride: turn off weapon tagging and never use the camera.

Why they didn't provide more options like weapon tagging I do not know.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Should I just start selling lower skins for cash? Like... I got the few crafted items for pig skins. Will they ever show up in demand for higher amounts later on, or can I just sell them?


Should I just start selling lower skins for cash? Like... I got the few crafted items for pig skins. Will they ever show up in demand for higher amounts later on, or can I just sell them?

Once you have your extended items sell them. Otherwise they'll fill up your rucksack.


Just made my way onto the second island. Good thing there's new weapons to be found/bought/unlocked. I hope there's new animals as well, but I doubt it.

That's a relief because I just finished the first island last night and I was getting bored with my current weapons.


It really was a bit of a hit and miss for me this game. I liked the combat, the stealth and the NPCs.

I've heard some people liken it to Skyrim with guns, but for me it doesn't quite hit the mark in terms of exploration. Like Skyrim or not, I had a lot more fun randomly exploring in Skyrim. In Skyrim I could wander around, jump down some hole and trott around in for an hour before emerging somewhere else. In FC3 most of the time you find a shack or a small cave that takes a few minutes to rummage through. Things also become quite "samey" after a while, when you've seen a couple of pirate camps you've seen them all, kinda like how Just Cause 2 felt. In retrospect perhaps I should have played without the map, it would probably have made the exploration more satisfying.

Like I mentioned above I really like the combat, it was what drove me to clear all the pirate camps. Combined with the stealth it sort of made me feel like a ninja with a gun :p. Trying to clear camps without anyone noticing me was one of the most satisfying parts of the game for me.

The story was... okay-ish I guess..Spoilers ahead:
I really really did not like Jason, his transformation from rich boy to jungle menace didn't really work for me. At times I cringed when he opened his mouth. In a way I would have preferred if the main character was Grant. He would have made a more believable character to go through this transformation since he atleast had some experience.
The acid trips were pretty awesome, I especially liked the giant monster fight sequence - it wasn't mechanically great but I liked it. When Jason goes into batshit mode is also pretty fun, again not mechanically great(QTEs..). But the idea in it self that he sort of "blacks out" and when he comes back someones dead was great.
The most unintentionally funny moment for me was when
you're in the cave with your friends and Liza tells you she's been working on it... and she shows you a ugly ass cross she made with two twigs and some wire. I cracked up pretty badly, it wasn't meant to be funny, but the cross looked so disingenuous when she said she had "worked on something".

All in all I would say like someone mentioned above that the good outweighs the bad. Even if I had a lot of issues with the PC version, like crashing and sound issues I still came back to it whenever I had the chance.

Yeah I'm mostly in agreement with this post. The islands were well done and nicely laid out, lots of things to see but no reason to actually see them.

The gun play and combat was top notch and what kept me playing this game.

The story for me was a huge miss. The way the writer was talking about the story
I'd expected it to go down some kind of dark Spec Ops-like road but instead I just ended up with another dudebro wish fulfillment fantasy

Overall it was a fun game but could have been much more.

Is the water not moving a byproduct of the no HUD?

The story was... okay-ish I guess..Spoilers ahead:
I really really did not like Jason, his transformation from rich boy to jungle menace didn't really work for me. At times I cringed when he opened his mouth. In a way I would have preferred if the main character was Grant. He would have made a more believable character to go through this transformation since he atleast had some experience.
The acid trips were pretty awesome, I especially liked the giant monster fight sequence - it wasn't mechanically great but I liked it. When Jason goes into batshit mode is also pretty fun, again not mechanically great(QTEs..). But the idea in it self that he sort of "blacks out" and when he comes back someones dead was great.
The most unintentionally funny moment for me was when
you're in the cave with your friends and Liza tells you she's been working on it... and she shows you a ugly ass cross she made with two twigs and some wire. I cracked up pretty badly, it wasn't meant to be funny, but the cross looked so disingenuous when she said she had "worked on something".

This. So much of this. I mean if the savage/weak tribesmen are going to be saved by some rich entitled kid from Santa Monica, at least make the damn person kinda make sense for the role. Grant doing this makes much more sense than Jason story wise. Grant becoming a killing machine makes much more sense than Jason. He seemed to be the only leveled headed dude in the group. He was against going to the island in the first place.


It's really lame that enemies are atracted to dead bodies even if they were killed completely stealthily.

They'll react if they see the body, but if they don't then you can wipe out an entire camp without anyone knowing you were there.

My favorite way to complete assassination missions is also to knife the captain without any of his guys even realizing anything happened.
The most unintentionally funny moment for me was when
you're in the cave with your friends and Liza tells you she's been working on it... and she shows you a ugly ass cross she made with two twigs and some wire. I cracked up pretty badly, it wasn't meant to be funny, but the cross looked so disingenuous when she said she had "worked on something".

I'm so glad I'm not the only one.

*continues to bang two sticks together*


this game is gorgeous




No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Tip for the dudes who want this game to be a little less like a Disneyland ride: turn off weapon tagging and never use the camera.

Why they didn't provide more options like weapon tagging I do not know.

Problem is if you do that you pretty much screw yourself on some of the missions / side quests since the bunch of braniacs behind the game design made it revolve around the magical cameras ID feature. Real stupid shit if you ask me.
Digging the game way more than I expected to. Wasn't much of a fan of the previous games, but something about this one, just hits the right chord.


Problem is if you do that you pretty much screw yourself on some of the missions / side quests since the bunch of braniacs behind the game design made it revolve around the magical cameras ID feature. Real stupid shit if you ask me.

You only really have to use the camera for the assassinations, I've never used it anywhere else. Hunting is really cool when you have to actually look for the animals and identify the unique ones by their appearance.


For an extra challenge also turn off aim assistance!

Only a quarter through the main missions and I already have practically every upgrade. And I was very proud of myself when I got the trophy for free-falling a long way!

I also don't really get finding the 'wanted dead' missions or outpost liberations boring. They're only repetitive in that FPS games generally revolve around shooting people. You can approach each one from any angle with a huge variety of weapons and the gunplay and the skirting around before moving in for the kill just feel so fluid and right.

I didn't think much of the Lost Expedition mission I just did, though. It was like what would happen if you used the FC3 engine to make a level from a basic linear, heavily scripted corridor shooter. But I guess it was fun enough!


so anybody that has finished the game... is it good enough that you would start over with harder difficulty?

I mean once the camps are liberated and there are no more enemies?

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